Sunday, April 15, 2018

Urgent: Britain stages Russia poisoning, drowns in lies

Urgent: Britain stages Russia poisoning, drowns in lies




Inessa S
Published on Mar 21, 2018

If you were running for the presidency of a country, and about to host a major international event – would you poison a defector, who many years earlier was in your possession, with a toxic substance that leads right back to you? It seems the Russian cookie monster always leaves a convenient cookie crumb trail – or so the Western audience is led to believe. All symptoms of a provocation are clear.

Furthermore, “Novichok” is not a widely known substance in Russia itself – it was developed by a chemist who moved to the US and published a book on his development. Make sure you watch until the end to see the briefing on the Skripal case by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The British side refuses to provide a sample of the nerve agent used in Salisbury to the Russian side – because, in order to prove a substance, one must be able to match it to an existing “control standard”, ie the country must have the formula. Where it's truly unknown, the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons states that where a country suspects another of the use in chemical weapons – it must approach the side in question, provide a sample, and expect a response within 10 days. Britain, however, disregards international law and relies instead on public emotion and hysteria. The only sane Brit, it seems, is Jeremy Corbyn, who is heckled in parliament for his balanced approach.

 In March 2018, Sergei Skripal and his daughter were found unconscious in Britain’s Salisbury. Skripal is a former Russian intelligence officer, who for the cost of a Spanish holiday home, and a couple hundred thousand one-off payments of the MI6, betrayed Russia. He was sentenced to 13  years in prison, but in 2010, together with 3 others, was pardoned by the Russian president and exchanged for 10 other intel workers.

Since then Skripal continued to live in Britain and work for the MI6. Much like the case of Litvinenko – international law has little to do with the investigation, all that matters are headlines. Be wary of what you read!
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The west is imploding. The EU is crumbling and the UK is the main factor. But it is always easier to divert peoples attention elsewhere
HuSia Cat
Zionism. Evil.
Mi6 has history of killing Russians. Berezovsky was killed right before he had to give testimonials in court on Litvinenko case (Litvinenko worked for Berezovsky). I should remind that before his death Berezovsky wrote Putin a letter apologizing and asking to return to Russia. For Mi6 he became way too dangerous, who knows what he would say in court.
Land Rover Toolbox Videos
Corbyn he's been so vilified no one wants to listen to him but he is talking right.
Ahmed sheikh
Thankfully Russia is not Iraq and any aggression towards Russia will end up in the whole world speaking Russian. Long live Putin !!!
Wow this is funny, Spy poisoned with Deadly Nerve agent ? (and Funny thing is that he did not die at all)? Maybe next time they should use Gummy bears, it will be maybe more deadly, than "DEADLY " Nerve agent which didn't killed anyone??? LOL
This shit makes me ashamed to be british
Jan Molenkamp
We don't believe you anymore ! We trust Mr.Putin more than all the EU leaders.
PM May is trying to take eyes from Brexit! May is going to start World War 3! I am British, I question why the UK Government will not produce the evidence against Russia that they are involved in such murder, where is the evidence? I like many of us believe that PM May is trying to do an Iraq on Russia? Remember what was said and happened with Iraq, then they KILLED Dr KELLY, then ROBIN COOK was KILLLED! NOT FORGETTING OUR GOOD MEN, OUR SOLIDERS. Are they trying to take our eyes away from Brexit. This is idiotic behaviour, the UK Government are out of control, they need to be removed from Parliament, they are representing themselves not the citizens of the UK. We must not allow another war based on false flags, misleading information, fear-mongering, lies and propaganda and more. We must not be brainwashed by main-stream media.
KEHKE ۞ adept
I'm informing, I'm using Google translator. I am Russian. I have something interesting. Today some residents of the Western world doubt the honesty of their governments. Many people assume that Western governments deliberately lie, create false propaganda against Russia. They create a bad image of Russia. Today, many do not believe their rulers. But ask yourself a question. And was your government honest when creating propaganda against the USSR? Read the old newspapers. Read the old news bulletins. And you, the second today think that the government is lying. How will you evaluate those old news? So what's in reality? What really happens in the world, how politics works. Whom to believe, and are you ready and we are to recognize, and take responsibility for being deceived and making decisions based on their misconceptions.
Simplex city
English roast dinner without gravy that’s not a roast dinner is it?
Guy St H.
The UK does not do itself any favors with these accusations that fall apart when logic and reason is applied .They want Russia to prove it's innocence but correct me if I'm wrong ,isn't it the duty of the accuser to prove guilt .There is no justice anymore in the world if nations can demand such perversions of justice.What a poor example of governance this sorry lot has exposed itself to be.
Chong Li
I like how investigation didn't even start yet Russia had already been called guilty lol
Boris is nothing more than Rothschilds useful idiot. This is the NWO last throw of the dice, they are desperate for a war with Russia because the net is closing in. History will not repeat itself because we have the Internet, and we know what they are doing.
Manuel DeOliveira
Liar,liar,liar,liar...remember Iraq,remember Lybia,who murdered David Kelly ? Was it the Russians?LIAR!
Peter Scott
Even people in Australia are pissed off by USA and now UK constant demonization of Russia ..stop pushing for ww3 fools.
Rob Clarkson
I am from the UK and proud of it. However, long gone are the days were I accept any demonisation of Russia by the BBC.
Emil Ilie
I think the best way to solve the problem whit Deep state,is to make massive wake-up,all thr people all around the word.Jail all the bankers and politician's,they are full of shit and make all the mess in this word.Islanda did this and works very well,I think is the time to do the same rest of the country's in thr word.the only ones want war is bankers an politicians,all the same,no matter where they are from
John Byron
Anyone with a modicum of international knowledge in politics konws perfectly well that the USA is behind it, and England, as usual, playing the lackey. USA/CIA do that for 70 years, everywhere in the world (Iran, Irak, Lybia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Venezuela...), and they even don't hide much their great goal : The New World Order. First, the US/Israel must invade and control 7 Middle East countries (see videos of General 4 stars Wesley Clarck) : this was officially written by the Pentagon...
Britain.......... No free press, no rule of international law, a parliament that doesn't resemble a democracy but a idicracy. Corbyn being the lone exception..,.......yep my country looks like a banana republic.

The Tory party is riddled with corruption because it is owned by the Establishment (aristocracy etc), City of London and various corporations and oligarchs. The Tories were

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