Sunday, April 15, 2018

Fact Checking Newsbud's "Syria Under Siege" Video

Fact Checking Newsbud's "Syria Under Siege" Video

Published on Mar 29, 2018
SHOW NOTES: James fact checks Newsbud's recent "Syria Under Siege" video and comes to some unfortunate conclusions.

Eva K Bartlett
I appreciate your research into this, James, your providing context, analysis, links...and your own commentary. Thank you.
I now see a Scooby Doo episode before me where the mask finally comes off from Sibel Edmonds and she says: 'I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for meddling James Corbett and his journalistic skills!'
Eva K Bartlett
Just a comment on Edmonds' supposed interview of Paul Larudee and his supposed words on us. He maintains he spoke to her only to talk sense into her, and warned us that her intenet was divisiveness, she is "poison". But anyway, if Edmonds did interview Larudee, why did she feel the need to show footage from a Dec 2017 interview instead of her "recent" interview with Larudee? That might answer James' question as to why none of the interview was played in her smear piece. Or perhaps she did interview Paul and he just happened to be wearing the exact same clothing and in the exact same setup at Dec 2017...
Jazz Duets
Huge respect to you sir!
Sane Progressive
People have very few people they trust to help them understand all the manipulations. Edmonds did a hit job in coordination MSM shills to take down their credibility. Highlight the history of those slandering them exposes their agenda.
I'm glad you finally noticed this James Sibel was the only thing that made me question your stand point in this game but it seems you are a very true warrior in this fight. My deepest respects to you for sticking to the truth, even in this sticky situation.
Wow. I became a NB subscriber because of Corbett, and this debacle is such a disappointing shock. I never use twitter at all, and had no idea this was going on. I also skipped the Wolf-In-Sheep's-Clothing video on Newsbud, because I thought it was actually about Syria, and I was looking for other topics. Thanks for doing this video, James. You are regrettably justified to cut your ties with Sibel going forward.
Sun Conure Solar
Don't apologize James. You have done us all a solid. I was literally going to get a membership at NewsDud when I saw their retort to this. This was funny and worth the time to watch. And WTF? They have torpedoed themselves over there. I just hope some of the other people over there have integrity and don't get ruined by what she and Spiro have done.
Jay Parsons
I am speechless as well James. I think it is a shame to see Sibel to spontaneously combust in this manner. Seems to me that when she did the Gladio B series with you and the beginning of Newsbud that things were good and on the up and up. Clearly something very strange has happened to Sibel. The last show I watched with her, she was in Texas taking on supporters of Fetulah Gulen and his charter school efforts in Texas. I thought that was a worthwhile effort. I am in shock but agree with you 100% that you needed to discuss this and sever all ties with someone and their organization who have obviously abandoned all sense of logic and reason. I can't help but wonder if she has not been attacked in some way either by drugs or electronic means. I watched Jake Morphonios go off the deep end in a similar manner in a live interview and he lost all credibility as an independent journalist. Keep up with the great work James, I have been watching you for over 10 years I believe.

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