Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Bayer and Monsanto deal | DW Documentary

The Bayer and Monsanto deal | DW Documentary




DW Documentary
Published on Apr 11, 2018

German pharmaceutical and crop science company Bayer wants to acquire US GMO seed giant Monsanto - to become the largest supplier of agricultural chemicals.

German multinational Bayer wants to buy US agrochemical company Monsanto for an incredible $66 billion: it’s a marriage that made headlines around the world. In addition to the hotly debated weed killer glyphosate, Monsanto also produces genetically modified seeds. But what does this blockbuster deal mean for consumers, farmers, agriculture and food supplies around the world? Many farmers find glyphosate, which is the most frequently used herbicide both worldwide and in the EU, an effective tool to protect crops, but critics say it’s carcinogenic. Despite these misgivings, Brussels recently approved the use of glyphosate in the European Union for another five years, concluding that the chemical "should not be classified as a substance that causes genetic damage or disrupts reproduction" and "there is no evidence to link glyphosate to cancer in humans, based on the available information". Agricultural chemicals are a big business around the world, and that shows no signs of changing any time soon. But the industry is promising more modern and effective forms of use in agriculture, largely through what they’ve dubbed "digital farming" using apps. These apps provide farmers with key crop planting and harvesting data directly to their smartphones or tablets. It’s not entirely altruism, however - the apps also advertise and sell company products directly to farmers. These advances notwithstanding, the merger of Bayer and Monsanto would appear to be a risky one. Why is Bayer CEO Werner Baumann willing to take on a company whose negative image could tarnish the traditional Bayer brand name? Filmmakers Ingolf Gritschneder and Michael Heussen spoke to both proponents and critics of the Bayer Monsanto mega-merger and filmed at Monsanto's research labs in the United States. In South America and India, they met scientists and farmers who have already experienced the impact of monocultures, Monsanto seeds and pesticides.

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watje janssen
So boycot Bayer too Schweinhunden !
The US Gov pays 10s of 1000s a month out in Agent Orange used in SE Asia to Vets. But they allow them to spray this shit on food crops for 25 years. Now it is found in all food, you eat the food, it gets in you.
Sherry Dee
What is going to happen if the caterpillars have nothing to eat & never turn into butterflies & pollinate other plants? Will these large corporations own everything & force us all into eating GMO foods? I don't want to eat plants that an insect won't! That tells me that plant is most likely toxic. I pity the coming generations if this is what they will have. As an American, I am appalled that these corporations are spreading their bad habits into other countries & adding to the acres of useless land that I have to guess will someday become a world class resort for the rich to frolic on & make money for themselves. It is destroying a way of life that can never be rebuild & shame on American Corporations who add to the disgust & mistrust of anything & anyone who comes from the US! I hope the world says NO!
Simple- Monsanto causes dependency and disease, bayer creates pharmacological products to treat these diseases. They want control from both ends......
benjamin ollis
so the caterpillar has enough sense not to eat a gm plant..hmmm
josh scott
As long as they stop suing small family farms for their GMOs cross pollinating their crops. Those lawsuits should be the other way around.
Frank Kreyssig
Pandoras box was opened when the US government allowed Monsanto to acquire a patent on a plant seed.What next are they going to allow them to patent next air or soil?
Vijay Devaraj
Poison in the soil and plate
Rafael Cayenne
300,000 suicides due to capitalism
5:30 Did he just try to say spraying chemicals everywhere is better for the environment?
J de la Cruz
They actually believe their poison benefits the environment.
Keith Pieterse
Bayer and Monsanto: SCUM of the EARTH! In addition revisit the role of Bayer during World War II. These huge multinationals choke agricultural development and alternatives. Eventually they will rule in the "Brave New World!" Machiavellian Monsters!
Mihai Oprean
it was bound to happen...
Rafael Cayenne
My goodness! 300,000 suicides? This is insane
Sergio Torres
they need to embrace modern indoor farming
Bris Vegas
all the minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to fight diseases and stay healthy comes from the soil - Monsanto kills the soil with its industrial style chemical farming techniques that are a disgrace and only serve one purpose, profit.
GMO is the future. Not organic farming. Organic food is for the 1st word hipsters
Great work DW!
We are all expendable as the corporate world which understands nothing about the human world rules the day with greed and selective-ignorance.
Samme Samme-nlar
This is scary!. Primitive animals have natural better senses of detecting awful stuff than humans and so if a caterpillar refuses to eat something, I bet it means that thing is not good for humans as well.
This is a takeover of all seed, isn't this called a mon##oly. If you use their seed your crops will no longer yield seed, so you will have to buy more of their evil seed, this soon takes over everything.
2 of the most evil companies are becoming 1, just like the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.
Wanda Fledermaus
Bayer has a good reputation :D Bayer was founded in Barmen in 1863. It was part of IG Farben. During World War II, IG Farben used slave labor in factories that it built adjacent to German concentration camps, notably Auschwitz, and the sub-camps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. IG Farben purchased prisoners for human experimentation of a sleep-inducing drug and later reported that all test subjects died. IG Farben employees frequently said, "If you don’t work faster, you’ll be gassed."IG Farben held a large investment in Degesch which produced Zyklon B used to gas and kill prisoners during the Holocaust.
Nsubuga Rajab
Information is power #dw
Samrat B
A massive corporation with deep nazi history and various criminal acts PLUS a global conglomerate dedicated to destruction of land and farmer's sorrow .. Wow! what a combo! The future of agriculture is not vegetarian, neither healthy nor open ...
vaanan navin
Now Monsanto owns satellite and Spies each field...... Pure Spying in the name of Farming....
Nicole K
I'm saddened by this. I will be long dead when the folly of this is finally so obvious that even the US government cannot deny it.
Bris Vegas
looks like cancer rates will now be 2 out of 3 people, now we can throw more money into cancer research and pharma companies to produce more chemo and radiation drugs :)
The things is nobody trusts Germans, and by nobody I mean a lot of Europeans are skeptical about German business practices, especially those behind close doors; as history has shown us Germans are pragmatic and opportunistic, and not necessarily for the benefit of the common people.

Giuseppe Ciracò
how this people can't look at the story of the world and genetic. They are building the new crisis and epidemic, a new kind of outbreak. They don't have a long term vision, how all the fauna that move around the agriculture will evolve? finally, the only thing they can attack and eat will be us...but someone is alredy working on genetic human modification too. SUN TZU "NEVER CLOSE THE ENEMY IN THE ANGLE WITHOUT A WAY OUT OR IT WILL BECOME MORE STRONG"

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