Saturday, February 10, 2018

How Putin exposed the West: Part 1 (IMF/World Bank)

How Putin exposed the West: Part 1 (IMF/World Bank)




Inessa S
Published on Sep 28, 2016

At which point did Putin become the big, bad wolf? Was it Crimea, the alleged MH17 airliner disaster, or another fabricated story on behalf of Western mainstream media? I guess there was that one time when he told Mr. McCain where his place was at the Munich Security Conference (2007)  - as well as repay all of Yeltsin's IMF / World Bank loans much ahead of schedule, so that the international financial terrorists no longer had leverage over Russia.

You be the judge...
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 Auggie Giuseppe
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Obscure Shadow
Obscure Shadow
1 year ago
Imagine what a great place this world would be if the leaders of all countries had the integrity & honor of President Putin! Much gratitude to you Inessa for bringing such facts to light. So many in the US would respect & admire this man if they would only take the time to listen & investigate. So much disinformation here, (in US)  but sharing your vids is a big step in the right direction!! :-)))

1 year ago
I wished we had more world leaders like Putin. The man got balls of steel.

Thomas Wells
Thomas Wells
1 year ago
Putin is love

Putin is life

Lulama Mkize
Lulama Mkize
1 year ago
As long as the Russians are around, the world is safe. Thanks Russia!

1 year ago
My parents lived in komunism, and yes, people may had less money than the democracies, but my parents had happier life. Everything were cheap and hundreds times better in quality. Food, drinks, clothes... There weren't richer and poorer,  it was more strict, people had more respect to each other, people didn't call you only by name, everyone was saying "Drugar... Your name...) that means, "my dear... Your name...

Luciana Carvalho
Luciana Carvalho
1 year ago
Oh my God! Awesome! Cute, bad ass and charming like him. 
Love it.
Congratulations for the video. By the way, I really like your videos. Good night 😀😀😀😀😀

Brian Hung
Brian Hung
1 year ago
Some may argue that in reality Russia is not a democracy but rather an autocracy under Putin. But, I have to argue, I would much rather a benevolent dictator than corrupt parties.

Silvadra Pramanik
Silvadra Pramanik
1 year ago (edited)
he is a badass, he speaks millions heart... what a punchline "they teaches us about democracy but they really don't want learn themselves".... grt grt.... unipolarization is not democracy like during unipolarized world(after demolition of USSR) action taken by the U.S at Iraq and Lebia now seems to be a fatal mistake and seed cause for the birth of ISIS and political uncertainty in the middle east....listen the last speech of saddam hussain, they ambush iraq with a false complain of manufacturing chemical weapon, they did not able to find it but resulted in enormous life loss, who will give justice to these dead people and the people living with fatal after war consequence..... Putin is just awesome,he speaks about reality....!! if polarization is not democracy...then we don't want such democracy(unipolarization) in which humanity is degraded....

Juan Luis Gonzales
Juan Luis Gonzales
1 year ago
Putin is the greatest leader along with Uruguay's ex-president, Mujica. I feel so sad and disappointed of people that doesn't even know what's going on, they are just not interest on what's happening around the world, but as far as i know, every single word Putin said on this video is true and there is a lot more! Back on 1950's the US use to do their "friend" role all over Latin America as they do now in the middle east! It seems like US are playing the famous game "Risk" and they are wining. I'm just hoping Putin stays around for a while since he is the only leader speaking the truth!

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