Saturday, February 10, 2018

How Putin exposed the West: Part 2 (Economic Hitmen)

How Putin exposed the West: Part 2 (Economic Hitmen)




Inessa S
Published on Sep 29, 2016

If you haven’t read the book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by  John Perkins – I encourage you to head on over to Amazon and buy it. In quite some detail, it describes the way US “economic hitmen” plunder the world, and financially enslave the developing world. It reads like a thriller except it is entirely real – not even Hollywood could come up with a ‘baddie’ more sinister.  Unless you are an unempathetic sociopath, I can guarantee you will lose sleep after reading the book.

Putin, of course, showed such hitmen the door and immediately became ‘baddie’ #1. By extension of this logic, almost everything you read in Western mainstream media (part of the “cabal”) is a self-projection. They accuse Putin of everything they take part in and create themselves.

If I were in Mr Putin’s shoes I would have plonked an “anti missile defense system” along the US border with Canada.  But alas, his diplomatic skills are a lot more intricate than my own. :o) 

There is a part 1 to this doco, find it in my list of videos – and Part 3 is to come.
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