Saturday, February 10, 2018

China overtakes US as world’s largest economy

China overtakes US as world’s largest economy




RT America
Published on Dec 10, 2014
The Chinese economy just pushed past the US to become the world’s largest economy (at least according to purchasing power parity). Although long expected by many experts, the Asian powerhouse’s snatching of the top spot has taken some by surprise. Euro Pacific Capital President Peter Schiff speaks with RT’s Ben Swann on why the US is now number two.

Watch more of Peter Schiff's commentary at

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 Auggie Giuseppe
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vintage stereo
vintage stereo
2 years ago
the last 2000 years india and china were always the biggest economics, tanks toengland and their opium wars china had a long dip but now they are back and it's normal this big country will lead

3 years ago
It is funny that when west media talking about Chinese factories, they only show photo of busy workers in assembling line of low level factory to fool their citizens. While their information is really out of date! They are only 20% of Chinese export now.  These journalists dare not report Chinese advanced magnificent electromechanical equipments and numerically-controlled machine industry which contribute 70% of Chinese export. They are real face Chinese economy level.

3 years ago
It is funny that when west media talking about Chinese factories, they only show photo of busy workers in assembling line of low level factory to fool their citizens. While their information is really out of date! They are only 20% of Chinese export now.  These journalists dare not report Chinese advanced magnificent electromechanical equipments and numerically-controlled machine industry which contribute 70% of Chinese export. They are real face Chinese economy level.

Lucas Don Velour
Lucas Don Velour
3 years ago
I live in China. The middle class here is growing even faster than its being eradicated in the US. I know a lot of factory owners here and I am already seeing what Peter is talking about i.e a shift in focus toward supplying their own middle class with consumer goods rather than exporting it all

Star Power
Star Power
2 years ago
America is already finished.

1 year ago
its funny because Chinese are beating USA at their own game

Tiago Falcão
Tiago Falcão
3 years ago
The only reason america was so prosperous in the 50's was because all european countries were buying everthing from USA cus their industries and infraestrature were destroyed by the WWII, while america was intact and untouched by the war.

sorry for the engrish

Shanghai Noon
Shanghai Noon
3 years ago (edited)
Hello, I am a representative from the People's Republic of China. As your new overlords, expect some sudden changes. No harm shall come to you or your family if you pledge allegiance to the motherland. May the odds be ever in your favour.

sam kinstone
sam kinstone
3 years ago
China is richer than usa , but for americans this is not acceptable for them.

Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta
2 years ago (edited)
You can't really compare the economy of China with the economy of USA.
USA has one of the shittiest economies, to be honest. They have the largest trade deficit in the world.

Simonson Petifusa
Simonson Petifusa
2 years ago
china dont want have a war with any country, only stupid monkey think that

Ripudaman Verma
Ripudaman Verma
11 months ago
I as an Indian feel happy with china being no 1 , proud moment for Asia 😊

Mongoose Motovlog
Mongoose Motovlog
3 years ago
People will believe anything. We WILL NEVER be taken over by China. We buy more from them than anyone, so they depend on us too much. Not to mention we have a better and larger military; and nukes.

2 years ago
Lol so in other words, China isn't even trying but they're already number 1. Go to war again America, China will loan you another trillion dollars that you will mint out of thin air to pay them back. Glad to be part of a generation which will see the fall of most of the worlds most affluent so called "Superpowers"

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