Saturday, February 10, 2018

Venture Capital: How Chinese Yuan has overtaken Euro (E19)

Venture Capital: How Chinese Yuan has overtaken Euro (E19)




Published on Dec 8, 2013

Katie Pilbeam explores how the Chinese Yuan has overtaken the Euro as the second most widely used currency in this week's episode of Venture Capital. David Kuo from The Motley Fool offers his view on the changing role of China in global trade. Also, as the political situation in Ukraine intensifies so does the risk of an economic default -- we ask economist Daniel Bruno from First National Innovation Brokers if Kiev was right to turn away from the EU Free Trade zone. Plus -- Russia welcomes the first ever home grown smartphone and we find out if our in-house investor Sean Thomas chooses caution or throws caution to the wind.


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 Auggie Giuseppe
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4 years ago
I love it...Chinas currency still has Mao on it..Oh the Irony !

Dalton Morgan
Dalton Morgan
4 years ago
Meanwhile Russia has a economy smaller then just France alone, and has just predicted the Russian economy will be stagnant for the foreseeable future.

 Also another major threat to Russia's economic future is what shale drilling can do to drop the price and availability of energy supplies on the world market, and the massive negative impact it would have on Russia's economy  since it's their only real export (real reason RT hates shale so much) What benefit does it have for Ukraine to stay with Russia except for czar putin's pie in the sky dream of bringing back the USSR?

Carl Moore
Carl Moore
3 weeks ago
good report.

Oxley Pilot
Oxley Pilot
4 years ago
id need a mint before i say anything ... (LOADS of garlic on my pizza) lol

4 years ago
"It's all about powa"

4 years ago (edited)
blah blah blah useless info USD and Euro are finished as leaders

ida olea
ida olea
4 years ago
in 2 years, all countrys only trade in gold, silver, iron, Food, gasoline and so on. paper har newer been wort somthing. if you trade gods for godt, you wil newer expirience collapse in trade. People only need goods, not paper Money og numbers on computers..

Jean Labrek
Jean Labrek
4 years ago
The Chinese are not forced to buy their oil from USA yet, they can and do trade with another currency than the American dollar.

4 years ago
Cute but why does she keep walking around like that? Feel like I'm in a Bourne movie..

4 years ago
Cute but why does she keep walking around like that? Feel like I'm in a Bourne movie..

Johnny Morales
Johnny Morales
4 years ago
Russia's short term strategy of promoting China as the balance to the West strikes me as insane when looked at in the long term.

No other nation humiliated China more, nor has been more responsible for Chinese suffering than Russia.

People think Japan is the worst, but what they did is only the freshest memory, and it all was made possible by Imperial Russia's Asian expansion at the expense of China. The efforts of fighting that left China so weak, she became easy pickings for the upcoming Japan during those days.

Russia's expansion in Asia was at the territorial expense of China often using the most humiliating methods. If it hadn't been for the Russo-Japanese war, Russia was set to annex all the way down to Liaodong Peninsula just East of Beijing.

To top it all off Communism in China happened thanks to the efforts of the USSR, and that that was a huge mistake for China is all but accepted as its abandoned almost all the aspects of that system.

So should China ever get to a point where it is the other end of a bipolar power world, that China will continue to pretend to not remember the century of loss and humiliation courtesy of Russia they're dreaming.

As it is only the Russian Nuke arsenal that keeps China pretending to sincerely believe in the treaties delineating their borders.

When the day comes that China does not have to pretend, you can bet that US will use their desires to regain what they lost to Russia to fend off Chinese demands by promising them total support in redressing historical issues between China and Russia today. Say for example supporting a future Chinese Demand for the return of Vladivostok and chunks of Siberia that were Chinese before they were ejected by Russians in return for permanently settling issues with us.

We've already have had 1 crystal clear example of what the Chinese will demand when they are in a position to dictate in Kyrgyzstan who facing Chinese pressure eagerly ceded 3200 square miles to settle a border issue while getting nothing in Return.

4 years ago
very interesting, thanks!

Filip Šebök
Filip Šebök
4 years ago
blonde just don´t know what is she talking about.soo funny

4 years ago
Wondering why the prices at Wal-Mart are going up? This is why.

4 years ago

4 years ago
RT lets talk about the Russian currency ?lol

Rytis Kurcinskas
Rytis Kurcinskas
4 years ago
RT  is bullshit news agency

4 years ago
Ukraine still had a statue of Lenin up,  that explains a lot.

4 years ago
There are so many people wanted to use Euro for trade.
It is the EU that creates Euro, does not want to use around the world.
EU looks more like a slave to US.
Just look at the NSA issue, EU makes only useless noise.
EU will dare not challenge US. 

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