Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Chris Hedges 'America: The Farewell Tour' | Town Hall Seattle

CA Chris Hedges 'America: The Farewell Tour' | Town Hall Seattle 217,734 views Streamed live on Oct 8, 2018 2.6K 255 Share Save Town Hall Seattle 18.1K subscribers How do we keep ourselves from losing faith in our country? Pulitzer Prize­-winning reporter Chris Hedges takes Town Hall’s stage for a provocative examination of America in crisis—in the form of his book 'America: The Farewell Tour'. America, says Hedges, is convulsed by an array of pathologies that have arisen out of a profound malaise of hopelessness. These have resulted in an epidemic of diseases of despair and a civil society that has ceased to function. Hedges asserts that the opioid crisis, the rise of magical thinking, the celebration of sadism, and a host of other ills are the physical manifestations of a society ravaged by corporate pillage and a failed democracy. Join Hedges for a sobering discussion of the changing landscape of our country—and a poignant cry from communities across America that seeks to jolt us out of complacency while there is still time. Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and former foreign correspondent for fifteen years for The New York Times where he served as the Middle East Bureau Chief and Balkan Bureau Chief. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor, and NPR. He writes a weekly column for the online magazine Truthdig out of Los Angeles and is host of the Emmy Award­–winning RT America show “On Contact.” He is the author of the bestsellers American Fascists, Days of Destruction­, Days of Revolt, and was a National Book Critics Circle finalist for War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. Presented by Town Hall Seattle and Seattle University. 371 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Klaus Helik Klaus Helik 8 months ago "The idea that working hard is somehow going to allow you to advance, becomes a fiction." This is what capitalists will never understand, and capital owners will fight against this very true idea in the sake of maintaining indentured workers in belief that they will somehow become capital owners and bosses in the future. Hate Marx and Trotsky and the like as much as you want, but their point that Capitalism will eventually implode and cannibalize itself due to its very fundamental contradictions is 100% correct. 66 Angela Siegfried Angela Siegfried 1 year ago (edited) "I was there at Standing Rock. There were mercenaries with kevlar vests and no identification." Sound familiar to the protests of today? (2020- George Floyd and the class war) 108 Live From Normal Heights Live From Normal Heights 6 days ago This guy has balls of steel! How he hasn't been killed yet by the monsters he talks against is absolutely amazing. 11 Ann Wright Ann Wright 1 year ago How inspirational can a man possibly be??!! Although not a religious person I have for him the utmost respect in just so many ways. Chris Hedges is one who honours and even more, practices his values which who of any inner substance can possibly deny. To be honest, I am in awe of this man in terms of his intellect, his understanding of history, his determination and strength to stand up for what is right, but beyond everything else, his courage against all odds is profound. And yet, even though there are in excess of 248,000,000 adults in the U.S. this video has in two some odd years garnered only 18,000 viewers of whom only 48 have even bothered to comment. 36 Angela Siegfried Angela Siegfried 1 year ago In this talk, Chris gave us a fantastic list of books to read. 35 Jimmie Little Jimmie Little 1 year ago "If they get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers" 81 Jamie Nix Jamie Nix 6 months ago Now, 1/6 children are going to bed hungry. Chris is prophetic 5 Christine Still Christine Still 1 year ago (edited) Wonder what Hedges says about the Pandemic & Race demonstrations summer of 2020? Prophetic? 16 J.L. Goodman J.L. Goodman 2 years ago I deeply admire Chris Hedges,and I couldn't agree more,NPR is awful. 25 years ago I loved NPR and PBS,now I scream at the radio as they promote war and imperial colonialism around the world. An absolute disgrace when they do fund raiser drives,as if we should team up with the Koch brothers and Exxon to help them brainwash ourselves. 65 Anthony Reyes Anthony Reyes 1 year ago It’s insane hedges called the fracking bubble back then and in 2020 it has bursted

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