Tuesday, August 24, 2021

BEST STORY EVER: Jackie Chan Picks A Fight With Bruce Lee | Goalcast

CA #Goalcast #JackieChan #BruceLee BEST STORY EVER: Jackie Chan Picks A Fight With Bruce Lee | Goalcast 333,656 views Apr 17, 2021 7.3K 199 Share Save Goalcast 2.44M subscribers ✪ Every day of Jackie Chan’s life was a fight for survival. He worked incredibly hard to make a respectable name for himself in acting. So when Jackie got the opportunity to work with his idol, Bruce Lee, he thought they’d have a lifelong friendship. But Jackie was wrong and broke down in tears. Why? And what did Bruce say to Jackie before his untimely death? Watch the latest videos by Goalcast here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2RyyNXN | 😲 Watch more: https://bit.ly/3eQyM9A πŸ‘€ WATCH MORE! 🀩 Greatest Motivational Speeches Of All Time: https://bit.ly/2ZMYoj9 The Most Inspiring Life Stories: https://bit.ly/2CYvfZG Latest Uploads: https://bit.ly/3eLD02h Most Popular: https://bit.ly/2OKainF πŸ“² FOLLOW US! πŸ‘ Facebook: https://facebook.com/goalcast Instagram: https://instagram.com/goal.cast Website: https://goalcast.com 🌟 ABOUT US! 🌟 Welcome to the official Goalcast YouTube channel! We want to inspire the world to reach their dreams. On this channel, you’ll find a variety of content including inspirational videos, motivational speeches, short documentaries and more. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications! #Goalcast #JackieChan #BruceLee #everyherohasastory ******************** BACKGROUND MUSIC by Fearless Motivation Instrumentals: AppleMusic/iTunes: https://goo.gl/2mF7gr Spotify: https://goo.gl/Uxmswh AmazonMP3: http://geni.us/BackgroundMusic MP3 Downloads: https://teamfearless.com/mp3-download... ******************** CODE: XIFYZBZZM1XIJTAT 343 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Tyler Sinden Tyler Sinden 4 months ago "If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done." ~ Bruce Lee 425 Jolly world Jolly world 4 months ago As a human being. Under the sky, under the heaven, there is but one family - Bruce leeπŸ‘Œ 246 The Beyond Average Show The Beyond Average Show 4 months ago “If one does not attach himself to people and desires, never shall his heart be broken. But then, does he ever truly live?” – Jackie Chan 165 RV Business RV Business 4 months ago Completely blew through the fact Bruce knew he was about to die and he knew it, was about to tell Jackie chan but that would have also killed Jackie chan so he thought against it. 107 Mark Palcko Mark Palcko 3 months ago (edited) Bruce Lee will live forever...he is in our hearts and his philosophy on life is all you need. 87 Murph Mike Murph Mike 3 months ago There's much to admire when it comes to Jackie Chan! 16 john bombinski john bombinski 3 months ago Jackie you have been brilliant in your movies and you come across as a really nice guy who doesn’t use his martial in nasty way always your fights are not to kill but self defence.Also you perform your own stunts very few actors do their own stunts..Your stunts are remarkable and extremely dangerous.No one is ever going to be Bruce Lee but no one is going to be the great Jackie Chan!The martial arts you do are are incredible.You have made some fantastic movies that have kept us entertained over all these years.Additionally you come across as a very humble person who does not seek adulation-just asks people to enjoy his movies.No doubt you are a great martial artist no argument there.As they say you use your talents for good not evil.I will watch your movies as long as you keep making them. . 49 be water my amigo be water my amigo 3 months ago (edited) I've always known this story and wished it was more known. I'm glad now this video was made! Jackie Chan and Bruce hanging out! Especially that Bruce may have wanted to tell him that he will take his place someday. I was just joking of course but now that may be a little trueee.... We really have to thank sifu Bruce for impacting the whole world , especially bringing Jackie Chan to the spotlight

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