Thursday, December 3, 2020

Gyude Moore: “China in Africa: An African Perspective”

CA 9+ 3:29 / 58:36 Gyude Moore: “China in Africa: An African Perspective” 233,229 views •Mar 25, 2019 4.9K 255 Share Save Paulson Institute 4.96K subscribers Gyude Moore speaks about China’s expanding presence in Africa at the Paulson Institute's Contemporary China Speakers Series on March 5, 2019. W. Gyude Moore is a visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development. He previously served as Liberia’s Minister of Public Works with oversight over the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure from December 2014 to January 2018. Prior to that role, Moore served as Deputy Chief of Staff to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Head of the President’s Delivery Unit (PDU). As Head of the PDU, his team monitored progress and drove delivery of the Public Sector Investment Program of Liberia—a program of over $1 billion in road, power, port infrastructure, and social programs in Liberia after the civil war. As one of the President’s trusted advisors, he also played a crucial role in supporting President Sirleaf as Liberia responded to the West Africa Ebola outbreak and shaped its post-Ebola outlook. His research tracks the channels of private sources of finance, the rise of China and its expanding role in Africa, and Africa’s response to these changes. He holds a BS in Political Science from Berea College and an MS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. 2,255 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... raphaelZ raphaelZ 2 days ago Best statement: China might win more, but at least Africa don’t lose. 13 AFF HB AFF HB 2 weeks ago You have to notice that most questions are trying to dig as much negativity about China involvement in Africa as possible. Seems none care about how can US gets into more positive involvement in Africa. Exactly a bunch of Boltons .... 209 norizanmohd norizanmohd 1 week ago I cried when he described how the Chinese government treats their delegation upon business visits. How respectful the Chinese are. Who wouldn't fall for the gesture? As human that's what we value most ; honour. 57 Nkanyiso Africa Nkanyiso Africa 2 weeks ago This guy speaks well on behalf of Africa. I agree with this 100% as an African 101 Guess Who Guess Who 4 weeks ago When I take a bank loan am I getting myself into a debt trap?. Don`t tell African countries or any other countries that they are getting bad deals from China. Offer them better deals. 79 Adrian G. Adrian G. 3 weeks ago "It seems as if US response in Africa was not driven by African needs, but by a need to respond what China was doing in Africa." OMG. This is everything you need to know about the difference between Chinese and US politics. 346 F Q F Q 2 weeks ago The west has enslaved and pillaged Africa, now the west is trying to convince the world they care about Africa? 96 Lov'A / Jing Alford Lov'A / Jing Alford 3 weeks ago Very impressed with speaker’s intelligence. From him, I can see Africa has bright future. 52 Amir Wijaya Amir Wijaya 3 weeks ago Nobody talk regarding the other debts caused by other countries and the amount of interests 9 thorinbane thorinbane 1 month ago We bombed Libya back into the stone age to destabalize the most prosperous country in Africa. They had ZERO debt when the USA assassinated Ghaddafi 98 JIMMY JIMMY 1 month ago Here is a Simple answer how many infrastructures has China build vs other countries in Africa. 357 Elly Obwaka Elly Obwaka 1 month ago The speaker here was very sincere. 193 Tt1 Cheuk Tt1 Cheuk 2 weeks ago When US doesn't even care for their own people lives under the CcOVID 19, why the hell they would care for African 122 QW3RTY QW3RTY 1 week ago Who says that the west wants Africa to develop. Think about that. 23

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