Friday, December 4, 2020

AMERICA in TWILIGHT: Calling All Patriots

CA Search 2 Avatar image 35:48 / 36:36 AMERICA in TWILIGHT: Calling All Patriots 48,612 views•Premiered 22 hours ago 6.9K 58 SHARE SAVE TheRemnantVideo 212K subscribers Michael J. Matt makes an impassioned plea for all Americans to come to the aid of our country. What's happening to the United States right now transcends political parties, religious affiliation, gender and race. If you love America, you must understand what going to happen to her in 2021. Senator John Kerry (another apostate Catholic) told the World Economic Forum that Joe Biden, if sworn in, will make the Great Reset a top priority. But does Sen. Kerry even understand what that means? Do you? STOP THE STEAL RALLY | Saturday, Dec 5 at 12pm | State Capitol Building | Event page: Plus, World Economic Forum head honcho, Klaus Schwab, says the COVID pandemic is the least deadly pandemic in 2000 years. If that's true then why are they shutting down the country again? Why has Joe Biden promised to mask up America for the first one hundred days of his administration? Why are the schools, bars and restaurants closed again? Michael does a deep dive into Klaus Schwab's two recent books on the coming Reset in order to answer these questions and, whether you're Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, you need to know what's coming. Article for reference: Americans -- regardless of party affiliation -- must understand what these anti-American elitists have in mind... if there's any chance of returning to normal life. Sign up for our FREE E-LETTER, and let Michael Matt contact you whenever a new video is posted. We Need Your Help Subscribe to Remnant TV's independent platform: Support The Remnant Foundation with a tax-deductible donation: Like, Comment, and Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Shop REMNANT MERCH: Subscribe to the REMNANT NEWSPAPER: Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: Follow Michael Matt on Parler: Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: 1,330 Comments Gus Tio Add a public comment... Ann Marie Ann Marie 21 hours ago I never bought this. Evil is trying to take over the world. It will never win against JESUS. 155 Anita Jenkins Anita Jenkins 21 hours ago This is the reason why they are trying to STOP and SILENCE TRUMP because of the RESET. 246 Ite adjoe Ite adjoe 22 hours ago Keep exposing the truth...too many Catholics living in darkness and fear....deliver us Jesus! 151 alamedavigilante alamedavigilante 21 hours ago Two worst lies of 2020: the most secure election and the most deadly pandemic 339 Virgo Girl Virgo Girl 20 hours ago Soros is one creepy character, just as evil as Bill Gates 115 lonestarr lonestarr 22 hours ago This is how dictatorships rise to power. Rulers instead of servants. 190 Nina Johansen Nina Johansen 18 hours ago We know that Satan has decived the whole world. So we know the truth. 47 Cindy Scott Cindy Scott 21 hours ago This isn’t about a virus it’s a government takeover toward The New World Order.. Fauci is in this with his buddy Bill Gates 113

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