Wednesday, August 5, 2020

CrossTalk on China | QUARANTINE EDITION | Pompeo's Madness?

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CrossTalk on China | QUARANTINE EDITION | Pompeo's Madness?
13,525 views•Jul 31, 2020





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U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a mission. He claims the world must change China or “China will change us.” How should we interpret this? A Cold War to be waged against Beijing? Does this also imply forced regime change? China is certainly a major global competitor, but is it really our
 enemy now? CrossTalking with Victor Gao & Daniel Wagner.

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Auggie Giuseppe
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Aber man
Aber man
5 days ago
Makes me laugh when that american guy says that china "should operate on international norms"
As if the US does - in fact quite the opposite.


5 days ago
Muricans are playing with 2 cards at the same time. USA is accusing China on espionage while USA is espionaging whole World for free. Absurdity at its finest A L'a USA. USA has one of the best  or perhaps best intelligence gathering capability in the World.. We must understand that USA-China tradewar is being exploited politically.


Ana Suri
Ana Suri
5 days ago
Pompeo, the self admitted liar.


Gato Gordo
Gato Gordo
1 day ago
America doesn’t represent the world, it’s an insult to the world when Pompeo pretended he was speaking on behalf of the world.


k baz
k baz
5 days ago
Any competitor nation is automatically become enemy


Co Ragoo
Co Ragoo
5 days ago
Why does these Westerners think the west is something to emulate? There are many countries which have deep cultural and other values that are cherished. Who wants to adopt strip clubs and gang life anyway?


5 days ago
This is what the west wants from China: Keep the cheap labor, keep producing our gadgets and making our life more comfortable and DO NOT PROSPER


Co Ragoo
Co Ragoo
5 days ago
😂 that American is really living in his own world I'm glad the host called him out on the norms and rules 😂


5 days ago
Imagine some country tell aloud that they want to stop US development ,will they get attack by US army?


Amir Fahmi
Amir Fahmi
5 days ago
Zionist hijacked US foreign policy.


5 days ago
US mafia government is far away from level playing fields with any country


Parichehr Nasiri
Parichehr Nasiri
1 day ago
The only reason America does this is because it is a bully state and it is no longer to bully China, as China is surpassing America.


Zio Slayer
Zio Slayer
5 days ago
USA can not be trusted on Anything!
End of story!


Bolshevik Cosmonaut
Bolshevik Cosmonaut
5 days ago (edited)
China has never done anything that America has never done. America, on the other hand, has done many things that China has never done.


Kizo Mi
Kizo Mi
5 days ago
Again and again and again and again the same claim, the same lies!
The US Corporate State is one entity, and currently the Silicon Valley, Langley and the Pentagon are looking to make one out of it, that's why the internet and high tech companies were officially made a part of the Military Industrial Complex, Intelligence Community and the Banksters and Wallstreet crooks, the US Government and the Administration is buid out of Corporate hacks in the Administration or they are connected to the Corporations in Congress and Senate!
To say that Huawei is connected to the Chinese Government is laughable, remember what happened with Fed Ex and Hong Kong and what they did with the packages and documents, the US Government asked and Fed Ex immediately rerouted the packages and documents to the US and then back, so they acted on the order of the Intelligence Community and without a big outcry!
Hypocrisy and fake claims!
The fact is that the Imperial education is so deeply rooted in the minds of the normal citizens that they can't or want see the reality in front of their eyes anymore!
And one important thing is, that the Dedollarization is the biggest threat to the US Empire (not the citizens) then China itself, and the reason is that from one day to another, the world won't send any products or Ressources for printed paper called the US Federal Reserve Dollar!
And the implementation was in the 70's, but the Criminal Cabal pictured it as if the Dollar was always the way it is today!
P. S. The fact is that this numbers this guy is spelling are 😂😂😂, the closest allies in Europe don't want the US Empire, NATO, troops around the world, the only one cheering are the Criminals and Corporations involved, and their Propaganda indoctrination tool = MSMedia!


O. Smith
O. Smith
5 days ago (edited)
Thats a weak arguments the u.s government have back door access to all Americans company they spy on everyone all you have to do is use the internet and make a phone spend or  significant amont of money


john thatcher
john thatcher
5 days ago
Wagner is just another servant of the US empire,with all the limitations that implies.


Mangas Coloradasjr
Mangas Coloradasjr
5 days ago
Let me gets this straight, the United states has totally dedicated its self's to terrorize and destroy helpless little countries, and the United states has been doing this for the last 200years, not only that everything the United states accuses other countries of doing its exactly what they have been doing for years,plus the United states is constantly invading and destroying hopeless poor people's, and let's not forget the looting of other people's countries and resources,how hypocritical of the United states regime, the whole world is under a racist dictatorship enforced by the United states, and it's not only the Trump administration is the entire government and the economic crisis in the United states is their own doing, this nonsense of accusing China of stealing technology and jobs is preposterous,it's simple people's the United states wants the whole world to bows too it's regime racist greedy murdering psychopathic imperialism, China has the rights to say no.The enemy of the world is the United states simple as that. Hoka hey wasichus.


Joanna Hampton
Joanna Hampton
5 days ago
The most accurate thing said was about the Chinese work ethic compared to the West in general,  goal oriented focus versus laziness & expecting much for little effort


2 days ago
I n other words, the U.S. can dish it out but can’t take it when someone does it better than them...


Yan Zhu
Yan Zhu
3 days ago
It's obviously WRONG that US government attacks Huawei because its linkage with Chinese government. They are now targeting Tiktok, which is a pure commercial company. They even criticised Zoom although it's an American company just because it is built by Chinese American.


ture sankara
ture sankara
5 days ago
George Carlin —
‘The word bipartisan usually means some larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.’

US Secretary of State Killery Clint00n (D)—
“We came. We saw. He died.”

US Secretary of State Mafia Mike PlumpPlayer (R) —
“We lied. We cheated. We stole.”

‘It’s one big club and we ain’t in it.’ — George Carlin


Anna Kryzilinski
Anna Kryzilinski
5 days ago
America used China and the rest of the world to grow rich and use credit, the US dollar, to extend their empire.

Now China is saying no more credit to keep an insolvent US afloat.

Thanks to the reach of communications and social media today,  more are seeing the world through a different kind of lens, one not controlled by the state.

China has played America like a fiddle. China is the manufacturer of the world. It has financial and trade interests in almost every country on earth.

Hubris has a price. Empire has a price (and 'use by' date) Greed has a price. MAGA at whose expense? America, the bill is now due in full.

More anti-China rhetoric when the chips don't fall the way the US wants.

China is not Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, Chile, Colombia, Panama, and every other country bludgeoned into submission at the cost of trillions of dollars and millions of lives.
America is universally hated; and deservedly so.


Eddie Jones
Eddie Jones
5 days ago
The Chinese guy had the American for lunch! 😂


5 days ago
I trust China and would never trust USA we lie we cheat we steal


2 days ago
Baldy is a real CIA stooge. China does it the Chinese way. If it’s better than the U.S., then shape up or ship out U.S.A.


Robert M Woods
Robert M Woods
5 days ago
America is being 'sold off' piece by piece, Ross Perot & George Carlin were right, the Corporations and the lobbyist's have bought the congress & senate  . SMH


bento barreirinhas
bento barreirinhas
4 days ago
HA HA HA its so funny the bald guy, he is so crazy talking 5g, 6g just crazy, he clearly  just say this bs with a straight face, laughable


Paula Laflamme
Paula Laflamme
5 days ago
The idea that Nixon or Pompeo any other US politician gives a crap about how China treats it's citizens is a joke.


Edward Annang
Edward Annang
3 days ago
Who starts the fight. Isn't it the United States? Because they hate to see others grow


jan-olof johansson
jan-olof johansson
5 days ago
The more i listen to Chinese people.  The more convinst i become where the competence are in the World.


5 days ago
I worked in manufacturing , in NJ in the 80's. The "entrepreneurs", many NY Jews, were moving factories to China. American politicians were complicit, and well paid, promising lower prices for goods. Now AFTER our manufacturing has been sold out, they want to "contain" china? Too late! The Chinese have been on a steady path, and they never hid their intentions to overtake us. They used our own Capitalist greed against the US! How ironic!


not today
not today
3 days ago
The US sided China against the USSR, know wants to side Russia against China


Mark Elliot
Mark Elliot
3 days ago
The so called greatest capitalist nation on earth doesn't adhere to capitalist rules like let the market set policy.
The corporations get the government to legislate against FORIEGN companies.
America will lie, cheat and steal anything not nailed down.
America didn't have 5G but China stole the knowledge off them anyway. America still doesn't have 5G.

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