Saturday, July 18, 2020

Bishop Richard Williamson Walks Through the History of the World

1:21 / 1:45:17
Bishop Richard Williamson Walks Through the History of the World
1,673 views•May 20, 2020





Spiritual Strength Catholic
643 subscribers

Meeting of the MindZ with Bishop Richard Williamson (one of the 4 Bishops consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre). He spoke about the 6 ages before Christ, the 7 ages of the Church, the 5 steps of undoing of Christian Order, Vatican II, Archbishop Lefebvre, Econe seminary, return to Farming/Agriculture, Theology, History, Philosophy, why he is so misunderstood and much more. This interview is absolutely loaded with information.

0:58- The Proper Order- Religion primary, Politics secondary, Economics tertiary
3:55- The Greeks understood this order even without revelation
5:30- European Union failed
5:57- Karl Marx is an agent of the Antichrist
7:18- Objective reality and order
10:46- God gave mankind 2 great lights in the 20th century: Pascendi and Fatima
11:08- Consecration of Russia
12:29- St. Pius X grew up a peasant; how a peasant life can point you to God
15:09- Pascendi (Papal Encyclical on Modernism, St. Pius X, 1907) and the two important lines
17:38- Immanuel Kant- the mind can do what it wants to reality
19:23- modern philosophers ignore the purpose and the essence of a thing (Formal and Final Cause)
19:59- women have stronger will; men have stronger reason
21:08- modern philosophers are trying to get back to reality, but Kant's starting point (avoiding God) makes it impossible
21:57- misbehavior always followers error
22:34-  the basis of morality is almighty God, not Kant's theory
22:45- God spells out in the 10 Commandments the Natural Law, a moral law
23:06- We are getting very close to the end; the basics are simple but modern man is in one huge revolt against God.
23:30 - Pascendi on Subjectivism
24:40- Kant is now the king of the castle in philosophy; it's no longer about learning about objects and the objective order God created; its now one big "selfie"
25:25- modern man is insane, but he doesn't realize it; we continue to live by common sense but within our theories, we destroy and deny common sense (and natural law)
26:26- we're making war on God. Tom Thumb story
27:58- God has a long fuse, but it's about to blow up. Mother Mary is interceding us at every moment
29:33- modern cities make it hard to live a holy life
31:03- Priests should not grant absolution if a person does not have serious intention to get out of sin
34:30- Farming/agriculture lifestyle
36:06- it was forbidden for your educators to even mention God because God totally disturbs the modern way of life
36:53- man and his environment interact
38:05- our modern environment makes for an easy life, but its against the 2nd and 3rd sorrowful mysteries of the rosary, the flesh and the world respectively. we can change our environment first by being aware of it.
40:33- city vs. farm life
42:32- we've been made soft by the city life
44:07- the city and schools are primarily concerned with feelings
46:19- the 6 Ages before Christ: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Ezra
49:02- Evolution is nonsense. You cannot get more out of less, except when God creates
50:35- God gave the jews a very special grace until Jesus was born
51:10- the Gulf of Aqaba (twin of the Red Sea) they found chariots wheels
51:51- Noah's Ark found on Mt Ararat
53:10- sadly the Bible is not taken historically
54:28- Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia
57:58- 7 Ages of the Church: Apostles, Martyrs, Doctors, 1,000 years of Christendom, Luther, Chastisement, Peace with Our Lady, Antichrist
58:12- Old Testament was clearly finished at the destruction of the Temple
1:02:26- Since the Middle Ages, the Church has been declining rapidly
1:03:05- Break up of Christendom in 3 phases: 1517 Luther (rejects the Church, believes in God), 1717- Freemasonry (believes in God, but not the Church), 1917- Russian Revolution (no God, No Church)
1:05:09- Another view of the 5th stage of the Church is the undoing of the Christian order- King under God, Aristocrat under the king,
1:05:53- Charles Coulombe says the most important person in American history is Henry VIII because he turned England away from the Church and as King, he headed up the revolt against the Church
1:06:22- the top stitch holds the seam together, so when the King revolted against God, everything else falls apart under subsequent revolts. each revolt carries the seeds of the next revolt, against itself.
1:07:56- Lincoln threw off the New England gentlemen; Robert E. Lee was a Virginia gentleman
1:08:41- Karl Marx backed the North in the Civil War; but Bl. Pius IX recognized the South. Abraham Lincoln
1:10:08- modern man has poor principles because they're not Catholic principles. The only way to get out of the continual descent is to get back to the Catholic Church, because it is what God founded to rescue the human race.
1:15:34- the scorn of the white gentile male
1:20:05- Lefebvre: and Vatican II
1:35:55- clearing the air that he is not an anti-semite
Auggie Giuseppe
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Pissed Offerman
Pissed Offerman
2 days ago
common sense the hit book during American Revolution writer Thomas Paine and every time Bihop Williamson, I wish he the signigance of these Freemasons and founders of the country and there disdain for Jesus. The only soul saved at the very end of the founders was George Washington  that through grace and a great Priests that His Eminence Williamson personally trained. the sad part of these Freemasons refused the Bible and even mocked it.

Pax Vobiscum
Pax Vobiscum
1 month ago
Thank you for what will be for many of us an introduction to Bishop Richard Williamson. Since first listening to this podcast a few hours ago I’ve searched Bishop Williamson on YouTube and listened to more of what he has to share with us... a blessing to have found him. So thank you once again for spreading the word of God through various speakers, in particular, Bishop Williamson. You’re doing God’s work. ✝️🙏


1 month ago
Very good interview, nice work man!


Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy
1 month ago
This man is not a Catholic.  He has repeatedly rejected the authority of the Pope and became so obstinant that even his fellow SSPX-ers kicked him out of their company. I respect your intentions in promoting the Catholic faith, but you should not be giving this man a platform.


Patri Cliver
Patri Cliver
4 weeks ago
I'm sorry but leadership is nothing to do with being white or not.It's all got to do with knowledge and convictions. This kind of thought is problematic but we know Bishop Williamson is traditionalist.

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