Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fatima and Third Secret Exposé 5/11: Foreshadowing Signs of Russia’s Eve...

12:07 / 14:02
Fatima and Third Secret Exposé 5/11: Foreshadowing Signs of Russia’s Eventual Conversion Are Here





Christus Rex
Published on Aug 27, 2016

Russia, Russia, Russia: Why it is the womb and the main agent of change of what will happen. Also: information about the chastisements that the Vatican doesn't want you to know.

Suzanne Pearson talks about Fr. Malachi Martin (whom she personally knew) and what she found out from him about the Third Secret of Fatima, the coming chastisements, and especially Russia (00:38). She talks about how the Third Secret of Fatima foretells “whole sections of continents will be washed away forever,” “whole nations will perish,” and “natural catastrophes that the world has never seen before will level humanity.” She talks about how Russia will be the trigger that advances the process at each stage. She talks about how Fr. Malachi Martin said that Russia is the dominant theme in the Third Secret and that the geopolitical change implied by the Third Secret is centered on Russia: “Russia is its womb, Russia was its focal point, Russia was to be the main agent of change.”

Fr. Gruner and John Vennari discuss the condition of Russia and Vladimir Putin today (04:40). They talk about the signs of the preparation of the eventual consecration of Russia. Fr. Gruner emphasizes that Russia is not converted and won’t convert until the consecration of Russia, but that the 40 million+ rosaries said for the intention of the consecration and conversion of Russia are building up spiritual energy like you wouldn’t believe and will eventually effect the desired result, and there might even be beginning preparatory signs now. They describe how Russia is the one who exported society-destroying immorality abroad for the purpose of corrupting other countries and so some in their country might be starting to wake up to the fact that if they want their own country to survive long-term (including after the chastisements), they need to stop these abominations in their own country, which they appear to be slowly doing (far too slowly, but anything is better than nothing).

I discuss that it is theoretically possible that these good signs are all just Russia "playing" its part according to what it is told to do to fulfill a Hegelian Dialectic where it represents Christianity and the West represents anti-Christianity and that somehow they intend World War III and/or other events to result in the synthesis of the two in the "New Age" and a New World Order (12:51). That is entirely possible. After all, until the consecration of Russia is done, God foretold that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement (some speculate that this may eventually involve the use of Nikola-Tesla-based weaponry such as the equivalent of HAARP, scalar weaponry, and/or other possibilities). That said, the fact remains: the 40 million or so rosaries for its conversion will not be wasted in the end and will eventually effect the desired result, even if – in the meantime – Russia will be the instrument of chastisement and the main agent of change in the world.

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The next video in the series (Part 6) is here:

Click on the links below to also see the other parts of this Fatima and Third Secret Exposé video series:

Part 1: Proof Various Powers are Afraid of the Consecration of Russia

Part 2: The Suppression of Fatima Linked to Vatican’s Financial Slavery

Part 3: Fatima Censure, 3 Days of Darkness, The Warning, Underground Cities

Part 4: The Pope Could Overturn the New World Order Like a David vs. a Goliath

Part 6: Fr. Gruner’s Letter About His Meeting with the Russian Embassy Revealed

Part 7: Commentary on Fr. Gruner’s Meeting with the Russian Embassy

Part 8: Putin’s Warning Full Speech (2016); He Mentions “New Weapon”

Part 9: Why They Fear and Hate Putin; Backfiring

Part 10: Putin on Russia’s Values and Protecting His People

Part 11: Fr. Amorth on Russia Consecration, Putin’s Christian Faith
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