Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fatima and Third Secret Exposé 3/11: Fatima Censure, 3 Days of Darkness/...

12:11 / 14:56
Fatima and Third Secret Exposé 3/11: Fatima Censure, 3 Days of Darkness/Warning, Underground Cities





Christus Rex
Published on Aug 27, 2016

How the real Third Secret of Fatima is one of the most politically incorrect things in the world. How even underground bunkers won't be enough save people during the chastisements.

Vatican insider, Fr. Malachi Martin, talks about how some of the world’s most powerful people “won’t touch the Third Secret of Fatima prophecies with a barge-pole” (02:05).

A clip of someone testifying that Mel Gibson was so heavily attacked by Hollywood because he was planning on making a film about the Third Secret of Fatima (02:28).

Fr. Gruner and John Vennari talk about how the Pope might have been threatened during the ceremony of the 2013 entrustment (04:09).

Dr. White talks about how Rome will be punished for covering up the real, full Third Secret and compromising the Faith to placate the enemies of Christ (04:41).

Fr. Malachi Martin, Ph.D., discusses the New World Order, about how God is going to step in soon and punish the world for its crimes, about the underground facilities under Rome, that there's going to be a heavenly visitation, and that "a big factor is what happens in the skies" and "to keep your eyes on the skies" (05:36). The supernatural warning is hinted at and discussed. This is tied in with the famous Three Days of Darkness prophecies. Fr. Malachi talks about how “miseries are going to start”, how “knowing the future does not help one’s peace of mind”, and “I had the dubious privilege of reading the text of the Third Secret of Fatima which I must guard by oath from repeating and: it isn’t pleasant.”

Note: I have a comment in the comments section discussing Fr. Malachi’s reference to a Warning before the Three Days of Darkness and what clues some prophecies of Church-approved mystics have given us as to the nature and type of warnings that will precede the Three Days of Darkness. I also discuss whether we can know from these prophecies whether an illumination of conscience constitutes part of this warning or not.

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The next video in the series (Part 4) is here:

Click on the links below to also see the other parts of this Fatima and Third Secret Exposé video series:

Part 1: Proof Various Powers are Afraid of the Consecration of Russia

Part 2: The Suppression of Fatima Linked to Vatican’s Financial Slavery

Part 4: The Pope Could Overturn the New World Order Like a David vs. a Goliath

Part 5: Foreshadowing Signs of Russia’s Eventual Conversion Are Here

Part 6: Fr. Gruner’s Letter About His Meeting with the Russian Embassy Revealed

Part 7: Commentary on Fr. Gruner’s Meeting with the Russian Embassy

Part 8: Putin’s Warning Full Speech (2016); He Mentions “New Weapon”

Part 9: Why They Fear and Hate Putin; Backfiring

Part 10: Putin on Russia’s Values and Protecting His People

Part 11: Fr. Amorth on Russia Consecration, Putin’s Christian Faith
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