Thursday, August 9, 2018

Bishop Williamson: True and False Obedience

Bishop Williamson: True and False Obedience




Published on Mar 10, 2012

UPDATE (09-16-12): Bishop Williamson's recent actions against the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X are cause for great concern.  It is well known that I have personally uploaded numerous videos that have portrayed Bishop Williamson in a favorable light.  For the record, I firmly denounce Bishop Williamson's recent actions—actions that are clearly animated by a spirit of rebellion.  Even if we were to grant that he has valid points here and there, the means Bishop Williamson has embraced will never be blessed by God.  Disobedience is not the will of God.  In this difficult time, true sons of Archbishop Lefebvre will fall to their knees and pray for our four Bishops, particularly Bishop Fellay.  Our priests and bishops need our prayers more than ever.  —Michael

When young Richard Williamson was 13 years old, his father bought him his very first music record—one of the great symphonies of Beethoven.  From that moment on, Bishop Williamson was engrossed with the beauty and complexity of this great composer. 

He listened to the music, he studied it, and then, much later in life, he taught the Nine Symphonies to the first-year Humanities students in Winona where he passed on his love for this age-old music.

This video features the second movement of Beethoven's Symphony, No. 7 in A major, Op. 92, from 1811.  I hope the Bishop one days sees this particular video, as I am sure it will be his favorite—if only for the music.

I hope you benefit in some what from the message.  God bless you all,


P.S.  Please click "Like" if you enjoyed the video.  Thanks so much.

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