Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The World Now Knows, 'It's the British Empire, Stupid!'

The World Now Knows, 'It's the British Empire, Stupid!'




LaRouchePAC Videos
Published on Apr 23, 2018

Paul Gallagher details the shocking nature of the "Second British Empire" and its control of the finances of the world.  It is now attempting to march us into war with Russia.

"It's the British Empire, Stupid" EIR magazine, 2008

Watch 'The Spiders Web - Britain's Second Empire'

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neo nero
neo nero
1 month ago
Remember that the Rothschilds "own" the British empire.  That's why they were forced to sell off Palestine to the Rothschilds, in order to establish the illegal state of Isra-hell (see Balfour declaration.)


1 month ago
The rest of the world needs to realise, that there are the British people. And then there is the evil British government. A government that has nothing but utter contempt for the British people.


Susie Wood
Susie Wood
1 month ago
I am a Brit. The City of London controls our government and cares nothing for the British people, let alone the rest of the world. We are all disposable.


Aliana khamitova
Aliana khamitova
1 month ago
the best video on the net still the CNN reporter days after chemical attack in syria  sniffing little girl school bag and said " uhhh.. ya its stinks, must be chemical" LMFAO. typical cnn .


Diana Perry
Diana Perry
1 month ago
What British empire ? Our country is dropping to pieces ! I think you are looking in the wrong place ,try Soros and the Rothschilds.


Rick Merlotti
Rick Merlotti
1 month ago
New loyalty oath for the Borg Media/NSA/CIA/FBI/GCHQ/City of London/Wall Street, et al.

“I pledge allegiance to the Deep State of the United States of America, and to the British Empire for which it stands, one World under Satan, indivisible, with liberty and justice for the few.”

And smart bombs for everyone else...


Susie Wood
Susie Wood
1 month ago
I called last years Syrian gas a ff but didn't then know it was us (UK). I called Skripal and this recent Syrian as ff as our dirty work straight away. Our government is getting desperate and predictable. The love of money is root of all evil.


Susie Wood
Susie Wood
1 month ago
When we voted for Brexit there was a major meltdown in politics and the media. It opened my eyes as to who really rules this country. The City.


Bernard O'Connor
Bernard O'Connor
1 month ago
at last the end of the crown


1 month ago
The British government and the UK has been taken over by the globalist and have adopted a middle eastern invading culture.. They want the USA to do the fighting for them, and will use us until there is nothing left they want from us except for a take over, just like they have taken over the UK. We know these are false flags. The British people know it all far too well. This is NOT the British empire, this is the adopted middle eastern war culture of globalism that is in control.. There is a big difference.. China and Russia are the only two major powers that have not been fooled by whom these globalists are.. We need to stand with them.


Liverpaul 99
Liverpaul 99
1 month ago
Let's Blame The "British Empire" believe me  it's not Great Britain anymore, full of msm Propaganda, Teresa May doesn't want Brexit just talks the talk. And you will probably find the majority of people don't want a filthy rich Monarchy when people are starving on the streets. George Soros's collapse of London Banks.

Look more into the Khazerian Mafia/ Zionist Rothchild's Central Bank's System who Controls every bank in the world except Cuba, Iran, North Korea oh & isn't the msm Propaganda Machine going on about Iran & North Korea?

It's all about the So Called Satanic Elite illuminati NWO Agenda's Depopulation, chem trails, GMO foods, fluoride in the water, Operation Blue Beam, MK Ultra, Montaulk, Paper Clip, Mocking Bird ect ect.

Look into the Alphabet Mafia CIA, MI5, Mossad, NSA, DHLS, GCHQ ect ect more False Flags coming for the asleep Sheople to believe.

They Will lead us into war as the Wankers sorry Banksters make money whilst our father's Brothers and Son's Die Fighting A Greedy False Jewish bankers war.


mike hunt
mike hunt
1 month ago
Cameron invited his buddy Barracks communism obama  over to threaten us on behalf of his globalist corrupted CIA  just before Brexit and we gave him the finger. Fact.


Gerry Hiles
Gerry Hiles
1 month ago (edited)
What a load of twaddle.  The British Empire is no more.  Period.  Why beat around the bush, i.e. the City of London, which anyone who's taken any interest has long known is not part of Britain, but is controlled by Rothschild & Associates, specifically controlling the British governments since 1812, when Rothschild front ran the Battle of Waterloo and broke the London Stock Exchange.  ALL this talk about "the British Empire" and it's evils (and there are plenty) is a smokescreen, a diversion from the FACT that a group of Zionist Jewish banksters and others collectively known as neoliberals and neoconservatives (not all Jews) have been running the World out of Washington DC since WW2 … as evil empires go the one run out of Washington FAR exceeds the evil run out of London, actually since 1776 and the genocide of the native population, long before Rothschild & Associates gained control in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Bank.

This tedious monologue mixes fact and some apparently ideological urge to preserve the myth that the USA is somehow better than other empires.  I cannot think of any other reason for harping on about the defunct British Empire, though with the occasional aside that it is really the City of London that's at stake … even so NOT much distinct from Wall Street.

Btw I was born in England during WW2 and witnessed the rapid decline of the British Empire, such that immediately after WW2 there were still many aircraft and vehicle manufacturers, but by the end of the 1960s most were gone, along with many other types of manufacturing.  The armed forces were decimated too.  US corporations moved in, perhaps especially to do with entertainment.  Paul Gallagher does not have a clue about what happened, nor does he have much grasp on British history before WW2.  If nothing else, for all it's defects, the British Empire had built railways, roads, schools, universities, systems of governance and hospitals.  The US/Washington Empire of Chaos just blows things up and doesn't even maintain the mainland infrastructure anymore.


1 month ago
What evidence is there that Assad gassed his own people?


1 month ago
Bring Eva Bartlett to Larouche Pac


Demon Gza
Demon Gza
1 month ago
There will no war .. not the empire just a select few I say lock them up for war crimes and wasting of life


Object Audio
Object Audio
1 month ago
LaRouchePac need to know that the people of Britain are not the British government and need to separate them.


Frances Leader
Frances Leader
1 month ago (edited)
"the British Empire" is not British.
It is Khazarian Mafia, Jesuit, Freemason and they work for the Venetian Black Nobility who I refer to as the predators for ease of description.
They have occupied the One Square Mile, which is not in the UK, the EU or the UN.
The shadowy "elite" who are the instigators of every war, financing and inflaming all sides for their own profit.
Their objective is global depopulation and that INCLUDES the British.


Robin Hood
Robin Hood
1 month ago
********************BOYCOTT THE 2018 RUSSIAN WORLD CUP*****************


English Teacher
English Teacher
1 month ago
It's interesting how the 'British Empire' lowers its IQ a little every day with immigration and a dysgenic tax policy. Soon it won't be any more formidable than Brazil. Happy days for Russia, China, Japan and The Promised Land.


sam bodhi 307
sam bodhi 307
1 month ago
Please do reveal the head of British deep state ???!!!!


Drew Nava
Drew Nava
1 month ago
The Rothschild's rule the British Empire he who controls the money supply of any nation controls that nation. Indeed the Rothschild's agenda is total enslavement through Reserve Federal Banking scheme. The world is naturally at peace unless the Rothschild's want war. These soulless inbreeding insane compulsive greedy murdering criminals AKA the Rothschild's rule Our planet and have infected every aspect of life with their compulsive behavior

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