Wednesday, May 16, 2018

My Most Dangerous Idea: A Q&A with Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad

My Most Dangerous Idea: A Q&A with Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad




The Cooler Lumpur Festival
Published on Jun 25, 2015
After the big speech, we were treated to a somewhat enlightening Q&A session where Tun Mahathir addressed questions ranging from freedom of expression, to his role in the judiciary crisis, to his thoughts on what is the most dangerous thing that might happen to a post-LKY Singapore.
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azam abd rahman
Lot of knowledge in every words was spoken by Tun. He is the truly a leaders in every words he said. We need a certain limit to live in multi racial country in order to united for success. I admired every words by Tun. Full of knowledges on facts and histories. And I beleived it is a must to be knowledgable for every leaders nowsday. We must learn from our past in order to prevent a repeated problem so that our country can united and stable. 
"you're in danger of becoming democratic" this really brought tears to me while laughing.
Az abaz
Ross Ibrahim
@13:14 .."what did I do? It's a long time ago and as a Malay you know... they forget" LoL. Also, would be nice if they could show the faces of the people asking question/s. MAHATHIR, He's Back.. WooHoo!!
Chan khung lei
Despite English was not positioned as official or national language in constitution, it widely used by Malaysian in all private sector and business ........ however speaking Malay as main verbal communication in public places and government institutions still necessary
Anaiis Goldy
How did Tun answer such questions in his brilliant way, especially before the last one! Clearly understand where we all begins as Malaysian. No more racist but only unity!
Gary Ding
He admit.... This is true leader!
Choo Wei
Well said Tun regards the education on teaching of Maths & Science in English. Sad to say that the present Ministry of Education do not see the importance of teaching of English language.
Ajai Husin
Spanish Jo
You are the greatest PM of Malaysia! 
Spanish Jo
Hi Dr Mahathir, I believed in you and I will clear you from the accusation of the dismissing of Saleh Abbas! You will be a freeman now!
I wish we can preserve Mahathir brain. Just joking. But really when he speaks, he connects things well. We always get the bigger picture when he answer/explain thing. As a result it opens up our mind and we get a better understanding of a certain issue rather than focusing on a narrow perspective which makes a solution/resolution unsustainable.
Palaniappa Kalairajan
A true government leader.
Syed Sulaiman Syed Adnan
What's big deal with Tun English language? after all the language itself is stupid, just look at this rule of owel and consanant, when we spell BUT we cannot pronounce it as PUT, yet, same rules is applied, B,P and T are consanant, U vowel, yet, we cannot pronounce BUT as PUT.
Tia Tia
All Malaysian very lucky too get mahathir... leadar ship.....
Yvonne Lim
Tun is Jedi to me !
Speak with your head low just like how you lead your country (:
kl wies
He knows how to handle difficult questions. Its all answered. But not all answers are justified. When it was Peninsula Malaysia Tun objected to and vehemently championed that Malays are original people but when it comes to Sabah suddenly they are not. Mahathir used the country's resources for only Malays. The non malays correctly felt injustice as it is not need based which would mean very poor and destitute non malays are excluded from help. To the point whereby non malays even though having a better exam results are excluded from better education, some are excluded because they failed the Malay language test. Non malays were even specifically and systemically discriminated against which led to daily insults and exclusion on Govt civil servants intake. The Mahathir today however has changed some of those views. Appointing a Malaysian Chinese as FM. His view on Democracy has greatly changed but his views on Freedom of speech is still a suspect but this we have PH to ensure he changes it to allow much more freedom of speech. His recent remark on Fake News is not welcome and as reflected LGE is totally against it and i'm sure PKR is against it as well. Hate speech on insulting religion and race must be instituted as we voted for this. And the implementation must be No Matter which religion. As recent times has proven the police would not crack down on Muslim extremist and Malay supremacist insults on the minority must not be tolerated again. If this is not done it would open the flood gates again for UMNO's revival.And revival on using Hate to garner votes. Political Parties have been too eager to use Race and Religion to get votes to the detriment of the entire country. Instead of Debates on economic policies to develop the Country or education policies to lift people out of poverty everything is centered on Race. In the End we ended up with BN using this as a measure of success rather than the living standard or quality of life as a report card on how the Govt has performed. Zero accountability is the population's livelihood but plenty for Corporations and Businesses. It should and must be both the population and businesses to share in the economic benefits but has shifted to solely needs and wants of Businesses that results in the Income inequality that exist today. What you have today is 1% of super rich, a declining middle class, expanding working poor and a stagnant poor population that is maybe 90% of the population. We are on a trend to look like Indonesia whereby only the few are Super Rich and everybody else is poor or hardcore poor.
Arshad Mahmud
It's annoying that people are trying to blame PM Tun Mahathir over najib's fault in 1MDB. najib was the top guy, and he actually did all the things the press accuse and labels PM Tun Mahathir. So let's make the record straight and clear the label once and for all.

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