Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’ Trap?

Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’ Trap?




Asia Society
Published on May 15, 2018

HONG KONG, April 24, 2018 — In this evening conversation moderated by Chairman of Asia Society Hong Kong Center Ronnie C. Chan, Graham Allison, Douglas Dillon professor of government at Harvard Kennedy School, and Chairman of 13D Research Kiril Sokoloff, discussed the meaning behind "Thucydides’ Trap" and how China's economic growth and policies remain a threat to power of the United States. (2 hr., 4 min.)
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Janis Apsitis
i am glad for China rise! best wishes from E.U!!!
Tommy Xiao
China must mine more future and feed USA with something US really need to eat, since China becomes the header. Future is always greater. Cloud economy and AI, block train, infrastructure and environmental industry, and the conduction in between... There are really huge areas for human being's future. War is stupidity from closed minds, fighting for ownerships of existing property. Let future be obvious and keep mind open, human all loves to embrace peace.
yan yan
humility. harmony. its time to bide our time. china needs our contrarianism. China is the midwest of the world. Not hard. Ps i live in ny
As long as China gets more liberal, I will fully support them to be world No.1
Pardeep Tandon
India and China have been neighbours for 3000 years without fighting a war with each other ( except a border war in 1962 this also had a British Legacy) and can easily resolve their border dispute and form a NATO like defence alliance under BRICS. It is reasonable to accept Russia loving and joining such a defence pact.
Pardeep Tandon
What about Russia and China forming a NATO like defence alliance under umbrella of BRICS.
Pardeep Tandon
What about China running a oil pipeline and a road from GAWADAR port ( CEPEC) and by train from Iran or increase the import of oil from Russia?
Pardeep Tandon
China is ruled by a politburo which has an IQ of 150 way ahead of Trump and his corniness. So the likely hood of USA mucking it up is more.
luo weiqiang
China can not rely on the west to save them . The west have the mentality of looting and no morality . China must be Militarily and economically strong to deter aggressions . In fact China should adopt " mild attack is the best defense "......
Y Liu
1. Graham Allison has never been in China, according to his confession somewhere. That means he knows very few about China. His "Thucydides Trap" in the world would be his one-side imagination from his western mindset based on their religious concept. 2. Since long there has been no internal political consensus between the American population, parties and elites because of USA economical decline, except their arrogant religious political correctness. 3. USA could not play the positive or constructive role in the world, rather as a trouble maker because its decision making would be seriously influenced by its interests groups. Otherwise, USA wouldn't declare 13 wars in the world after WWII. 4. No matter how strong USA would be, same time fighting with Russia and China now means that USA has lost its game from the beginning. 5. Nowadays situation is totally different from that in WWI, both England and Germany had no nuclear weapons, which could eliminate our human beings away from the earth many times. That is also the reason why there was no real war between USA and Soviet Union during the Cold-War. Conclusion: USA has been felt into its own trap, which has been created by USA itself, and now the trap would become bigger and deeper if USA wouldn't have its own political structure reform. USA's main enemy is itself, neither China, nor Russia or any other country.
Y Liu
I am optimistic toward China-USA relationship. Small conflicts might happen, but no war. 1. Although both USA and China have different political systems, they have very close economical connection. 2015 replaced Canada China became USA biggest trade partner, no one could or dare to pay so much price for the war, and no one wants to shoot their own foot; 2. The war is a huge material driving and exhausting event. Since USA failed its home work, it has no more money ball to play, except Chinese steady rising; 3. Although Soviet Union and USA had luckily no war after WWII, China and USA had actually two big direct and serious wars: Korea War and Vietnam War. USA army might know what kind of bitter taste in fighting with "poor" Chinese army, which was considered by western as being armed with stone-aged equipment; 4. Good news is until now both Trump and Xi seem having the similar urgent priority: home work or make their own country great again. And both seem having few interests in international issues, especially USA. They have no choice, but work together cooperatively to face the great deal of challenges ahead; 5. Nowadays situation is totally different from that in WWI, both England and Germany had no nuclear weapons, which could eliminate our human beings away from the earth many times. That is also the reason why there was no real war between USA and Soviet Union during the Cold-War. So, there is obvious no "Thucydides Trap" possibility, as long as both really care about themselves. Some westerners might fall into another their imagined ideological trap because of their arrogant western cold-war mindset, or they fear to lose their domination in the world, or if they don't "cry" or "make noise" they might get no "milk" - money funding from the interest groups, or they don't want to be ignored while most countries are focusing on the nowadays trend: economical development.
Doublescoop BS
Allison is promoting his book and a lot of BS.
cleverinsane trump
All men are brothers. Only westerner treat others badly looking from history.
Pardeep Tandon
Money should be put in Bitcoins

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