Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mahathir Mohamad on corruption and 'saving Malaysia' - UpFront

UPFRONT  S2016 • E16
Mahathir Mohamad on corruption and 'saving Malaysia' - UpFront




Al Jazeera English
Published on Jun 24, 2016

In this week's UpFront, we speak to Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's former leader, about his call for Prime Minister Najib Razak to resign.

In the Reality Check, Mehdi Hasan examines why drone strikes are ineffective. And in the Arena, we debate Ethiopia's treatment of the Oromo people with the Ethiopian communications minister and an Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) executive committee member.
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1 year ago
I shook this mans hand a month ago in the central monsque of kuala lumpur, he was very nice and friendly. also he is right on the issue of Israel.


1 year ago
Mahathir Mohamad is right on Israel


Liz A
Liz A
1 year ago
Mahathir Mohd.  The best prime minister we have ever had. We feel sad 22 years of hard work has gone to the dumps


imran ikbal
imran ikbal
1 year ago
whatever he says bout Israel is the truth


Derek Song
Derek Song
1 year ago
Mahathir is truely Malaysian always want the true to his country & past world's leader. Respect him all time.


Asif Aziz
Asif Aziz
1 year ago
This guy here is a Gem amongst politicians... I can easily recall days or the timeline when our country gained independence and was way ahead of Malaysia and another country like Thailand. It took him 2 decades to change the face of Malaysia. I have witnessed Malaysia take its first few steps to become what it is today under this guy's rule and i aint even Malaysian or Thai.


x iLLzYaz x eLijAH
x iLLzYaz x eLijAH
1 year ago
The problem started when Najib are chosed to pro-US, pro-Brit and pro-Arab Saudi. Tun Mahathir prefered Malaysia to be non-alligned country. He never trusted westerner or middle eastern, rather to chose France, Japan or South Korea. After he stronged on foreign policies suddenly Najib with his moderate leadership, Malaysia has become a very diplomacy country. Nah with the westerner ideology every leader need to take "wait and see" before you give your hands. Who can forget about Mahathir when he push "Buy British Last",  "Look East Movement" and 2020 vision. About the Jews, Mahathir were right, this people have a power to influenced every thought or policies like what AIPAC did in USElection. This people also used their media to push their hidden agenda like they did to Islam. Until now they keep portray Muslim as an evil people. What they wont tell you when UN and other world leader already warns about Terrorist and Jihadist if they keep his decision to attack Iraq. 👎👎👎👎


1 year ago (edited)
I'm very glad that this HYPOCRITE Mamakthir got EXPOSED & LAMBASTED by an Arab Channel... the very same people that he was trying very hard to champion & impress.
The World can see that Malaysia was RUINED by this RACIST, CORRUPT, hatred-filled TYRANT = PARIAH SWINE.

Jangan percaya MAMAKTHIR!!
Ajenda SEBENAR Wawasan 2020 = anak aku Mukhriz jadi PM

Malaysia mula2 ROSAK 22 tahun yg lalu dlm zaman Mamakthir = kronisma, rasuah, politik perkauman, kehakiman tak bebas, guna undang2 kezaliman, fitnah dll
Semua yg Mamak tuduh Najis telah dicipta oleh Mamak... Najis hanya ikut aje


adriwkiut ahmad
adriwkiut ahmad
1 year ago
Yup... I'm very2 proud to be a Malaysian during Tun Dr M era, altho there are rumours that The Zionis hates (scared) of him and planning to attack Malaysia, but he keep standing strong..
now I'm no longer proud of my country, as it became weak and at some point embarassing, everybody in the cabinet even the senators of the Parlimen are apple polishers, anybody who have even slight disagreement will be kick out and condemned using the mainstream media...
Mind you that during Dr M's era his Cabinet argue with him all the time as to find the best solution of any discussion/ issues arise..


siska ain
siska ain
1 year ago (edited)
im the condition was very bad as all parties that investigated leader have been practically disturbed. i believe if things like this continue malaysia will become the worst country in asean.


Stephen Joseph
Stephen Joseph
1 year ago
The current economic and racial malaise, corruption, misgovernment and deteriorating of living standards can be traced directly to Mahathir’s own doings. And now he and his band of rejects wants to Save Malaysia by toppling the democratically elected government through devious means. Chibai! Maybe they need to do a Mussolini on him at Merdeka Square to warn other traitors as well, that treason is unhealthy.


Abdul Shukor
Abdul Shukor
1 year ago
Mahathir is true to his words n action. He has done his duty greatly towards Malaysia n malaysian. As a human,he is not perfect. So do us right?


ahmad jihan
ahmad jihan
1 year ago
Mahathir actually is a big hypocrite


Tanim Xubayer
Tanim Xubayer
1 year ago
Why Soudi and its ally so badly  want to keep nazib in power? Dont forget Al Jazeera is funded by Quatar, ally of Soudi.


David Tee
David Tee
1 year ago
Najib is the worst pm in malaysia history I hope will be topple one day


El Perro Loco
El Perro Loco
1 year ago
I have to be honest here. I think South East Asia is long over due for their own spring. Like the Arab spring. The South East Asia spring is inevitable.


Far J
Far J
3 months ago
Mahathir calls Indians - Keling, calls Bugis -Pirates, calls Malays lazy and dishonest and he also calls Jewish  an offensive stateement..only a racist will support Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan.


Bow Lampar
Bow Lampar
2 months ago
Not convicted of corruption is because there is a no charges file by AG  , the original one who pursued the 1MDB probe is fired, other head of executive branches agency  like anti corruption agency  also faces the same fate -  demoted, transferred out , take early retirement or service terminated , the democratic institutions are useless in enforcing the law of the country  when it involve high level government official.


Tia Uzma
Tia Uzma
1 day ago (edited)
Mahathir is right about corruption. Yeah,he may have done some in the past. But how corrupt is it? Enough to destroy Malaysia like Najib did? There is always corruption in politics, but the difference is the level of corruption. How bad is it? If you haven't figure out yet, Mahathir is highly respected and loved in Malaysia. And now he has become Prime Minister again after the general election, and Malaysians loved Malaysia more than ever before, people are singing the national anthem respectfully for the first time and actually everyone stood up and cried when Mahathir became Prime Minister. We all hate politics but we need them. When we vote, we vote the ones we least hate. Najib is totally hated. By literally everyone. I'm not saying Mahathir is perfect, but he has definitely done less damage than any other Prime Ministers before.


Tan Guo xiang
Tan Guo xiang
1 year ago
Mahathir is just jealous that Najib has taken more bribe then him. Story end.


1 year ago


1 year ago
Wait we are talking about Najib or Mahathir? I can't tell the difference.


harry haluester
harry haluester
1 year ago
wow i wonder whats Najib going to buy with that 700mil


Spanish Jo
Spanish Jo
1 year ago
Ruling the World is not about minority or majority Jew. It is God who has selected them to rule the world!


Spanish Jo
Spanish Jo
1 year ago
Najib is Malaysia greatest PM in history!


1 year ago
Mahathir was a great prime minister.


5 months ago
90 year old man ain't gonna be alive for long

Snow Angel
Snow Angel
3 weeks ago
Mahathir, you will be the next PM by God's grace. 2018 will change Malaysia's fate. CHSC

IM ID_entity
IM ID_entity
1 month ago
I just listen his voice in 3 sec and i knew its him. Ive watched his video before. His debated in Oxford University i guess and i totally love his style. Keep it up man

1 year ago
thank you for inviting Oromo leader on your show

nuor muse
nuor muse
1 year ago
mahathir mohamed  he best leader u support him and he is my roll model  thank you because you developed your country. .....from hargeisa somalia.

muhamad alif
muhamad alif
1 year ago
"najib razak" idiot person who become prime minister..  

mahathir mahathir
mahathir mahathir
1 month ago
During Mahathir rule we were safe, plenty of job, less tax and good price is control... it dawn golden ages

Critical Thinker
Critical Thinker
1 year ago
The pot calling the kettle blackYa.....

Jomanex Kasaye
Jomanex Kasaye
1 year ago
The TPLF spokes person Getachew Reda said "Human Rights watch has no representative in Ethiopia " the truth is they don't allow that to happen but on this digital age everyone can report an incident, back in Aug. 2011 Ethiopian opposition figure Bekele Gerba was imprisoned and charged on terrorism after his discussion with Amnesty international representatives which was afterwards expelled from the country.

Natam hanjing
Natam hanjing
1 year ago
karut la ni

Mo HaTem
Mo HaTem
1 year ago
nice conversation

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