Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Live: Feel the beauty of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu 大美长江,水韵江苏

Live: Feel the beauty of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu 大美长江,水韵江苏




Streamed live 20 hours ago

Let’s follow the trace of China’s beautiful Yangtze River in Jiangsu. As the saying goes, Heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below. Regions south of the Yangtze River are the bustling water areas for fishing and shipping. Jiangsu Province is tapping into its wits to create a harmonious ecological system and develop the green economy under the advantaged nature condition.
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please don't label the footage shown in the 12th minute 'ecological' without qualifications like 'a mixture of seed will be sown', when what we actually see has all the telltale signs, and let's not mince words, alarmbells of encroaching, and as always, in the long run disastrous monoculture. Thanx.
also, the gigantication of mechanomuscle comes with - bears with it, has the concommitant effect and delivers the disservice, McLuhan would say, of - insectization, it shrinks the human soul down to minisculity, toning liveliness down to levels of say ... a production forest. To not mix metaphors to vastly, would you try to save the climate and cure the oxygen levels with a bonsai operation?
JoesJamesJungg SeaCeeZees
Please bring more tourists here.

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