Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Chas Freeman – Things Fall Apart: America, Europe, and Asia in the New W...

Chas Freeman – Things Fall Apart: America, Europe, and Asia in the New World Disorder




Schiller Institute
Published on Jul 2, 2016

Chas Freeman – former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and main
interpreter for Richard Nixon during his 1972 trip to China

Panel I: The strategic crisis is “more dangerous than at the height of the Cold War”

The Schiller Institute’s international two-day conference gathered more than 300 guests from 24 nations and four continents for an intense and profound dialogue on how to stop the immediate danger of world war, by creating instead a new paradigm of global cooperation and development, based on a dialogue of civilizations and the unique creativity of mankind. Conference participants were extremely alerted about the escalation of western geopolitical confrontation against Russia and China and the danger of thermonuclear war and passed a resolution calling for an immediate end of sanctions against Russia and Syria. To end the war and to reconstruct war-torn Syria and the greater region of Southwest-Asia, was a key focus of the conference, during which Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Presidency of Syria, addressed the conference audience and engaged in a moving Q&A via live stream.
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Auggie Giuseppe
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1 year ago
1.) America has interests everywhere in the world.  2.)  Other countries should not only ignore their own interests, they should pay for ours.  3.)  Ignore the trail of death and destruction that the US has laid everywhere it has traveled, our true objective is peace and stability.

I suppose the ruling class in every country is and always has been delusional.  It's sad, but is it that hard to imagine Chas as a head waiter at some silly five star restaurant in NYC?
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 Brad Mitchell
Brad Mitchell
11 months ago
Freeman presents a most reasonable approach to creating the foreign policy of the twenty-first century, but failed to mention the interference of the financial powers of the planet. in running away with the central motivation to power.



9 months ago
Austria has a "credible defense force"?  Has porky ever been to Austria?  I agree that AIPAC and the jewish traitors to their host states are mainly the problem, but Chas has a bit of an arrogant and self-reinforcing outlook on the world.  There was no need for the US to intervene in WWI, nor was it a good idea to go to war over the German city of Danzig and a corridor to Danzig.  The same "minds" were at work in that respect also.  America enjoyed huge economic growth after WWII which has misled its people into blind faith in "democracy."  The present is a reminder of the inability of democracy to function with limits on the scope and reach of government, as America found out between 1820 and 1865.  Self-determination was denied to Germans, leading to war.  Fascism or anger was merely a response to the injustice implemented by the French and British (colonial powers = "democrats"?) against the Germans and Hungarians.
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 Jesper Berggren
Jesper Berggren
11 months ago
His voice is like THUNDERSTRUCK



Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne
1 year ago
well said thanks.....theres two words which form the basis of this planets problems and once they are dissolved we can move forward if they are allowed to continue then the planet will continue to sink into the abyss and ultimately self destruct sadly.......these two words are known as "Central Banks" ......plain and simple....



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9 months ago
hehe idiots laughing out vit.c(ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate),peek of ignorance


Jimmy Jackson
Jimmy Jackson
1 month ago
At 1:40 when you state the American people are belatingly opening discussions on U.S. Foreign Policy. It's not millennials fault you baby boomers are too scared to address the global dilemmas we face. 💯👌


8 months ago (edited)
Despite i agree with most... the old TURTLE  needs to clean up the language so the  the slime can understand un like the faoul jews


Raymond Pomfret
Raymond Pomfret
2 weeks ago
99%of the world are scratching around like chickens in shit compared with the 1% ,and as long as that continues then this planet will disintegrate ,it must end or this world will end in the not to distant future !!!

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