Tuesday, April 17, 2018

What a powerful speech! Duterte on the way to becoming an global 'anti-h...

What a powerful speech! Duterte on the way to becoming an global 'anti-hypocrisy' icon ~Share this!




Thinking Minds
Published on Oct 20, 2016
What a powerful speech! Duterte on the way to becoming a global 'anti-hypocrisy' icon ~Share this!
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Surud Patel
If Rodrigo Dutrete were to die other than of natural causes the World will know the CULPRITS.
デラックス特撮DX Tokusatsu
non sense questions from the first person.
Danilo Marcos
Americans and Europeans understimated the Philippines without knowing that one (1) day a Man with Principles will be a President. He is not like the other previous President of the Philippines who obeyed the Dictations of the West for their Own Personal Interest and Benefits... Let us have a True Changes for the good of the Filipino People...
Nicole Stith
Wow I am an American citizen and I really think that we need a president like him.
Great respect for Pres Duterte for building bridges with China instead of burning them. As he said, " I try not to hurt my enemies, nor serve my friends. " Well said.
Aldrich Susanto
I believe, everyone that watch this can easily see what kind of man he is.. He is a humble, honest, straightforward, high patriotism, logical and not stubborn person. And that's why all what he said, simple believable.
Ian Hawthorn Thain
I wish we in England had a national leader like President Duterte. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only liars of mass deception in the West, and God will require of America and Britain the blood of the innocent dead in the land of Abraham.
El Costeño
Before watching this video I didn't know what to make of Duterte. Now I understand why he has received such negative coverege here in the states. He is a well informed patriot.
Lovely Josue
After i watched this is suddenly I remember Luffy finding One Piece and his fight against the World Govt.
Ernest Porter
Mr.President please be careful because the man Will assassinate you like they done to All leaders that doesn't dance to their music
Remchie Meyer
Good on you President Duterte your the hero of the Filipino people of the Philippines fight for the good future of your country
President Duterte is schooling the world on how the USA brain washed people around the world through its selective and bias history education. Hollywood is its frontline propaganda machine.  Under the cover of entertainment it promotes and preaches how American is righteous, fair, free and saviour of the world.  When in fact the opposite is true.  America has committed more crimes against humanities then all the countries in the world combined. He is exposing US hypocrisy and double standards.  A great man.
jady jade
He truly loves his country and it's people. I admire him for that
george jung
he is protected by russia and china. CIA cant do sh!t.. his men are loyal because he got integrity..
The only phil pres that's got some BALLS
Alvin d
A true Filipino leader we are all waiting for!
this is insane. du30 exposing the evils of the west.
jady jade
Time to grow out of the COLONIAL MENTALITY and learn to stand on our OWN
Wanxia Liao
A great president and a great people have emerged in the world stage from Asia at this historical moment - the President and the people of the Philippines, who are the real winner! You have overcome China's stupidity with great wisdom, and then you stretched out the helping hand to China with brotherly magnanimity. People in China should be in grateful tears. All my respect to you the Philippines people, and President Duterte,  the true hero! God sent him to save Asia! He should be nominated for Nobel Peace Price if that price is really for world peace! And I pray for his safety!
Yolanda Harness
all tatay digong's speeches are sensible, full of sincerity and concern not only of this generation but to the next generations' welfare. no hypocrisy at all. no wonder the grassroots level overwhelmingly love him. simple man but full of wisdom.

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