Monday, April 16, 2018

Eric Schmidt on AI: "Trust me, these Chinese people are good"

Eric Schmidt on AI: "Trust me, these Chinese people are good"




Published on Nov 2, 2017
Eric Schmidt (Google ex-CEO) on AI: 'Trust me, these Chinese people are good'
The billionaire believes that the US government needs to do more to maintain its lead in artificial intelligence.
China released an AI strategy in July, which revealed that it plans to become a world leader in the field by 2030.
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Tired AF
Can't believe I almost missed this incredible interview. Very unique and great insights, US has to pull up her sleeves and really start working hard, it is not a problem of whether to have AI or not, it is already here, it is a problem of not being completely overtaken by other countries who has no such concerns for AI usage and is intending to push for dominance in AI in the near future.
Gabriel 1
Single biggest threat to human beings is that biologically we haven't really evolved from the caveman days. Hence, the gap between technological development and human development continues to widen. Essentially, we're scared little children with increasingly dangerous toys. The human condition is short sighted, selfish and based on greed. The ethics, philosophy and spirituality has to be debated and underpin breakthrough technologies like AI etc. Technologies are neutral, it's how you utilize it. If ethics aren't incorporated in the implementation of these new technologies, we'll only be further losing our freedoms, privacy and jobs. Wake up! Projections are that 40% of existing jobs could be replaced by AI by 2030. How are we going to manage this dislocation such as never seen in human history? What are we going to do with all the displaced workers? AI will only enrich the few and impoverish the majority. Same script. Self interest is driving these new revolutionary technologies. Unless human nature evolves to catch up with technological development shortly, human societies are in serious trouble! I'm not holding my breath!
Fook Seng Loke
Didn’t Bill Gates turn to China to help fund his nuclear fusion research in Terra Power because the US government has turned him down?
swedge, PhD
It's what happens when you underinvest in education, have a dysfunctional, unpopular political system (aka America's version of "representative" democracy), and politicians more invested in gender issues and Trump tweets than science and engineering innovation.
Slo Mo
10:45 Chinese are talked about.
Leon Dong
India is No. 1😂
If your country can’t produce the best engineers and must rely on foreign talents, you will fail !
morib guy
Hey! If the annual computer programming competition among All the top universities is any indicator of future potential of the world; then Russia and China must be rated on the top. Russians may have the top position since 2000 but the number of Chinese universities among the final round really spells out their potential in term of number. People like to talk about India; mostly because the West hope for a competition for China in Asia. If the last 30 years is any indicator of the rate of progress, then India must be put on the next group of competitors; not among the top nation. India had the advantage when their people came to read English because of two plus centuries of British master; hence they took off from the starting block but the Orientalists had changed the scenario.
Shirley Diwert
You guys will keep inventing, polluting, ruining our beautiful planet so you can strut around the planet like Louis 14th.  This is not working for MOST of the planet.  There is no hope for most of the youth unless they are born into or inherit 'a Voice'. I am old so I have no conflict with WIFM- as all I held beautiful is gone now with Visa/payroll /money grab.  There is NO freedom for the world. Shame on all those who flipped real estate, play in the corrupt mkt.  Why don't you go volunteer where the bombs have killed many.  I am embarrassed to be from N America & all world dislikes what our society stands for.
Moosa Anwar
For software US firms has always relied on the talents of Indians and Chinese. And now that they have money, it's obvious that they are going to use those talents for the betterment, advancement of their own countries.
Colin Tan
Wait until you see the Shining Indians.
Moosa Anwar
Schmidt is basically begging for American Tax payer money for his company's research .
2:30 now when he says terrorism is rare I'm going to assume he means there arent millions of examples each day, not that it's not happening every day in the open, because it is. Especially in Europe.. 
budes matpicu
what to expect from the main villain of DoMoreEvil new orwellian GOOLAG... remember, this is the guy who said couple of years ago "what privacy, forget about it... people will change their names to diconnect from their teen-upload web footprint"
Shara Kirkby
The ethics of this is unclear anď inconsequential to Schmidt. He has a personal agenda and interest in the invention. Longevity.
Basically We Chinese people’s value are just helping you guys get budget money from the government, right?
Raymond Martinez
This crook should be in Levonworth breaking rocks for the criminal he is ..hes buddies with the Clintons GATES, and the rest of all the,swamp creatures that stole goverment technology and information and sold it to the Chinese and other foreign do you think he build GOOGLE AND GOT FILTY RICH ..THESE POS SOLD OUT AMERICANS WHEN HE SOLD THAT GOV INFO TO ALL THIS COMPANIES NOW BUILDING ROBOTS AND WILL LEAVE AMERICANS JOBLESS...OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE... THESE GUY IS NOTHING BUT A CRIMINAL...

Wen Chu
During recent years, Chinese universities produce 4 millions engineers each year. The sheer number could crush U.

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