Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Russia China and the New World Order - Full Debate

Russia China and the New World Order - Full Debate




IAI (Institute of Art and Ideas)
Published on Mar 12, 2018
China may be on the way to replacing the US as the world's dominant economic power, but with Russia also growing its reach, could the future be more dangerous still? Do we face an uncontainable multipolar world with many nations vying for power? Or should we applaud a break from US global dominance and look forward to a more equal future?

The Panel
Mary Ann Sieghart asks Oxford historian Rana Mitter, HSBC chief economist Stephen King and politician George Galloway to envisage the world's future. -- The Home of Philosophical Debate

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Adrian Grant
Galloway, as usual, is the only one on stage speaking the truth.
roger morgan
China builds ports and railways.USA flys drones that drop bombs , Who will win the peoples heart?
Christopher Casey
George Galloway speaks the truth
Henry L
China is doing business with the rest of the world while the US is having wars with the rest of the world
Rothschild own US Russia and China, NK, shut up.  You all are liars
tean tan
A useful debate.
peter kung
It made me angry to see Mr. Galloway who was telling the true but then being attacked and laughed by everybody around him.
Pardeep Tandon
Chinese political system is based on Meritocracy and a system based on merit will any day beat a democratic system in which all politicians do strategic thinking based on how to win the next elections and not in interest of the countries long term interest. Is Trumps policy of “ America first “ not a nationalistic policy?
Pardeep Tandon
If India and China solve there border issues than can easily form a NATO like alliance with BRICKS. And Russia will love to encourage a defence pact like this. The basic human right is the right to eat three meals a day and China has pulled out of Poverty 600 million people in last twenty years. While during this period USA has violated human rights and did war crimes in IRAQ, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. The islands in South China Sea were Chinese territories for 1800 years of the last 2000 years.
st Kuan
Galloway spoke the truth. Rana is a typical western spinner.
Joe Roo
china if you join russia and use any nukes nerve agent will be used on your china
Klub Svetnikov
King - just another predatory neolib monetarist.
Klub Svetnikov
3 idiots have to learn basics from George.
Klub Svetnikov
Galloway, speaks sense, Rana - waste of time, overpaid shill of corporate porpaganda, postmodernistic bubble.
Klub Svetnikov
Mary Ann Sieghart - stupid or corrupt?
lingo starr
you can take the curry out of india, but you cant take india out of the curry
China has the best system at the moment. They have 10 year plans. UK is just chaos and their system creates division.
The President of The Internet
I'm instantly suspicious of anything that has been concised
Jupiter rising
As normal everything is in reverse! Typical NWO and those behind it's approach. The existing system is the NWO, NATO, UN, EU, WORLD BANK, ECB, it's all the NWO. FOOLS!
DormantIdeas NIQ
The U.N. was created as The League of Nations by the FILTHY JOO!!! then renamed!!! THE JOO LIES about everything and conducts WORLD SABOTAGES constantly! The JOOMINATI, the FILTHY AshkeNAZIm JOO Rothschild NASTY CRIMINAL CLAN!
DormantIdeas NIQ
I wonder when the JOO.S.A. will apply sanctions against China that will disrupt the operations to the GIANT GE generators that were installed in the mega DAM!!! I guarantee you the Chinese are not stupid... they already can cover that option, by building their OWN parts!!! FCK THE JOO.S.!

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