Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

Published on Feb 19, 2018
Part 1- full video. Expose' on the Shadow Government.

Kevin Shipp
New book out on the Shadow Government. It is excellent. I have recommended it. See trailer.…/KUS_60_PREORDER.mp4
Michael Taylor
God bless the whistleblowers
Radha Das333
God please protect and help Kevin Shipp on his brave monumental task he has undertaken. And God help us we need it.
Mr Bojangles
Let's see some transparency! How about we put all government transactions on public ledgers for all citizens to scrutinize.
17 76
so Alex Jones was right all along
TheSheeple people
It is Revolution time.
Return of Zeus
The Bush family were German nobility that branched off from the House of Bussche. The Bussche family ruled as feudal lords in the regions of Ravensberg and Osnabruck located in Westphalia. The House of Bussche had several family branches in the Holy Roman Empire and the Bush family are one of them. The German word for Bush is Busch. In their region of Osnabruck it was governed by Catholic Prince-Bishops which were given their authority by the Pope of Rome. The movement of protesting against Roman-Papal authority rose up in Osnabruck so they brought in the Jesuits to combat the protesters of Rome. The University of Osnabruck was then turned into a Jesuit University for a short period of time. Jeb Bush is a Roman Catholic convert and a fourth degree Knight of Columbus. Bush Sr's grandfather George Herbert Walker was Jesuit educated from Stonyhurst College. Adolphus Busch was an ancestor of the former Bussche family of Westphalia and the co-founder of the Anheuser-Busch beer company. The Sons of Silence biker gang use the Anheuser-Busch logo. The Bussche family are also intermarried with German-Dutch royalty like the House of Lippe. The Peirce name from Barbara Pierce-Bush comes from the Percy family who are British Peers and Dukes of Northumberland. The Percy family also settled a covert family branch in Mississippi which became politicians and plantation owners with their Trail Lake plantation. Thomas Walker was an ancestor of the Bush family and was a British slave trader. John and Francis Walker were politicians in Virginia that helped to transform the Virginia Company into the United States. I believe the Walker family are closely related descendants of the Templer family of Devon. The Bush family are like the royal family of the United States working as princes under the authority of the House of Windsor which have German ancestry. George Herbert Walker Bush is a Knight of the House of Windsor's Order of the Bath. The CIA headquarters is called George Bush Center for Intelligence because the Bush family have a continual authority over DC and the CIA as the highest level political family in the United States. Axel von dem Bussche was a Nazi solider who "planned to assassinate Adolf Hitler" which is just another one of the many lies told by this wicked family similar to "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq." The German royal and noble families helped to engineer Hitler and the Nazis. The Windsor family changed their name under King George V who was from the House of Glucksburg and House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha and both of these families were involved with the Nazis. King Edward VIII of the House of Windsor was a Nazi supporter. Prescott Bush's Union Banking Corporation was holding gold for Nazis and was shut down under the "trading with the enemy act." J. Bush & Co. was a continuation of the Union Banking Corporation and founded by Skull and Bonesman Jonathan Bush. J. Bush & Co. was bought by Riggs Bank which absorbed into PNC Financial Services after allowing money laundering into Saudi Arabia. George Bush was investigated for insider trading of shares in Harken Energy Corp which purchased his Spectrum 7/Abrusto Energy company which was financed by James Bath a business associate of the bin Laden family. Vannevar Bush oversaw the Manhattan Project as the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and was also the founder of Raytheon. Steven Walker is the Director of DARPA today. Wesley G. Bush runs Northrop Grumman as CEO, President and Chairman. The Bush family basically own and run the Military Industrial Complex and are using Directed Energy Weapons on civilians. Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, the banker Jonathan Bush, and George Bush were all initiated into the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale. John M. Walker was the uncle of George Bush Sr. and also Skull and Bones. John Walker was an investment banker whose firm G.H. Walker, Laird & Co. absorbed into Merrill Lynch. The Nazi SS used the Skull and Bones symbol. The Skull and Bones secret society at Yale is a military council which is why George Bush Sr. started the Gulf War and George Bush Jr. started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Bush family are war profiteers. The Skull and Bones also use military and war for recruiting soldiers into paramilitary death squads which are used inside the United States for persecution and covert assassinations. The Bush family are mass murdering war criminals, terrorists, war profiteers, and an all around menace to humanity.
We have been saying all of this for years, 40+ years and we were called nut jobs, fruitcakes! Now it's all coming out some are starting to listen but the only way forward is to get the kids of today to listen and share this information on what is happening now! The Elite are targeting them because they need to have that control n ow that the world is waking up, those over the age of 30 I mean! Anyone under 30 have no idea what's happening, whats REALLY happening :0( The following is from the Elite themselves: The Elite SAID: For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do: NEW WORLD ORDER! Place our agents and helpers everywhere - They do this already Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans - They do this already by keeping ownership of everything Start fights between different races, classes and religions - They do this already Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way - They do this with their drugfilled parties of top people and children Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials - Bohemian Grove springs to mind & The Bilderberg Group Appeal to successful people’s egos - They have control of most upperclass people Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail - Every one of them have been puppets until TRUMP came along Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism - Been happening for centuries Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us - SPOT ON and It's WORKING but YOU ALL CAN CHANGE IT Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary - They've always done, read your history Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism - HAPPENING ALL THE TIME WITH ANYONE UNDER the age of 30, unfortunately most under the age of 20 have fallen victim to everything they see on computers and phones, it's how they're keeping control of the kids today!!! Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect - BANG ON, they've stopped family life and taken rights away from parents to CONTROL THESE KIDS and those under the age of 20 need to wake up, kids think that these people care about them by providing these programs they all watch, they are all down to mind control, the kids don't see whats coming to them next!!! Rewrite history to our benefit - Like they think who want child sex to be reduced to 4 year olds as they say that's what a child wants. A child of that age knkows nothing about sex! These are sick bastards who want YOUR CHILDREN FOR THEIR OWN PLEASURES. Create entertaining distractions - Films, programs & Video games etc. Corrupt minds with filth and perversion - It's WORLD WIDE, they are Satanists and Pedophiles (Globally) Read the history on it. Encourage people to spy on one another - Happens constantly, people used to look out for each other and were friendly, today, you don't know your neighbors Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor - Hit the nail on the head and it doesn't have to be this way!!! Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold - Hence why the fires were started, look at the land they took Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc - Bang on, the ELITE are buying up all the gold and getting rid of the paper money which THEY own and manipulate Introduce a progressive tax on wealth - Waiting for this one to happen Replace sound investment with speculation - That never wins and therefore people lose their businesses and they buy them up Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments - That they cannot pay back so Governments are always in debt, Trump could put the ELITE out by printing US money, no one says he can't, he could get your country out of debt and make lives better if you back him, it's what the PEOPLE want that he can help with, it's what you voted him in for. Stop thinking he's out for his own good and help him get AMERICA great again. Give bad advice to governments and everyone else - Which they've been doing for years and idiots follow their every word - Puppets that is. They continued to say: Eventually the Goyim (meaning us the people) will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over. We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim (meaning us the people) will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule. Now watch this video and see just how bad it really is but ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE IT by STANDING UP AGAINST THESE ELITE PEOPLE: It ISN'T Trumps fault, he's trying hard to STOP ALL that's happened from continuing to fight the ELITE and you've all played your part in helping the Elite to continue what he's NOW trying to undo!!! Yet YOU ALL won't take BLAME, you're blaming the very man that is trying to undo this MESS... PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION A.S.A.P and come together to STOP ALL THIS FROM HAPPENING ANYMORE!
Aedre Bletsung
A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. Probably the best thing to do is cause those in the kingdom of darkness in both the deepstate and shadowgov is to cause everyone to turn on each other in that evil system..
Chevy Deeler
I love Kevin Shipp. He’s an American patriot. A truly brave American!
tony sabell
ATTENTION: YouTube is currently jamming or removing many videos which run counter to its crazed and corrupt neo-con CIA OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD narrative...This video may well be REMOVED soon. It might be advisable to share it with yourself by putting it in your e-mail Archive file so YOU WILL RETAIN ACCESS TO IT. I did.
This is the first time ive had it explained fully, wow. I knew it was really fucking bad, but not this bad.
schnekm483bk Ken
When an unelected "branch" of our government can threaten the "original" 3 branches of government, we have an invading domestic terrorist force acting (with taxpayer dollars) to undermine our Constitution.
45 Cegelski
JFK was assassinated for wanting to dismantle the CIA/FBI
Steve D
No mention of Israel huh? Arent we fighting all their wars in the Mddle east for them ? 911 , hijackers ? Dr Judy Woods nailed it. "Where did the towers go " ? This was done by directed energy weapons. You are not being honest about everything Mr Shipp
Digital Pitt Boss
How come you did not reveal one persons name of this shadow government who controls it?
There appears to be much grey hair in his audience; Kevin should be talking to the young people, because this shadow Government will come out when the youth come of age.
David Zhao-Sweet
Kevin dont miss ex #NSA JimStone.IS "Main Stream Media: The truth does not matter, what you can make people believe is the truth, does." a) BREAKING: Mueller indicted 13 Russians on charges for supporting Donald Trump!!! This news is less than 10 minutes old at time of posting. Let's see where this show goes. This is not a hoax, The indictment is here. I doubt the charges are legit, but this just goes to show that Mueller is the shadow state and #Hillary will #never #fry, #no #matter #what. READ THE FOLLOWING, AND LOCK AND LOAD. If the government is this corrupt, it is war time b) 911 cameraman found a safe that had been emptied prior to the attacks, and another with obvious signs of forced entry. He filmed it all and never turned in the footage. He knew right away his footage would be destroyed so he kept it. His wife ended up dead less than a year later. He has been tried five times for killing her and was found innocent all 5 times. He is now in Argentina, and the U.S. wants him extradited to go on trial for the same thing again. c) This report by The Sun is well worth a read, see this Just like Sandy Hook (where the building was torn down to hide evidence) the school in florida is coming down too!
Ambrose Hoolihan
As genuine as he seems, he's still a CIA agent.. I'm not saying don't trust him, just be aware that there are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing trying to spread disinformation and distraction and theories to take your attention away from the real issues.. He would've signed a lot of nda's and it gives me a bit of suspicion that he's not arrested for speaking about these issues.. The only reason I can see for his freedom to speak on these issues is that they want him to speak
Shatona Thomas
Is it just me or is this literally scary.
Cynthia Allaire
Kevin Shipp said the Ayatollah took power after the CIA coup against Iran in 1953. In fact, after the CIA overthrew the democratically elected Mosaddegh using rent-a-mobs, the US government installed the Shah of Iran, a monarch, on the Peacock throne, who could only retain power by use of secret police, mass arrests of political opponents, and torture - which the US taxpayers paid for without their knowledge or consent. It was not until 1979 that the Iranian Revolution took place in which the Shah was dethroned and the Ayatollah came to power. The US government put in a dictatorship and kept it in Iran for 26 years before the people of Iran swept it out. This was when Jimmy Carter allowed the Shah to come to the US for cancer treatment. Other instances where the US with CIA connivance destroyed democratically elected governments included the Arbenz government in Guatemala the following year, which precipitated 31 years of bloody military dictatorships with US backing. In 1960, with Eisenhower's authorization, the CIA (along with other countries' "intelligence" agencies) assassinated Patrice Lamumba in Congo, and installed the dictator Mobutu, kept in place with billions in US tax money, for three decades, whose misrule was so horrendous, half of Congo/Zaire's children died before their 5th birthdays, and he precluded pay phones or other phone service from being installed in Zaire because he was fearful his political enemies would use them to plot his removal. The death toll attributable to coup in Congo alone surpasses 7 million. "Mosaddeq's overthrow, still given as a reason for the Iranian mistrust of British and American politicians, consolidated the Shah's rule for the next 26 years until the 1979 Islamic revolution. It was aimed at making sure the Iranian monarchy would safeguard the west's oil interests in the country."

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