Saturday, April 14, 2018

Kevin Rudd: Imagining China in 2023 - China's Domestic and Foreign Postu...

Kevin Rudd: Imagining China in 2023 - China's Domestic and Foreign Posture under Xi Jinping

Published on Apr 9, 2014
Former Australian PM Kevin Rudd visited the LKY School on March 18 and gave a wide-ranging lecture to a full house at the LKY School, delighting Chinese audience members with his fluent mandarin. In a subsequent exclusive interview with the LKY School, he spoke to Dean Kishore Mahbubani about China's new leaders and the problems they are grappling with in terms of growth and climate change, the sweet spot between the theory and practice of public policy and why Australian students should study at the LKY School. View the interview here: ======================================= Speaker: Mr Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister of Australia Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Jim Sia
regardless of all the unfavourable things they say about China, China will prevail ,its in our genes
Viva Voce
Kevin is the very few leaders who had a very good understanding of China. Too many bogus China or Middle East expert in Washington who had repeatedly screwed up US's foreign policy.
Ella Shy
I just started doing business with the Chinese 2 years ago and there is nothing more overwhelming then what I see when I visit China through my frequency there...ignore this country at your peril...
Wow Kevin Rudd has a very good sense of humor and his Chinese is so good.
Rachel Wong
Excellent speech and discussions ! Thank you for posting !
Peter Wang
Kevin Rudd never fail to impress me about his intellectual capacity.. The mystery is for his fallout with Australian voters...
Terence Chung
China's Dream is to compete with the Anglo-American melting pot of mediocrity.
terrence simms
God help the Chinese if they fall for the great Jew deception in controll of many western countrys
This is one man's view about the future of China - what matters is, PEOPLE - and the QUALITY their DAILY LIFE. In the last half century not many countries have actually DELIVERED TO THE PEOPLE - China has done so far more than any other country. I am not talking about political systems - I am talking about jobs, housing, education, food supply, parks, culture, dynamism, belonging, etc. In less than half a century China has transformed itself from an agrarian society to a powerful INDUSTRIAL society - and now into a HIGH TECH society. What has driven this transformation? FOCUS, stability, pragmatism, and a life view that is spread over generation rather than a single lifetime. What the future holds for mankind is, in many ways, being built in China - but eventually this new Chinese Empire will also fall - but it will never be forgotten. The Egyptian Empire rose very quickly and lasted 4,500 years before it fell to the swords of Greek and Roman Armies, and even today we marvel at their achievements. Today China is the most Dynamic society that mankind has; and it appears willing to share its achievements - and yesterday's offer of their opening their future Space Station to all and sundry only goes to prove it.
Jim Sia
Nobel Prize selection is favouring Westerners . By  the way most are won by Jews who are middle eastern ,not white western. China was warring for many centuries and that's the reason they are  playing catchup .China will beat all the western countries even now or in the next 10 years.( economy and military and inventions)
boray bioece
1:02:40 "allow china run the world bank!" what a sarcastic question, now China has its now bank AIIB joint with 54 nations, silk foundation, and Brics Bank. Go on, WWF, continue to be a arrogant and ignorant organization, good for u.
Such good analysis by Mr. Kevin Rudd, whose intellect and wisdom are obviously too much for the farmers and barbarians DOWN UNDER in Australia.
Chris Christie
The IMF projection however says by 2020, the US will reach 22 trillion, while China stagnates at 15 trillion... China is slowing down, a combination of ill conceived policies from the government and a conspiracy to deliberately slow down to placate the west... China may just made a deal with the united states to support continued US hegemony, the communist party afterall only cares about its rule... the people need to get rich, but 6,000 dollars a year on average obviously is already good enough for the Chinese people.
imagine George W. Bush taking this speech and questioning instead of Kevin Rudd. Omg the 'facepalming' would be real lol
Colin Tan
Australia remains the most racist nation on earth.
Lee lacter
Many Chinese say they love communist China but immigrant to western country by any means as long as they can use !
Dickson Jame
This country includes of race in the world
Fred Hal
The Chinese will hopefully remember the name calling and act wisely when dealing with foreigners in the future. China's like the class geek being bullied by the brawny bullies and their weaker underlings. In an equitable world led by merit and steered by material wealth, this geek will find worthwhile friends and emerge as the man at the top eventually. One word of advice for Chinese friends, stop buying european garbage "luxury" goods. I understand social signaling is a big deal to you guys but take a lesson from the Japanese and start to promote your own products and decades down the track you can start going higher end. No french fabric made in italy by a smelly part time pizza chef is worth the dollars you so happily pay for.
Lee Kok Liang
Gordon Chang should listen to Kelvin Rudd more.
Rahaan the Barbarian
The only zero sum games are those people invent.
Igos Mosig
Under what right and under what logic has China to say to claim land and sea areas so far away from China and virtually at the doorstep of other sovereign countries in South East Asia like Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam? Why is China not respecting the sovereign rights of countries in South East Asia? I want to know the Chinese argument why China is going against international rules and convention  to claim sea areas so far away from China which obviously belong to the South East Asian Countries as it is directly at their backyard or at their doorsteps. The world community must stand firm to protect international rules and international convention agreement among all nations.
Henry Darr
Kevin Rudd is my hero ! Long live the king !
f ta
Malheureusement, les gens comme Kevin Rudd ne représentent qu'une minorité des australiens !!! 
Note that the USA gives Japan only administrative role to the island. The implication is that Japan cannot breach this role by populating them or otherwise using them. China also knows that if Japan populates the islands and if China does nothing, then the Japanese population on the islands will decide sovereignty. Hence, the USA will stipulate to Japan that it cannot breach its administrative role. The USA fears causing a war. Without Japan breaching the administrative role, there will never be finality to the sovereignty. Well into 2040 2050, the islands will still be disputed. By then, comprehensive power will decide and prevail--China likely will eventually win and China at this time can wait.
There is nothing wrong with ethnocentralism if all Chinese can become Han, by love between a man and a woman, and free-thought in love of the Han culture. If the USA can become color blind in courtship and marriage, Americanism will also mean social satisfaction for all.
As Nikta Kruchave said in 1960, "The socialist type of economics, will supersede the capitalist economy because the US wastes too much money on oil wars."
Y Liu
The bad relation between China and Japan recently is not because of those small rocks in the East China Sea, rather the Japanese attitude toward its WWII record. Unless Japanese could really face its shameful history during the WWII the relation of both could not change well fundamentally. Japanese now just use the conflict between USA and China to get ride of USA's occupation and control, and their real enemy is USA!
Foo Hong Liak
The recording mixed too much H Freq.
Andrew L
Don't be shocked by Kevin's profound knowledge about Chinese, you may also shocked by his knowledge about Australia.
William de Lara
Kevin Rudd was asked explicitly by a student what would happen if X Jinping's personal hold of power, while benign, be replaced by another leader. Would his policies remain, or will a less benign leader catch the world by surprise to the detriment of the world order. He never answered the question.
tony H
jimmykhot xyx
China will.spread.communist ideology by using.their money.power. Human rights and.democracy will.diminish. The west and United States fought so long for this. STALIN SAID CAPITALIST WILL.BURY THEMSELF. The west should protect our value of free.society. I think Mr.Rud knows it.
Ivan Bajer
Kevin Rudd is speking about kommunism in China, but there is no place in the world with kommunism and Mr. Rudd simply doesn´t understand the word
Notmuch Tosay
What a boring speech! I guess most audience were sleepy or minding walking somewhere else.
Paul Yih Sr.
China by me remains to be of a "China" sell out to the West .. That is why Harvard loves him..
Low C C
Improve governance ?who is he trying to smoke
Paul Yih Sr.
(Correction) I meant RUDD ... is the sell out -- Maybe he will change in the coming years.. 
Al Loomis
there are no democratic societies aside from the limited example of switzerland, so don't get yer knickers in a knot about that. but there are varieties of oligarchy. the chinese variety is the one that says it is working for the good of all. the usa variety says it is working for the good of winners. the chinese variety is led by a team of educated professionals with deep experience of public management, the american variety is led by donald trump and a congress of quasi-aristocrats. china is rising, america is rotting.

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