Monday, February 12, 2018

Xi Jinping: China's 'Chairman of Everything'

Xi Jinping: China's 'Chairman of Everything'




Published on Oct 31, 2017

China's President Xi Jinping has been incorporated into the communist party's constitution, during the 19th party congress. This puts him at a far higher level than China's previous two leaders, on a par with Mao and Deng Xiaoping, explains Prof. Jeff Wasserstrom of UC Irvine

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 Auggie Giuseppe
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David Schlessinger
David Schlessinger
3 months ago
Mao had his purpose.  So does Xi.  I lived in China last year.  It's incredibly modern, wealthy, and continuing to expand economically at a breakneck speed.  I believe their economy will surpass the U.S. in the next 15 years.  One of the reasons they've been so economically successful is that their economy has lifted, literally hundreds of millions out of poverty.  It baffles and frustrates Americans because the communist party is still politically in charge, even though their economy is run by a Chinese form of global capitalism.  The Chinese people aren't walking around in fear of big brother like our stereotypes.  Also, our orthodox view of American capitalism as the model for economic success is pretty much destroyed by the Chinese success, although few Americans understand this.  Our own economic model has been shown to be totally corrupt and a failure- that's why we have Trump, and half of Americans are poor.

3 months ago
Can we expect another Great Leap Forward but with slightly better results then?

tean tan
tean tan
3 months ago
The facts from Prof. Wass. are mostly accurate but his interpretations about liberalization of information  and knowledge is what western liberals(him included) want China to BECOME rather he does not seem to understand which has been stated MANY times in Xi's speech is "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics(SWCC)"!!!! In other words why should China accepts what Western countries trying to push western liberal values and political system to China to accept them wholeheartedly, I am afraid not..
Remember most western liberals do not seem to accept each country should be allowed to develop to become the country their people wanted her to be and not according to some western liberal values and political system.
In the long term many years time China will accept some liberal values e.g. more democracy , better rule of law, etc but they will not the same as those the west want them to be or in the forms similar to those in the west. This is SWCC.

3 months ago (edited)
let me know when china introduces "class struggle" back into their idelogy and do something in practice. Oh wait, they wont because their to busy becoming an imperialist power on the world market with a rising bourgeoisie. socialism with chinese characteristics = capitalism pretending to be socialis. Oh and belt and road initiative is imperialism. No different nature than the WTO, NAFTA and US imperialism just the methods are different.

3 months ago
What I think is hilarious is that so many people believed that Jinping's little crusade had anything to do with cracking down on "corruption.' It had nothing to do with that. It was more of a Stalin-esque leadership purge. Jinping has no qualms with corruption, so long as he gets his cut.

3 months ago
Another China expert and their pseudo intellectual BS.

3 months ago
Xi Jinping is not a Leninist, and Mao was certainly not a Marxist. 

Leninism is not an extension of Marxism, it's an entirely new variant on Socialism.

3 months ago
China is turning into yet another neoliberal state serving the interests of the parasitic rentier capitalists. When China's private debt bubble crashes their economy, don't be surprised if they make the same disastrous mistake of bailing out the creditors and keeping all the debts in place. Good-bye massive trade surplus.

3 months ago
Xi Jinping is not a Leninist, lol.  The CPC is not Marxist either.

Ho Pw
Ho Pw
2 weeks ago
Why everything is all about power, strengthening of power and all the bullshits we hear from this video and not look at how a village kid who rose to become the leader of China in a hard way. Chinese politic is not like Americunt which is base on which candidate the international bankers and lobbyist groups support to be the next president or PM. Xi as a young man did many good deeds for his fellow villagers and they recommended him to represent them in Beijing. He was tested through various assignment first to a county and later to a province by the former leaders of China. In China most of Chinese leaders work their way up to earn their keeps. Chinese people are comfortable with their top down govt system. The trouble is anything not in line with the west is unacceptable.

Cameron Orr
Cameron Orr
2 months ago (edited)
Sorry to see Real New Network adopting the role of junior partner to imperialism. Whether it comes about as a result of opportunism or weak power of analysis, it will not serve the best interests of the US people well.

1.) Wasserstrom acknowledges it is quite normal for a Chinese leader to act as both Chairmen of the Central Committe of the Party and President of the country, and acts as if it becomes suddenly so dizzyingly confusing to add one extra role: Chairmen of the Miliary Commission of the Party comparable, as he says, to our "Commander-in-Chief." This is very disengenuous, especially since in the U.S., the POTUS is frequently recgonized also as leader of their party and, automatically, as Commander-in-Chief."
2.) Anyone who has actually read the Xi's speech to the 19th Party Congress, followed developments in China, or read the Constitution would know that the "New Era" does not refer to Xi and his influence, but rather to the objectively new economic conditions of China and, as a direct result, to its changing position in the world. And anyone who actually follows developments within China and the CPC would know, the changing position of China in the world does not refer to aspirations to be a new global hegemon, a notion the government and people of China unequivocally reject, but to its role within the UN, IMF, World Bank, and other international bodies to be able to push for a more equitable sharing of power between countries, regardless of their level of development, size, or geography, as well as to share in the benefits of development through its own international development initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, all the to end of "building a community of shared future for all [hu]mankind." Whereas the U.S. became a global hegemon post-WWI through the profits generated through slavery, and post-WWII by channeling its overcapcity into the continual escalation of war and trade deals that imposed its own system of governance on others, China has been able to develop rapidly because the public sector predominates and private enterprise is tightly regulated in accordance with a rational plan of development to serve people's needs, it has channelled overcapacity into helping developing countries build infrastructure, freeing up their resources to be put towards other kinds of social investments, and engages in no-strings-attached trade deals.
3.) "This idea that China was laid low by imperialism." That's not an idea, it's an objective fact.
4.) Class struggle is a primary contraction under capitalism, when the working class is trying to take power. This is no longer the primary contradiction under socialism. After the working class takes power, the primary task is developing the economy in the interest of the working class, not "taking power again." That would make no sense, unless you're an anarchist who fetishizes conflict for its own sake.
10.) "Xi... doesn't care about equalizing [society]"? HAHAHAH! I guess you havent' read about the poverty alleviation plan which will ELIMINATE poverty in China by the end of 2020.
11.) Then you wanna talk about housing .... already OBSOLETE, they dealing with that problem.
12.) And now your anti-anti-corruption. LOL!!!

I'mma stop there. Anyone, yall needa either do your fucking homework on China before you open your damn mouth, or just admit that you're gonna totally side step your role as a leftist progressive anti-imperialist news organization as soon as it comes to the most effective anti-imperialist country. Cause let's be real; the US ruling class hates China because it's actually undermining their imperialist role and position, not cause of something or other about "freedom and democracy."

Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson
2 months ago
It is very sad to see that real news has such ignorant and biasing "China expert" on their show. If the White still keeping this distorted view  about China since its established. They will never get it right about China for the many decades to come.
The so call open up China to embrace freedom and democracy, is just another White scam to incubate a regime change, to install a puppet government to be toyed by their White owner, like what is happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and so on. All these are socialist countries. And many other socialist countries are lining up for the regime changing lists, like Russia, China, Iran, Korea, Venezuela, the lists keep growing. That will keep the war machine humming for generations to come. The "real news" reader will keep voting for their ruling master to guide them to spread freedom and democracy all over the universe. The money master will be busy counting their  money for a long long time. That's the bloody history of the self proclaim "we are the #1 Country". We are the #1 in killing people for profit.

Cameron Orr
Cameron Orr
2 months ago
This is willful lying. Unbelievable. Real News decided to be Fake News. I'm super disappointed.

中国制造 Made in China
中国制造 Made in China
3 months ago
TheRealNews ------------- ha ha ha, these days the free world has toooo much fake news.

kl wies
kl wies
3 months ago
LOL the irony of deferential is Americans believe you should visit and take care of your parents. In chinese culture asking someone to name your son or daughter is a means of respect for elder. Not an ass kissing conduct but of respect to elder. Same conduct but means different to different culture.

Yuri muckraker
Yuri muckraker
3 months ago
interesting report, Real News forget your rules, if you have someone on and time is short, just ask them to keep on so you do another segment there that you just upload later on youtube.

3 months ago
sad see this bias from a so call "proffessor".a world withot US bias experts is possible.

Brian Booker
Brian Booker
3 months ago
America is talking about building a wall, China built one several thousand years ago and it surrounds the whole country. This is a proud and Nationalistic country. China censors American propaganda and decadence and they are the villain. We love to throw  around the Democracy narrative when we are not even remotely Democratic, unless you are talking about the rules for the rich. China knows that the West is running a criminal enterprise and they are just waiting for it to implode. They are offering the world an alternative to the strong arm tactics of the US and more countries are interested in what they have to say. Japan has had thirty years of stagnation and it's just a matter of time before they accept that their future survival means an alliance with China. This is why North Korea is in the crosshairs, this is the only way to slow the alliance.

3 months ago (edited)
Expected better from TRNN to be honest

3 months ago (edited)
The chauvinism in here is real

Jesse Duford
Jesse Duford
3 months ago
Thanks for the reporting Sharmini Peries. Suggestion can you stop using words like umm, and uhh, and other things to stall your speech to think of what your supposed to be saying and slow down the segments that are already limited on time to discuss these big issues. besides that keep up the good work

peter Fonnesbech
peter Fonnesbech
3 months ago
" New dictator is the making ! What can we expect a new Mao , Stalin, or something even worse than that ?

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