Monday, February 12, 2018

Why Chinese Manufacturing Wins

Why Chinese Manufacturing Wins




Wendover Productions
Published on Aug 8, 2017
Enter to win $2000 with Anker's "Power it Up" contest:
The battery I talked about at the end:

While Wendover Productions retained creative control over the video itself, the sponsor paid for travel expenses and for the post-roll advertisement.

Check out my podcast with Brian from Real Engineering: (iTunes link) (YouTube link)

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Animation by Josh Sherrington (
Sound by Graham Haerther (

Sources and script available here:

Deng Xiaping footage courtesy Reagan Library
Singapore historic photo courtesy Hiramatsu Kaxuhito
Chinese bar photo courtesy Roman Boed

Big thanks to Patreon supporters: Kevin Song,
Kevin Song, David Cichowski, Andy Tran, Victor Zimmer, Paul Jihoon Choi, Dylan Benson, M van Kasbergen, Etienne Dechamps, Adil Abdulla, Arunabh Chattopadhyay, Ieng Chi Hin, Ken Rutabana, John Johnston, Connor J Smith, Rob Harvey, Arkadiy Kulev, Hagai Bloch Gadot, Aitan Magence, Eyal Matsliah, Sihien Goh, Joseph Bull, Marcelo Alves Vieira, Hank Green, Plinio Correa, Brady Bellini
 Auggie Giuseppe
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Wendover Productions
Pinned by Wendover Productions
Wendover Productions
6 months ago
I hope you enjoy this video!

There's a bit of a unique situation in this video where the sponsor is partially the subject of the video as well. This is because they were able to give me a level of access that normally would not have been possible (Chinese factories are not easy to film in.) I want to stress that I did have creative control over the video but take my presentation with a grain of salt nonetheless. I visited a well-regarded, ethical factory which isn't necessarily a reflection of all factories in China, as you may know. I also didn't cover some of the issues with manufacturing in China and other less-developed countries since I was taking a more holistic, economic view rather than a person view.

Stan Kostic
Stan Kostic
5 months ago
Wow dude, I have been living in Shenzhen for years now. I would never expected to see an episode about the place. Some details are a little off but great episode, couldn't agree more!

Saki Mcbill
Saki Mcbill
6 months ago
From where all this Chinese puppet profiles came? Are they bots?
Ok we know what China is better now than 80s and i am glad about it but please don't try to convise us what is the heaven of Earth. I heave been there and i can tell you what the average Chinese is still living with a cup of rice a day, the freedom of speech just not exist, human rights are a joke, (harvest of human organs etc), the environment is unbelievable dirty and the ohh the irony most of the people are way more materialistic and competitive than the average man or woman from the west.

Here in the west usually think that China is stereotypically a wise old country but the true is that after communist repression so many years today their way of though backlash! Most of them forgot their huge culture, they want literally only money, things to buy and status. The younger Chinese (because of the one child policy) are UNBELIEVABLE spoiled from their parents and generally speaking  many of them are like asian mini Margaret Thachers. (except the freedom part)
At least i know from experience what this is not the case in Taiwan and some few places in mainland China. There the true Chinese culture is still alive and did't decimated by the communists.

01010 C
01010 C
4 months ago (edited)
This comments section just way more informative. lol
I would say something actually I have been through in past few years (US).

2009 I took some international trading and history classes like everyone else .
Professor pointed out China has issue abt:
Child Labor / Communism propaganda/ China is been controlled by four families / dog cat eaters / always buy&produce fake stuffs. etc.

Sounds familier?
Once a year, public&free medias gonna publish some articles about " China is going down." or " China won't be exist in 20xx"

Meanwhile US education always talk about "Bias" and "Stereotypes"
I don't want talk about races but to be honest, sometimes people kinda ignore other people's feeling. I have no idea how many times that people ask abt the cat&dog thing.

Before I went back, I was in NYC, people start talk about what Chinese city they went to, talk about Chinese food, crazy weather,  e-commerses.

I won't say China is perfect,  but yes, I'm glad I can be part of this country. 

People like NYC, people hate NYC, it's the same. no matter what we like or hate, actually it doesn't affect us, right?


5 months ago
This is a bunch of Chinese Communist propaganda, Shenzhen is a large city but a small part of overall China. That's like me saying San Francisco is a nice city and why American High-tech is winning, while ignoring shit holes like Detroit. Doesn't help the fact that there are a bunch of Chinese Communist Cunts, along with Leftist American degenerates spreading propaganda and hate against the West in the comment section, brainwashing your viewers. Sickens me people will throw away their values for blood money, CCP hush money.

3 months ago
I think people who brag about their salary should say 'I save this much ' instead of 'I earn this much'

Eric D
Eric D
3 months ago (edited)
Chinese manufacturing suffers from too many quality issues. When vendors come to my plant and ask "Do you mind if it's made in China?" then you know there's a problem.

3 months ago (edited)
It need two to tango.

1st you need a strong, robust, no nonsense government
2nd you need a hardworking, 'actions more than words' citizen.

The Chinese government are highly emphasize on education and building of infrastructure. In the past 25 years, China has spent many trillions on this two sectors.  In the PISA - OECD International Student Assessment, China always come up the top. And the Chinese government officials are no nonsensical dude, they are highly patriotic, highly motivate and intelligent and so does the citizen. With the above master blue print and with a population of 1.35 billions, so in a long run ... it has turned China from a 'peasant country' into the world 2nd most powerful nation and as the world No 1 trader in less then 20 years... over taking, Germany, France, UK and Japan with ease ... and the next one is .... gonna to overtake US in less than a decade from today. China is not only strong in education, business and military but  is also one of leader in the high tech sectors, from bullet train to nuclear tech, from space tech to nano tech, from supercomputer to biotech to green tech  ... and so forth.

 Many critics are saying China is a highly corrupted country .... but i like to point out, if China is a highly corrupted country then how could China able to raise herself from a 200 billions GDP to 11 trillions GDP in less then 30 years ?  How can China able to develop Shenzhen from a village of 30,000 to 18,000,000 inhabitants today ?  How can a highly corrupted country able to develop/build more than a 1,000 cities in less then 30 years ? 

Many critics are saying China's wages is dirt cheap ... lol.  Yes, at one time it was dirt cheap but then there are many countries around the world where their national wages are even much lower than the Chinese but why did the multi national companies prefer China but not others ?  Well, cheap labor is not the core reason and more over today the Chinese wages has raised many folds and yet the multi nationals still prefer China as their top priority investment country.  Some say it is because of China's huge population but then India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh .. they too have huge population but why the multi nationals still prefer China ?  So,  huge population is not the core reason.

So whatever it is, i strongly believe that China will overtake US as the world largest economy in less than 10 years ... no doubt about it.  Because of China, even the poverty groups (around the world) is able to buy a China made handphone, tv, dvd set, fridge ...etc.... where else in the past (before the emergence of China), no way these poor fellas can able to afford a simple radio.

Thank to China ... a Savior to the poor.

Nomad Girl
Nomad Girl
3 months ago
Most people's impression of "made-in-China" is from consumer goods. That's partially true now because branding and quality control is not advanced for Chinese products, but in other areas, made-in-China leads, such as spaceship, high-speed train and etc, which are not obvious for global consumers. With time, chinese firms will be more sophisticated in branding, design and innovation.

Cole Williams
Cole Williams
6 months ago
I have 3 Anker portable chargers and they're amazing

i likes stuffs
i likes stuffs
4 months ago
This comment was "made in China".

5 months ago
Cheap labour, $4 an hour.. just like in Greece (at my last job, 13 hours a day, 7 days a week), in the mighty EU. Only we are taxed to death and nothing can be profitably manufactured here due to the overwhelming incompetence of our democratically elected leaders. Good for China for achieving amazing growth while the rest of the world fucks about in the usual manner.

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