Sunday, February 18, 2018

CrossTalk on Dalai Lama: CIA monk exposed

CrossTalk on Dalai Lama: CIA monk exposed




Published on Feb 19, 2010

On Peter Lavelle's Crosstalk, his guests talk about what is behind the Dalai Lama's meeting with Obama. The US speaks nice words about China, but its actions say something different, and China has the means to show its displeasure.
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Pierse Maulgrim
Pierse Maulgrim
2 years ago
People in the West are deluded. They think that the fact their press is "free" means that whatever they are fed has to be 100% true.

This is the very embodiment of idiocy and being moronic.

Wy Zhang
Wy Zhang
2 years ago
OK, let's see people's reaction about this, not to my surprise, plenty of "Chinese bought him out" shit. Because people already tend to agree with one conclusion and refuse to hear from another. On the contrary, has anyone talked about human rights and democracy about Saodi Arabia? No, because it's a little buddy of USA. So the key to distinguish between the good and the evil is not what you've done, but whether you obey US rule or not.

no japanese allowed
no japanese allowed
1 year ago

1 year ago
Dalai Lama is a scammer paid by CIA. Dalai Lama also paid by British to carve out China territory now occupied by India.

2 years ago
There was an interview with the Dalai Lama where the reporter asked him about a monk who had recently committed self-immolation in support of his cause. Setting one's self ablaze is by far the most painful way of committing suicide. There was no evidence whatsoever of empathy in the Dalai Lama's reaction, in fact he appeared pleased.  Furthermore, the Dalai Lama seems to encourage these acts, Wikipedia states the Dalai Lama "... has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation ...".

Any psychologically healthy human being would abhor these awful suicides and implore his followers to find better ways to protest.  A psychopath on the other hand, would not.

Let's look at some of the items in the Psychopath Checklist.
- Do exist and live among us.
- Account for 1% of the human population.
- Are of above average intelligence.
- Have a grandiose sense of self-worth.
- Are cunning & manipulative.
- Are callous.
- Refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.
- Are Criminally versatility.
- Are Superficially charming.
- Lack remorse and guilt.
- Lack empathy.
- Seek a Parasitic lifestyle ie, live off others.
- Are able to identify each other in a social setting.

and because of the above attributes, Psychopaths are able to effortlessly rise to the top of all our institutions. Sound like

Po Lo
Po Lo
2 years ago
Anyone who works for the USA is a criminal!

Gangcheng Ba
Gangcheng Ba
3 years ago
Even if past tibet is not perfect, forigners put this reason to invade other nation? your reason is bullshit......

tsering tashi
tsering tashi
2 years ago
little knowledge is dangerous!! come in tibet n u guys realize ..omg!!!!!!! the world has full of fake n cunning people !! 


django jango
django jango
4 years ago
tch chinese apologist news. you lost credibility right now.

Hawo Soogoon
Hawo Soogoon
3 years ago
who the hell need to know whos the real or whos is the false. damn , just take the teaching that is clearly full of wisdom, continue to love the people around you instead of spreading all your hate over the internet feeding more hate and unusefull confusion around the globe. Media job is to create problems with the mask of a savior that is fixing something. Which media on the globe did something usefull? None,they make a show after the disaster,a movie or that is the same, anyone has some popcorn?

Nageye kondas
Nageye kondas
2 years ago
Why does Mr Delai Lama need to win Nobel Prize. After all he claims to be god

Tom Nancy
Tom Nancy
2 years ago
Obviously this is a Chinese sponsored show!

Fred Nerk
Fred Nerk
1 year ago
RT  the worlds most trusted media outlet ! loooooooooooooooooool

3 years ago
This is not a subtle or nuanced discussion of the issue. China as it exists at the moment, might properly be called the Han Empire. The ethnic Han people of China have subjugated numerous other people in China, not just the Uighurs and the Tibetans. Some of these other people are subjected to linguistic persecution, as are the Tibetans and also the Cantonese, for example.

Parts of Webster's remarks in this (and I agree very often with Webster's views on other things) sound like he is shilling for Walmart and the globalists. If the Dalai Lama did only a very little bit to help repatriate American jobs by souring America's relationship with China, I should have thought that this would be a development welcomed by Webster.

The development of politics in Tibet over the centuries is complicated, but Webster's characterization of it, as a typical feudal society (like you would find in Europe, or in China for that matter) during the Middles Ages is correct as far as I know. Informed people know this. 

It doesn't matter who recognizes China's claims in Tibet. Tibetans are a distinct nationality. They have independant national asperations, as, indeed, the English colonies in North America once had.

Tibetans are feeling the effects of being crushed culturally in their own land. Their religion is being turned into a museum artifact. Linguistically, they are being squeezed by the imposition of the Chinese language, as are the Cantonese in the south of the Han Empire.

All the actors in this drama have their own specific reasons for acting as they do.

Tibet will never again be as it was. Even the Tibetan government in exile has changed toward secularization with the abdication of the Dalai Lama. It is very easy to sneer at a government in exile, but remember France had a government in exile after being overrun by the Germans. People sneered at that government too until DeGaulle marched into Paris with the Free French Army.

There are legitimate reasons to support Tibetan independance that have nothing to do with Buddhism or Mysticism or with the cult following of the Dalai Lama.

Charley Brown
Charley Brown
1 month ago
these conversations are 2. and 3. years old.

Dorjee Prime
Dorjee Prime
3 years ago
You guys are saying buddhism came from china but why is the chinese government against it and calling it poison .... xDDDD

Low C C
Low C C
2 months ago (edited)
CIA n US need something to antaganise the china with a conduit. Dalai is a spy agent, liar.

johnny sparks
johnny sparks
3 years ago
just so happens Tibet has all the water in china...all but one river flows from the Tibetan plateau,,That is The issue,,,and free whatever,,,dude.

Nageye kondas
Nageye kondas
3 years ago
Free Tibet! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM After all, Dalai lama claims to be almighty God, for the Tibetans to say the least. Can he not therefore free Tibet by simply blowing off the Chinese occupiers and then restore himself to the Potala Palace. Job well done. Simple. Isn't it?

Cory Beatbox
Cory Beatbox
2 years ago
It's not what these propaganda masters are saying, it's what they are not saying. Webster should know better! China invaded Tibet, because they could. The borders of modern China aren't the same as they were 100 yrs ago. China is claiming the whole China Sea as their own. Ask the Vietnamese, Taiwan, Philippians and Malaysia.

johnny sparks
johnny sparks
3 years ago
The white hair old guy is an idiot,, He knows nothing about Dalai the lama,,,or Tibet
i had a week with Dalai in Hawaii and He was hiding from china,,,he was the spiritual and political leader of Tibet,,,which came and took him from his family when he was 12,,,because he was born the same time the last lama died,,,He's no God,,nor do the Tibetans think he is,,,They have no god,,,problem nor do they force the Tibetans into tyranny or despotism,,,Tibet likes the way they established their country,,,it is the world,,who has a problem with Tibet,,they would rather be isolated than ruled by outsiders,,,,so,,your guest is ignorant of the facts,,,to say the least.   . 

1 month ago
Dalai Lama is part of the yellow hats, red and white are the other secs, that was in power at the time of the Chinese invasion. They ruled in the old royalty, nobles and serf class system, in total poverty except for the upper class. It's a great religion but the Dalai Lama is more like an unseated dictator than anything else.

Jon Farr
Jon Farr
3 years ago
Lots of fighting on here.  I thought the Dalai Lama was supposed to bring peace and love.  Obviously not.

Pei Pei
Pei Pei
3 years ago
If Tibet should be freed, then all the Europeans need to end their occupation of Native American lands and return to Europe. Dissolve USA!

2 years ago
FUck America! The CIA also funded the Taliban and the whole drug trade in latin america. YANKEE GO HOME!

Tình Mong
Tình Mong
4 years ago (edited)

3 years ago
Tibet was a sovereign nation until the Chinese ruined their cities and killed and tortured them, put them in jail and forced them out of Tibet.  That is why most  now live in exiled Tibet which is in India. The Chinese forced The Dalai Lama and Tibetans out of Tibet.  They did horrific things to the Tibetans to get them out the brutal Chinese army.

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