Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Putin cleverly responded to journalists who accused China

Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Cello A Cello A 2 weeks ago 俄罗斯幸亏有普京当政多年,否则早被美国搞死了!他就像一把锋利的刀,还没靠近,就寒气逼人。这也是为什么拜登很不喜欢并且忌讳他。拜登真的脑子不行了反应太慢了! 128 Val. T Val. T 3 weeks ago I like the way President Putin smirked at the journalist 462 Chua SC Chua SC 3 weeks ago Russia and China must stand firmly together in order to counter the USA and their allies. The journalist is very rude. Don't waste time on him. Putin is really excellent 333 Rock Nee Rock Nee 3 weeks ago America think putin is like biden mentality... Ha ha ha ha... Putin is 100x smarter than all American politicians 405 14hflisa 14hflisa 2 weeks ago 普金“自己长得丑,不要怪镜子!” 面对美国霸凌,世界需要像普金的的强人! 150 Methyl Methyl 2 weeks ago This journalist is a joke. He asked questions only to expect answers to his satisfaction. He has forgotten that he was there to interview, not argue. I wonder how could he get to interview a President... 113 張天師 張天師 3 weeks ago 美國與英國的記者共同特性,只想聽到自己引導對手給的答案,如果不是,立刻打斷對手的談話,影片中的這位與BBC記者質問阿賽拜疆總統的那位女記者如出一策. 370 David Tang David Tang 3 weeks ago USA, don't be mad at the mirror if you are ugly!!! Hahaha 😁😁😁 Good one, Mr Putin 👍👍👍 175 Tony Chua Tony Chua 3 weeks ago Clearly Putin is a very wise man. He tackled the interview beautifully. Cheers Putin! 👏👏👏👏👍👍 423 Leann Lim Leann Lim 2 weeks ago (edited) The journalist just want the answers he was coached to get. That is how all controlled Main Stream Media journalists been taught to do. They are not interested in the truth. 173 妮妲 妮妲 2 weeks ago 這個美國記者有夠讓人討厭,沒禮貌沒修養自私奸詐一直打斷普丁總統關於問題的回答根本就是看普丁沒跳他挖的坑有些惱火了,不過普丁總統的修養真好! 343 Ivan Ho Ivan Ho 3 weeks ago Western interviewers very often set up in trying to “out smart” the interviewee, or attempt corner the person to tough spot. It is typical that interviewers will try to cut off or interrupt should the answers or responses are contradicting to the allegations made by interviewer. In this NBC interview, Mr. Putin was well prepared with the anticipation of their manipulative questions. 185 wainnie wainnie 2 weeks ago I love they way President Putin smashed the journalist Haha. The laugh was like saying "Kid, I recognise your attempt, but you are still too naive. " 146

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