Thursday, February 11, 2021

Where is China? | Zhang Weiwei & Kishore Mahbubani 当“中国模式”遇上“印度自信”,亚洲能携手...

CA #一勺思想圆桌会 Where is China? | Zhang Weiwei & Kishore Mahbubani 当“中国模式”遇上“印度自信”,亚洲能携手征服未来吗? 428,479 views •Jul 18, 2018 4.7K 303 Share Save Guan Video观视频工作室 490K subscribers #一勺思想圆桌会​ 620思想圆桌会的上半场来啦!中国研究院院长张维为老师对话新加坡前驻联合国大使马凯硕,全程字幕,还有之后的嘉宾互动、观众提问部分。两位学者本场针对政治制度、国际形势等等各个方面进行了非常深入的对话。当然,尤其是“中印”携手崛起、拥抱未来的愿景,会实现吗? 1,681 Comments augustin tio Add a public comment... Elijah Hua Elijah Hua 2 years ago (edited) 作为中国人,我希望希望咱们不要像当初西方看中国的眼光看印度。 490 a .v. Samikkannu a .v. Samikkannu 9 months ago It's quite amazing! If one watches this question and answer session, one can understand how open minded Chinese society is today! One will no longer allow oneself to be befooled by the smear campaign of the Western media against China! 74 Chao-Hua Yu Chao-Hua Yu 2 years ago 主持人不仅主持功底好,英语更是没话说,最最关键的是超级漂亮,真的是秀外慧中。 396 Sint Sint 9 months ago (edited) As 74 years old Thai, I have the opportunity to see two great Asian cultures transplanted and grown in Thailand. I am an atheist, respect Buddha as a great teacher but never worship him as God. I read very limited Indian literatures, only Ramayana, Mahabharata and Tagore books. But I do read more Chinese literatures. Despite the deep superstition in Hindu religion, there are a lot of wisdom behind which will be too long to write here. Before Tang Dynasty, Buddhism came to China who could open heartedly accept this new philosophy. During the various Chinese imperial dynasties, the Chinese even put Buddhism above their own Confucianism and Taoism, 釋 儒 道. Kalama Sutta of Buddhism and 儒家的格物致知 幾乎同出一轍。I hope China and India will find more common understanding to build a prosperous Asia. But we must always remind ourselves never to be arrogant and behave like a bully. 54 obsidianstatue obsidianstatue 2 years ago 21世紀最大謊言就是西方把所有發展中國家忽悠成民主體制。搞得現在所有發達國家,沒有一個發展期搞民主的,反而發展期搞民主的國家都困在 中等收入陷阱裏面。 239 Raymond Zhang Raymond Zhang 2 years ago 我更同意张维为老师的分析,用数据和理论说话。这位新加坡的学者说中国在前1800年都是老大,所以重回老大很正常。咱中国人心里肯定都有这个情怀,但是他不应该拿这个当论据,历史只能用来参考。 102 Tornada Tornada 10 months ago Professor Zhang made an amazing speech: Together for humanity! 29 Danieldalewong Jinfatt Danieldalewong Jinfatt 9 months ago Great speeches by both professors, eloquent and spot on. Great audience, fantastic MC n moderator may I call her. Fantastic forum with meaningful dialogue. Great minds, Great show. Keep it up. 28 Brian Brian 1 year ago In fact, I really admire Mr.Zhang, cause I can get so many from his speech, and I am really looking forward to more new opinions and angles from him. 44

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