Monday, February 1, 2021

On Union With God, Saint Albert The Great, Full Catholic Audiobook

lbert The Great, Full Catholic Audiobook 35,437 views •Jul 25, 2017 579 19 Share Save Classic Catholic Audiobooks 61.4K subscribers Surely the most deeply rooted need of the human soul, its purest aspiration, is for the closest possible union with God. As one turns over the pages of this little work, written by Blessed Albert the Great towards the end of his life, when that great soul had ripened and matured, one feels that here indeed is the ideal of one's hopes. Simply and clearly the great principles are laid down, the way is made plain which leads to the highest spiritual life. Albertus Magnus, also known as Saint Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, was a German Dominican friar and Catholic bishop. Later canonised as a Catholic saint, he was known during his lifetime as doctor universalis and doctor expertus and, late in his life, the term magnus was appended to his name. Scholars such as James A. Weisheipl and Joachim R. Söder have referred to him as the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church distinguishes him as one of the 36 Doctors of the Church. For Erdmann he is definitely greater and more original than his pupil Aquinas.

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