Thursday, December 10, 2020

Ian Bremmer - The State of the World: COVID-19, the Great Accelerator | ...

CA 9+ 5:39 / 42:36 COVID-19 Get the latest information from Health Canada on COVID-19. See more resources on Google #TheStateOfTheWorld #IanBremmer Ian Bremmer - The State of the World: COVID-19, the Great Accelerator | GZERO Media 4,237 views •Dec 8, 2020 180 9 Share Save GZERO Media 29.7K subscribers Watch Ian Bremmer's full keynote speech at the 2020 GZERO Summit in Japan. The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t invented today’s biggest challenges. For better and for worse, it simply accelerated important changes that were already well underway. It has exacerbated inequality of opportunity, both within and among countries. In fact, the most severe COVID-19 impacts in 2021 will be economic, particularly as debts soar in developing countries and international lenders have less to lend. The pandemic has also sped up the erosion of faith in democratic institutions and international cooperation. But the economic damage inflicted by this crisis has accelerated the transition from the 20th century brick-and-mortar model of commerce and growth toward a more dynamic 21st century economy that is powered more by the flow of information and less by fossil fuels. In short, thanks in part to the worst global health emergency in more than a century, the future will arrive sooner than we thought. Subscribe to GZERO on YouTube: For more GZERO news and videos: Subscribe to the GZERO podcast: Like GZERO on Facebook: Follow GZERO on Twitter: Follow GZERO on LinkedIn: GZERO Media is a multimedia publisher providing news, insights and commentary on the events shaping our world. Our properties include GZERO World with Ian Bremmer, our newsletter Signal, Puppet Regime, the GZERO World Podcast, In 60 Seconds and #TheStateOfTheWorld #IanBremmer #2020 42 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... King Fisher King Fisher 1 day ago Re: workplace automation. Human workers had it coming Andy Taylor Andy Taylor 2 days ago I wish I was a rich investor, so these videos could have some utility other than being wonderful information and a great reflection 👍🏻 4 Evan Ozaroff Evan Ozaroff 1 day ago I always find myself nodding in agreement to everything Ian says Graca Lisboa Graca Lisboa 2 days ago I expect some topics (Cyber/Rule of law/T2/Erosion of global institutions) on the 2021 top 10 global risks 1 J. Quest J. Quest 1 day ago Ian - you mentioned that the US is the leading the world in the introduction of dominant tech companies and startup unicorns, but at what rate is China catching up? Nick Mosley Nick Mosley 2 days ago Pretty comprehensive analysis. Thanks for this! greg johnson greg johnson 2 days ago Thank you so much for educating on the current world affairs. Going to look for a transcript at your .com, rewatch this video. Very much appreciate your knowledge and experience. Judy Kinsman Judy Kinsman 2 days ago (edited) Undetected pandemic? Are you kidding? The corruption of our highest offices is the problem, along with a media that has not just tolerated the corruption but overtly ignored it for ratings. 1 Eileen Lion Eileen Lion 2 days ago Very well done. Well researched 1 T L T L 2 days ago (edited) I found out I have the Corona Computer Virus. I was on Facebook and Tiktok and now all my social media friends have it. I should have practice social media distancing 😭 Day Y. Day Y. 9 hours ago (edited) "Unless they've been reformed over time, multilateral institutions reflect the balance of power and the prevailing values of the elites and the countries at the moment they were created. Global values and the international balance of power changes, and it changes a lot more quickly than the institutions themselves. Those with the most influence inside these institutions tend to be really good at resisting reform." --This is honestly the biggest issue with Democracies. Democratic governments cannot reform without becoming undemocratic (every reformer president, like FDR, had to centralize power to themselves first, as a result they were lambasted as tyrant and fascists by the elites). lovemesomepollo lovemesomepollo 1 day ago (edited) Great content but monologue format difficult to digest. More engaging hearing Ian speak off the cuff obj obj 1 day ago (edited) A "cover up", by definition means you exactly know something yet intentionally hide it. Do you, as a responsible government release panic news which 99.9% would be false alarm when something is still under investigation? No, you listen to your scientists. If they say it is not yet confirmed to be human to human contagious, then you don't release that alarm. You can't be an half ass and say "oh, there might be something contagious come out, so do whatever in your own discretion". that's not being open, that is the opposite of being responsible. Not to mention these countries did nothing after news of Wuhan being sealed, for two months, in the sake of "freedom". So who exactly is at fault? Easy, just to take a good look in the mirror. Your populism of "anti-communism", "freedom" is destroying you, and your MSM is reinforcing it by aligning with these popular opinions, and more people influenced by this. This is a downward spiral that would never end. Good luck fixing it. 3 John Jobs John Jobs 1 day ago As always Ian throws 50 different reasons while implicitly cheering on china. Why china ? Because hus ckients are corporations and we all know why big business loves china. China can never be a super anything: It is simply an artifact of wallstreet speculators and the sold-out political class. For instance , China gets all its machinery from Germany. China has compromised all instruments of powers in liberal democcracies in collusion with big busiess and media. Quan Lee Quan Lee 21 hours ago If you can’t look deeply enough to recognize the falsehood of China GDP or economic growth, then you’re just regurgitating 🇨🇳 govt propaganda and you’re not worth watching richie richie 1 day ago Why should China not have the same ambitions as the USA? The Republicans say government planning is bad. So let China fail by picking winners and losers. Of course, as an American, I’m being facetious. 2 Yafet Desalegn Yafet Desalegn 1 day ago Mr. Brenner, I would heavily reccomend that you make yourself a guest on the Ezra Klein Show. This presentation was very informative of how our world is changing over this past year and the coming year and to have you talk with Mr. Klein about these things would just be amazing. Matthew Camillieri Matthew Camillieri 2 days ago We need intelligent, thoughtful people like Ian Bremmer in public service. But our system has become so dysfunctional, that intelligent people - rightly - want nothing to do with political office. 6 Cooper Alright Cooper Alright 2 days ago Preparedness for a public health crisis should not be politically polarizing. This should be a simple common cause for both parties. 4 avia WeJ xKirs avia WeJ xKirs 2 days ago I'm Alone 😍😥

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