Tuesday, December 15, 2020

China's war on poverty

CA 9+ CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese government. Wikipedia China's war on poverty 15,459 views •Dec 14, 2020 1K 29 Share Save CGTN 2M subscribers For more: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-12-14... China has brought over 700 million people out of poverty through economic development. But over 100 million people remained intractably poor, trapped in poverty due to isolation, low education, and infirmities. After gathering and organizing materials for half a year, the American-Chinese co-production team of "China's Poverty Alleviation at the Grassroots" immersed themselves into the local lives of China's rural poor in remote mountainous areas. With "targeted poverty alleviation" being the main topic, five simple but touching stories personalize the process and depict the measures of combating poverty. Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://goo.gl/lP12gA Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cctvn... Download our APP on Google Play (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 464 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... MR.Z MR.Z 1 day ago Western media : CCP has banned people’s right to live in poverty!! 146 Hifiving Starfish Hifiving Starfish 1 day ago This is a war all countries should fight and win! 87 [Miss*] q [Miss*] q 23 hours ago (edited) China, the first country to eliminate absolute poverty and the only one that accomplished this task in human history. I am proud of my country. 78 I come in peace Rest in piece I come in peace Rest in piece 21 hours ago USA and NATO : War on drugs and War on terrorism China : War on poverty 77 0pTicaL 0pTicaL 20 hours ago Meanwhile western countries unleashes their war on poor people… 41 Julian Khor Julian Khor 1 day ago great job CPC..... they have applied science, accounting and compassion in their approach to poverty alleviation. most of all, they do not practice race/ ethnicity preference. help should be provided to ALL the poor, regardless of ethnicity. 52 Pahat pahat Pahat pahat 1 day ago It would appear that "abolition" of poverty is preferred more for publicity and propaganda rather than actually eradicating it with vigor as done in China. The basic requirements of food and shelter are addressed with a vigor and this should be the basic structure of ALL Societies not only in the so-called socialist nations. In Singapore, old Lee built his nation based on the basis that each family must have a shelter called his home; just compare the situation with Hong Kong which technically has a mush higher reserves! The world should relooks itself and bases its future with a more humanitarian approach. 17 FlappyBird Codes FlappyBird Codes 1 day ago Chinese Canadian. Love to China. Glad to see them acc care abt the poor in their country. Would love to come visit one day. 40 royalmontpark royalmontpark 1 day ago Really surprised to see Robert in the footages, it is very touching to see people are working hard to help the less unfortunate 37 Stefanie Daniella Stefanie Daniella 1 day ago the incredibly complex and difficult war against extreme poverty means requiring disciplined caring social scientific soldiers who are tasked to guide the poor so they can help themselves out of old living patterns that left them unable to extract themselves alone out of towards a sustainable more prosperous outcome that lasts for future generations bravo to all those who do so with loving duty to their fellow "neighbor" that are ultimately "all family" 25 Michael Fan Michael Fan 1 day ago It is an unbelievably daunting task for any country in this world to tackle. The notation that China has eliminated extreme poverty is too good to be true. Even if they have reached 50 to 60% of their projected target, to me is a tremendous accomplishment. If any country can do that, no doubt in my mind, it will be China. 19 Modic Is666 Modic Is666 20 hours ago AT THIS MOMENT THERE ARE 12 SORE LOSERS 19 Flux Mulder Flux Mulder 1 day ago In the past 70 years, China has lifted 850 million of its citizens out of poverty. That accounts for 70% of global poverty alleviation. A remarkable feat. 72 Xuanyu Li Xuanyu Li 11 hours ago China war on poverty: we are going to lift you up poor people USA war on poverty: you peasants get over that redline I drew 12 Jo Chan Jo Chan 16 hours ago Chinese ways of eliminating poverty are good references for other developing countries. 9 single dog single dog 22 hours ago Teach you how to fishing,better than giving you a fish.Good job. 12 cheung yu cheung yu 23 hours ago (edited) China: CCP protects most citizens including poor people by pulling down those capitalists if it's neccessary. Check out what happened to Ant Group and Jack Ma recently. Western: Always capitalist first. Poor people can be expendable. Former president of US Calvin Coolidge once said, "Don't expect to build the weak by pulling down the strong." 10 wutt m wutt m 1 day ago long live China 23 Crazymadman Crazymadman 1 day ago Truly moving. Respect to President Xi and people of China. 44 Lionel Tan Lionel Tan 23 hours ago Though i live in a city..my heart will always be in the countryside.. 14 Huan Ma Huan Ma 1 day ago long live China!希望国家越来越好,我们的目标是星辰大海! 21 mijmijrm mijmijrm 21 hours ago effective poverty erradication. China is setting an example that puts terror in the hearts of "democratic" governments. These "democratic" governments are in reality no more than management services dedicated to enhancing the wealth and power of the the wealthy and powerful. "Democracy" here is no more than a periodic entertaining charade to act as a fig leaf to deny the dismal reality. 13 Er Mellino Er Mellino 1 day ago China is not capitalist, wanna know why? Because capitalism NEEDS poverty 71 DD DD 5 hours ago US war on Iraq US war on Afghanistan US war on Syria US war on … China war on Poverty!! ❤️ 6 Abdul wahab Abdul wahab 11 hours ago It's a unique and great effort , every country should follow these type of initiatives in fight with poverty. 6 Asterix Obelix Asterix Obelix 16 hours ago China showing how socialism can win over poverty. US so called war on poverty after 40 years is an abject failure, with more poverty than when it started 5 Arthur Morgan Arthur Morgan 8 hours ago You mean to tell me that Western media lied about China to fit their own agenda ? 🤯 8 Comrade Marxalo Comrade Marxalo 9 hours ago America could REALLY use some Socialism With Chinese Characteristics. ✊🐼 10 Brandon Brandon 7 hours ago USA: How can China afford foreign intervention wars and aircraft carriers with all these entitlement programs??? 1 Nilesh Bhattacharya Nilesh Bhattacharya 9 hours ago Whole world should learn from China ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5 Wallace Katini Wallace Katini 18 hours ago 11:32 The guy seems a teenager and he's only 33 years old Which food do Chinese eat to keep up so young? Thanx CPC for tremendously ending poverty in the whole of china

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