Friday, November 20, 2020

11 Questions with Fr. Pagliarani (in English, 2019) - SSPX

CA Search 6 Avatar image 0:49 / 18:39 11 Questions with Fr. Pagliarani (in English, 2019) - SSPX 11,373 views•21 Mar 2019 461 8 SHARE SAVE SSPX News - English 20.2K subscribers - Fr. Davide Pagliarani visited the United States for the first time since becoming Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X. Although he was available only for canonical visits during the Prior’s Meeting in Winona - and additional meetings at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary - Angelus Press was able to ask him some questions for his first ever English-speaking interview. 00:56 – Question 1: You are relatively unknown in the English-speaking world beyond your recent election as Superior General. Can you introduce yourself? Actually, I think this is not just a problem of the English-speaking countries. To give an example, a few weeks back in Paris, a priest asked me my name. So it's always a bit embarrassing to say I’m the new Superior General - so I was a bit embarrassed but he was embarrassed as well. Yes, actually I spent most of my time as a priest either in Italy or in the Far East in Singapore for three years and recently in the far south in Argentina for almost seven years – until last July. 01:55 – Question 2: You are the fourth Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X. What are the challenges and opportunities for Tradition in 2019? I think our opportunity and our task as well, our duty, is to keep the treasure we have, to appreciate it as it merits – our Faith, the Holy Mass. I think it's important that this treasure is for us a living treasure, like the living water of the Samaritan woman. This is so important. We need more and more I think to appreciate this treasure with a prayerful life and a life were full of fervor - spiritual fervor. Yes. Maybe we need to rekindle once in a while, and this year can be the occasion to rekindle - we are preparing for the Jubilee of the Society [of St. Pius X] - to rekindle in our spiritual life this attachment this deep attachment to this treasure. 03:23 – Question 3: It has barely been six months since your election. Have you been traveling much? Yes, actually I'm not traveling a lot because it is a wish of the Chapter, of all the superiors, that the Superior General remains at the General House as much as possible in order to be always available for the different needs of the Society – and joinable by the different priests or superiors who are wishing to talk to him. My duty is a duty of fidelity to the spirit of the Founder – Archbishop Lefebvre. My first duty is to do my best in order to keep (even if the situation is very different) to keep the spirit and teaching that the founder entrusted to the Society. 04:36 – Question 4: Are there signs of growth that you can share? For example: new priories or missions in the Society? Right now there are everywhere signs of growth, not only in the States but everywhere! Which is on the one hand a sign of blessing, we're blessed by that. During the last few years more and more Catholics who are getting aware of the crisis of the Church, and little by little they are getting aware of as well of their causes. So this is a quite interesting point for us - we have to follow it. We have to help them. But at the same time we cannot go everywhere, we cannot go everywhere. We need to take care of our priests. And we still have vocations, but our priests they need time to settle, they need time to share the community life, which is a very important part of our statutes and of our duties. So, we will do our best to go where Providence is calling us but at the same time first of all we can't forget it we have to take care of our priests. 06:32 – Question 5: As a former Seminary Rector, can you speak about the importance of seminaries and vocations, especially in the modern world? Our seminaries are the heart of the Society [of St. Pius X]. The Society is built on its seminaries, and it exists because of its seminaries. So the Church as well doesn't need anything else but holy priests. So it is impossible to find out a better way to serve the Church. Through our seminaries we are cooperating to the goal of the universal Church. That was the great intuition of the Council of Trent, the great intuition of Bishop Lefebvre. And the more this great ideal of the priesthood is going down, is losing, the more I think it's important our fidelity to this task – which is our mission as well. 07:54 – Question 6: For you, what are the main concerns for traditional Catholic families today? The main concern, the main concern of Catholic family today is the same we have as priests - the soul of their children. The world is doing its best in order to deceive them. So all the parents are concerned about that, as we are concerned as well. I think we have to teach the children together with the parents. And the parents have to teach their children together with the priests. Teach them all the virtues that the children cannot learn elsewhere... Copyright © 2019 Angelus Press, Society of St. Pius X All rights reserved. 32 Comments Gus Tio Add a public comment... Usuário de PC Usuário de PC 1 year ago God bless the Society!! God bless all priests who keeps the faith!!! 42 Child of God Child of God 1 year ago (edited) As a traditional Catholic, I'm looking for MORE OF YOUR VIDEOS. Please give us more. We are out there. God bless and may HE help you with our battle to return traditional CATHOLICISM to our Mother Church. When will the LATIN MASS RETURN? 37 Dan Dostie Dan Dostie 1 year ago God bless you father you're in my prayers 15 Gippsland Organics Gippsland Organics 1 year ago A beautiful and holy man doing a near impossible task. 14 Tara C Tara C 1 year ago Thank you Father Pagliarani. I especially liked his comment to stay hopeful. So easy to forget in times like these, yet it is an underlying concept of our beautiful Faith. 10 DOBERMAN PAC DOBERMAN PAC 1 year ago Father seems to know what's going on...I like his approach in not speaking too much on certain matters...It's Biblical... 11 Abner Arcilla Abner Arcilla 1 year ago I was caught, when Father says, the solution comes, when stop worrieying, sama aswell solution comes when i stop worrieying. Its true, "Its a way of the Cross". 6 Gamers Gamers 1 year ago (edited) Hope he is one of the good ones...we've had enough of the evil doers . If he's truly on God's side may the Lord bless and keep him safe. 3 M S M S 1 year ago Beautiful interview, prayers for Father and the whole Society. 2 Teresa niumata Teresa niumata 8 months ago Praise God forever. AII for the Glory of God. Thank you Fr, for this talk,may God Bless you. 2 Sally Darley Sally Darley 1 year ago God bless the SSPX! Hallelujah! We love you SSPX priests! After coming from the Church of England, Peter and I were Received into the Church on 16th June 2019 at S Pius X Chapel, Manchester UK with SSPX Father. Praise God and thank You, Lord! 2 Teresa niumata Teresa niumata 1 year ago Thank you Lord for these beautiful St Pius X priests all for the glory of God. 1 joannabuk joannabuk 1 year ago Than you for the words of Hope. 2 thomas sweeney thomas sweeney 6 months ago The Society is fortunate to have a man like this as Superior General. It is might devout hope that the church will forego all of this modernism, and return to when we were One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. 2 Robert Ottolino Robert Ottolino 1 year ago Seems like a really nice guy! 2 Fco Henrique M. de Lima Fco Henrique M. de Lima 1 year ago Alguém legende para português por favor 😥 joannabuk joannabuk 3 days ago Apb.Marcel LeFebvre and the SSPX have saved my Catholic Faith! God bless SSPX. 1 aronpain aronpain 3 weeks ago God bless you all! I joined your Holy Mass about six months ago, and I can say the following: I found the Catholic spirit, the Catholic liturgy, the Catholic doctrine, I met priests and nuns blessed by God's grace. You changed my life. I improved a lot thanks to you. Thank you very much. terioze9 terioze9 1 year ago I stopped watching after he said that the USA (country founded by anti-Catholic Satanic Freemasons) was one of these countries where you feel at home. Shyakax Deus Shyakax Deus 1 year ago is the society in schism?

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