Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Story Of The Real Confucius | Confucius | Timeline



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The Story Of The Real Confucius | Confucius | Timeline
295,639 views•Jul 4, 2020





Timeline - World History Documentaries
2.08M subscribers
Confucius is one of history's most influential men - a sage, philosopher and teacher - who, with Socrates and Buddha, lived at an extraordinary time in the evolution of mankind's civilization. This stunning drama-documentary explores the life and times of Confucius and demystifies his ideas. We all want to understand China, and through Confucius we can. Confucius - it is a name we all know. But who was Confucius? What was his story and how did it enable him to create his enduring moral philosophy? What lies at the heart of Confucius' thinking; how and why was it adopted by a whole nation and what is its influence today? This documentary will unlock Confucius in a spectacular and fascinating film that places him in his ancient and modern context and bring the ideas and sayings of this great philosopher to life.

Timeline viewers can get 3 months of History Hit TV for $3, just use code TIMELINE at checkout.

Content owned and licensed by All 3 Media to Little Dot Studios. For all questions, please contact
Auggie Giuseppe
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Wolfgang Kleinschmit
Wolfgang Kleinschmit
2 months ago
1:14:30 Learning without understanding is not learning. It is indoctrination.


Madfox Axy
Madfox Axy
2 months ago
I never said those things - Confucius.


Robert PuKeyRay
Robert PuKeyRay
2 months ago (edited)
"We can't have nice things because everybody's acting like jerks. So don't be jerks and we can have nice things" - Confucius
everyone in unison


4 days ago (edited)
Thank you.
I read Confucius when I was just 13 years-old, loved it and understood it which  says a lot about the his teachings and the way they're conveyed!
At 83 now, and I'm glad to see his teachings  renewed and easily spread online, it's a beginning though nothing replaces a book in hand, reflexion and  sentences underlined to go back over and over.


Eisen Yeo
Eisen Yeo
2 months ago
This documentary have some contents that are at least 25 years old, China looks very different in 2020.


Alfred Sutton
Alfred Sutton
2 months ago
I always liked the wisdom of Confucius - they transcend time and nationality.


Jason Tschantre
Jason Tschantre
1 month ago
I worked in documentary production for years as a production assistant and asst. editor, especially in the PBS circuit. I can't stand how academic experts talk in these things - the tone, the enunciations. They literally read off a script and do multiple takes in order to sound as distinguished as possible, like they are actors playing a role of a wise person. Don't get me wrong; I love good historical documentaries, but I wish they would just talk like a normal person.


Dale Olmsted
Dale Olmsted
2 months ago
Thank you for presenting this careful and scholastic biography of Confucius.  This program has very much improved my point of view of Confucianism and of  Chinese culture and history.  My dear wife from the Philippines has Chinese ancestry, from the oy family which under Spanish rule was rewritten as Aboy, Baboy, etc.  I had the good fortune of having a Chinese step grand father, Chow Din Yee, the only family father figure I’ve ever known.  I’m a Roman Catholic Christian.  As such, the Catholic Church has long recognized Plato and Aristotle as exemplary pre Christian examples  to be esteemed.  Watching this I personally feel that the church should hold Confucius in the same esteem.  Several centuries ago there were Jesuit missionaries to China whom attempted to have the Christian faith expressed in Chinese cultural terms to the Chinese people’s but unfortunately the church of that period insisted the faith be taught and expressed only in Western, Latin terms, a culture, history and tradition unknown to Asia.  The values he developed and taught have long been my life’s leaning.  I will need to replay this video to pick out the teachings.  I pray that the Communist party may become Confucius - ised and not the other way around.  Again, thank you.
Dale Clifton Olmstead, a commoner, bottom of the ring citizen, like Confucius.


Wilson LeCafindo
Wilson LeCafindo
2 months ago (edited)
his name is "Johnny" (仲尼), I belief he would take this as his "western name" if he ever introduced to English


1K subscribers without videos challenge
1K subscribers without videos challenge
2 months ago
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated". Confucius


Tom Zeman
Tom Zeman
1 week ago
I wonder what Confucius would say about the Marxist/Darwinian dominated Communist Chinese Party?


Neil Price
Neil Price
1 week ago
28:00 突然听到家乡话莫名有点awkward,好像我大舅在说话。。。


William H
William H
2 days ago
The person must let go his/her ego to have mindfulness in order to have compassion....

João Guilherme da Cruz Ribeiro
João Guilherme da Cruz Ribeiro
2 months ago
Thank for the documentary.  Simply splendidly humane and well done.  Congratulations!


Joel West
Joel West
2 months ago
This is amazing, thank you!


Ethel Pepper
Ethel Pepper
1 day ago
The  family is not just  sacred to China.  Family is human.

Hayden H
Hayden H
2 months ago
Translations are needed as text is just too small. I'm sure it was interesting.


Sucks Fourier Transformation
Sucks Fourier Transformation
2 months ago
Being a Chinese, I have to read the English translations for the classic Chinese or literal Chinese to understand more quickly. I actually understand the words, but the information is so condensed that I need a long pause to comprehend it.
That's the beauty of literal Chinese when you don't have paper, you must push the conciseness to an absolute limit and save the space. There is no other language that can interpret so much information in 30 characters.


Bretton Ferguson
Bretton Ferguson
2 months ago (edited)
With all his wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, and insight, the guy still couldn't conjugate verbs properly.  "Confucious say".  It's nominitive singular past tense, it should be Confucious *said*.


James Bond
James Bond
2 months ago
The roles and relationships that locate us within family and community are those that bind us to this existence; release those, and you will be free...


1 month ago
This is great, Thanks for posting.
"Is he not a man of complete virtue, who feels no discomposure though men may take no note of him"


Romans 8:18
Romans 8:18
2 days ago
So this is my testimony about getting back into the church after 10 years of being out of it. For awhile I was an atheist and then an agnostic, however, God delivered me out of a difficult and strange period of my life that left me without doubt of His existence and goodness.

 It's a bit of a long read, so bear with me.

 A couple weeks into February of 2018 I experienced some dreams of a strange nature during a time where I was isolated, depressed, and desperate. I've dealt with anxiety and depression for along time and I was at the end of my rope. I had considered seriously commiting suicide two years ago and when the depression hit this time I couldn't take it anymore. I was searching desperately for something that would allow me to leave the situation I was in.

 I was addicted to gaming and was very isolated. I also fell heavily into a series of books I was re-reading at the time that I had a great obsession with, The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.

  A few months into a reread of this series I had a dreams in February 2018 one of which I think was prophetic, having to do with seeing a woman and man in the dream that I later saw the next day while walking and while watching TV. This was a man and woman that I hadn't met or seen before.There were also aspects of the dreams (which I can't easily get into because it's difficult to explain due to the content) that led me to believe that The Dark Tower series having to do with parallel universes was real. 

 I became convinced that there was a world parallel to ours, like the books, that I could gain access to if I used certain objects that I had in my possession . After weird events also began occuring in my home, with my television, and with me, I told my parents about all of it.

 They were adamant that what I was experiencing was demonic deception and that I should cease reading these books and give myself over to God.

 Being stubborn and delusional I decided to continue in what I thought was a great discovery and a way out of my situation.

 Events transpired over the next few days that left me in a state of confusion and despair.  My father also ended up in the hospital that week. It wasn't until I began to cry out to Jesus that things began to change. I began to hear from God during this time. I felt like I should rid myself of the books as well as the stuff I had gathered connected to them.

 I eventually ended up getting rid of all the books and objects connected to them, as well as a lot of other stuff including my games. We were doing some work in my room at the time so luckily I had something to help keep my mind off what had been happening as well as grow in the word from listening to 107.9 on my radio.

 When we finally returned to church a couple weeks later the sermon and series was about the book of Daniel, some of which has to do with prophetic dreams and visions among other things. I know now that this wasn't a coincidence.

 Once I started getting involved in the church again and reading the Bible I found out that these things really aren't as uncommon or unbelievable as they seem.  My mens bible study at the time had members that had experienced supernatural and amazing things as well

 I know this isn't going to sound credible if you aren't a Christian. Back when I didn't believe, these stories didn't seem compelling or true to me. However I can tell you that if you reach out to God wholeheartedly he will reveal himself to you.

 I'd like to ask that if you're going through something right now, some kind of challenge or difficulty that you reach out to God and ask him to help you. Sometimes it may not seem like anything is happening, but if you're willing to hold on and push through you can see him move in your situation in miraculous ways.

Here's more about the Gospel here:

 If any of you would like to receive or feel led to receive Jesus Christ as your saviour pray this and believe it with all your heart. ❤️

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself. I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sin or to work my way to heaven. At this moment I trust Christ alone as the One who bore my sin when He died on the cross. I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence. I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection. As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him. I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures. Father, I take you at your word. I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior. Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley. Thank you for hearing this prayer. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Good luck and may God bless you! And remember satan is a spirit of fear.

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