Monday, September 28, 2020

Renegade Inc: Reheating the Cold War

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Renegade Inc: Reheating the Cold War
4,624 views•Oct 7, 2019





179K subscribers
Watch any news bulletin and you'll see how western political leaders have shown their total inability to deliver on pretty much anything.

Western triumphalism bred a certain complacency that’s starting to bite as its elites continue to turn on their own people.
Yet regardless, the new world is quietly emerging with a shared purpose.

So, is this continual talk of the ‘new cold war’ legitimate?  Or could western politicians be peddling an old idea so to distract their citizens from thinking about their increasingly limited freedoms and diminishing standards of living?

Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by is philosopher, author and filmmaker André Vltchek to discuss the rapid ongoing geopolitical shift.
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Auggie Giuseppe
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Taimoor Khan
Taimoor Khan
11 months ago
Brilliant man, captured the essence of the extreme propaganda and compliance Westerners live under very well


11 months ago
I'm with Andre.  It's not about Nationalism or individualism anymore.  What we're dealing with now is the divide of pro-human and anti-human foreign policies.


5 days ago
And he is gone. RIP André Vltchek, another brave warrior has been fallen.


First Last
First Last
11 months ago
Some serious truth bombs in today's show, there must be both a short AND long version of some episodes.


11 months ago (edited)
A lot more English people than Andre gives credit for see their government and the system of today as their real enemy and not Iran, China or Russia but he is correct that the scapegoating and othering from Politicians and media still divides enough that they will still cling to the little they have left instead of standing up saying enough is enough and rebelling against what is being done to them and to others in their name. Though for how much longer though is the question, the coming crash i feel with be the great mobiliser as people lose more than some freedoms and home comforts.


Pat Branigan
Pat Branigan
11 months ago
In the West we no longer hold people responsible. The greatest example of this was the bankster bailout and later bonus'. Irresponsibility is actually rewarded in the West. Until the baby boomer generation and the generation before it are gone and/or their assets stolen by the rich we will not have any justice as he is right we are afraid of losing what we have. I see this in myself and really hate seeing it in myself.


Ali Hussain
Ali Hussain
11 months ago
Western countries should practice what they preach, they should invade their own country to bring democracy to their land by any means necessary as they do else where


Pat Branigan
Pat Branigan
11 months ago
Western "exceptionalism" was destroyed by Western Oligarch greed. They spun their web of wage and asset confiscation from the middle and lower class which included the oppression and revocation of rights from the middle and lower classes. Look at the rights violations in the US itself, illegal search and seizure and seizure of property with no conviction under RICO, death dealt by police officers over minor offences, torture of innocent people. persecution of  journalists, the use of government investigations to undermine elected officials, the abdication of Constitutional congressional powers to the executive branch using the middle class as war fodder for private corporation enrichment, etc.


11 months ago
Wow,  the man behind the curtain has finally been exposed... 
I was saddened when the USSR  collapsed as it did, giving this cowards the license  to rain free and inflict their venom on poor counties /brown people everywhere unchecked...  Thanks to Putin since he became to power and standing  up to this thieves and leaches for a couple of decades now... and the rise of China in the last decade and its resolve in bringing its people out of poverty and becoming a great power doing great things all over the glob.
Its really remarkable to see the balance of power has shifted in a big way and these blood suckers will be checked and stopped at every corner of the glob.
Its my hope Putin & Xi will help North Korea to tell the West to go F themselves and come to support Iran and Venezuela to sell their oil to whom ever they like and help their people out of the crippling poverty they are experiencing due to the illegal "Sanctions" put on them by these cowards!!!


Haroon Abdul Majeed
Haroon Abdul Majeed
21 hours ago
This video should be a must watch for everybody in the west.

Qamar Khan
Qamar Khan
4 days ago
I used to be passionate Communist ... then this man helped me to make the next step and become a Internationalist.
There are no words that could express my gratitude and respect I carry in my heart for Andre.

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