Monday, July 6, 2020

Vladimir Putin interviewed by the Financial Times | FT



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Vladimir Putin interviewed by the Financial Times | FT
1,102,043 views•Jul 5, 2019





Financial Times
460K subscribers

The Financial Times is the first major international newspaper to be granted an interview with the Russian leader for 16 years. Here is the exclusive interview with editor Lionel Barber and Moscow bureau chief Henry Foy in full

0:00:08 How has the world changed over the last 20 years?
0:01:49 Has the world become more fragmented?
0:02:27 What do you want to achieve in Osaka?
0:04:31 OPEC oil production agreements
0:07:27 How does Trump compare to other US presidents?
0:10:54 Trump’s criticisms of European alliances
0:15:10 Globalisation vs ‘America First’
0:16:25 Russia and China’s relationship
0:21:02 Danger of tensions between Russia America and China
0:24:05 Arms control
0:26:45 Potential for nuclear agreements
0:28:08 China’s maritime strength
0:30:45 North Korea
0:33:06 North Asia security situation
0:34:42 Has your appetite for risk increased?
0:36:51 Intervening in Syria
0:42:13 Venezuela
0:50:15 Anglo-Russian relations post Skripal
0:55:32 Did what happened in Salisbury send an unambiguous message to anyone who is thinking of betraying the Russian state that it is fair game?
0:57:04 Russia’s economy and foreign exchange reserves
1:04:18 Russia’s macro economic stability - oligarchs
1:06:05 Breakup of the Soviet Union vs China’s anticorruption campaign
1:09:30 Can Russian remain immune to backlashes against the establishment?
1:14:30 Did Angela Merkel make a mistake?
1:18:32 The end of the liberal idea
1:21:15 Religion is not the opium of the masses?
1:21:49 Is now the time for illiberals?
1:24:33 Who do you most admire?
1:26:10 How will your successor be chosen?

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Financial Times
5 months ago
Read the full transcript of Vladimir Putin's interview: And subscribe to our channel for more videos from the Financial Times.


Alex P.
Alex P.
1 year ago (edited)
Are you guys at the Financial Times trying to set a new trend, by actually posting unedited content. How can this be, what have you done, the Western Media will implode; YOU ARE ALL CRAZY REBELS!!!


Hank Johnson
Hank Johnson
6 months ago
Living in America, I had forgotten what true journalism and true leadership looks like.  Say what you want about Putin, but you can't deny the guy is thoughtful, intelligent, and well-reasoned.


2 months ago
Never thought I could finish watching an interview that was more than an hour and NOT feeling bored at all. Learn a lot from this. Great questions from the journalist and of course excellent answers from Putin as usual.


4 months ago
You cannot deny the intelligence and class of the man, a true leader.


Donor Soul
Donor Soul
2 months ago
"First of all we have enough eggs, but there are not that many baskets where these eggs can be placed"

that was a good one


1 year ago
oh thanks for adding subtitles instead of voiceover


Seven .8
Seven .8
4 months ago
He has to be one of the smartest men of all time


Uthandaraman R
Uthandaraman R
2 months ago (edited)
One of the best interviews I have watched in my life.


2 months ago
i like the way vladmire talks its just imo so calming


Guy Ellis Hreinberg
Guy Ellis Hreinberg
7 months ago (edited)
By far one of the best interviews I've seen with President Putin. I can see from other comments that I'm not alone of this opinion.
Very appreciated.
God bless.


1 year ago (edited)
Is this legal in the west? Unedited interview, without interrupting , accusing  or demonizing Putin? Thank you FT.
At least it gives people to see how he thinks and where sometimes cuts corners... it’s an open interview , very professional.


Youry Gromadskyy
Youry Gromadskyy
4 months ago (edited)
Wisely said clearly expressed! This person deserves deep respect and recognition! Despite the tricky and twisted questions from   the correspondent!


Rene Thorø Pedersen
Rene Thorø Pedersen
3 months ago (edited)
Imagine Biden answering these question. "We are you know, its hard you its eeehmm (dementia enabled)  YOU KNOW THE THING!    HAHA :D


6 months ago
As long as this man is alive, I can sleep well.


John V
John V
6 months ago
This interview is like ASMR. He's not arrogant. He's calm and polite snd soft spoken


Neil O'Toole
Neil O'Toole
1 year ago
Very professional interview, which makes a welcome change from the often rude and aggressive journalism of other media outlets.


Simon Thayian
Simon Thayian
2 months ago
Wow! After careful listening to this interview, I have completely and absolutely realized that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is one of the most intelligent and wise man in many aspect of his approach and understanding on how to solve a problem. I must say he is great human.


Jerimy Robinson
Jerimy Robinson
2 months ago
i hafta admit, made me reconsider what i always was told how to think about him. he seems like an intellegent genuine thoughtful person. seems like a far cry from how alot  of journalism portrays him


Nick Knott
Nick Knott
5 months ago
AFTER Watching This Interview I would say Mr Putin has a good grasp of World 🌍Politics, and is a Giant among Politicians, Russia 🇷🇺 is a Big  Country and needs a Strong 💪  Leadership ,  Much Respect ✊  , From the U,K!    🤔


Faiz Ahmad
Faiz Ahmad
7 months ago
Possibly the greatest world leader of our times .


Kralj Slovan
Kralj Slovan
11 months ago
Such a professional journalist is a breath of fresh air, actually taking notes instead of interrupting a person when he speaks.


Gustavo Piconi
Gustavo Piconi
3 months ago
For the second time... this interviewer is SO respectfull.... i am amazed. What an interview... i wish everyone would be this educated as the interviewer was. He is like a james bond of the media!!! Really


3_24_ Mariam_ Farid
3_24_ Mariam_ Farid
3 months ago
The way putin talks is so calm and melodic
Actually I wanna start learning russian because of him


Alexey Pankov
Alexey Pankov
4 months ago
Thank you to journalists, who made a professional interview. That is very rare in our times (I mean any country).


Dylan Kennedy
Dylan Kennedy
2 weeks ago
This interview is really good, definitely advise folks in 'the West' to spend more time listening to our 'declared enemies'


Academia Kukuzeliana
Academia Kukuzeliana
1 year ago
Very professional and interesting to watch. Most welcomed and refreshing real journalism in action. Congratulations and keep it that way.


1 month ago (edited)
This is the best or close to the best interview I have seen for 20 years.


Dean Kostas
Dean Kostas
4 months ago (edited)
Whatever his motives, Premir Putin in interviews always comes across w friendly, intelligent, well thought out, moderate, common sense analysis.   The emphasis is on nec reciprocal, respectful agreements to avoid high tech confrontation.


Gustavo Piconi
Gustavo Piconi
3 months ago
For the third time. What a respectfull interviewer......


akbar farzin
akbar farzin
3 months ago (edited)
Never compared him with trump at all ever !!i don’t put his name next to trump!!!🇮🇷🇮🇷


1 year ago
Wow this is gold !!! Now look back to that disgrace of an interview that megan Kelly did


Jo Momma
Jo Momma
5 months ago
God bless you Putin you are by far the number one !
Bless you brother


stronghold stronghold
stronghold stronghold
7 months ago
Very professional and polite Interview by FT! Western Media are generally rude towards other People. Well done!


Aloyoshenka Saytakhmetov
Aloyoshenka Saytakhmetov
5 months ago
So quiet, peaceful and soft spoken this interview.. could fall asleep lmao. 🤪 Also, cheers to Putin for being so professional & straightforward.


Helder Batalim
Helder Batalim
4 months ago
A five stars interview!


Mango K
Mango K
1 year ago
I've not seen such a respectful interview like that for ages, it was a delight to watch. If you let people carry on talking, you get so much more information about the person and their thoughts. Because no one needs to be on the self defensive.

FT please can you do interviews with all world leaders


Leonard Kroyan
Leonard Kroyan
6 months ago
Professional, mature interview with any stereotypes excluded. What is really commendable to mention is that we witness a conversation about philosophical views and its differences in the west and east which  according to me  is the reason we have disagreements both in the west and east. The top was the moment  about obsolete

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