Monday, July 13, 2020

Morituri (1965)



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Morituri (1965)
301,515 views•Jul 9, 2018





Hildebrando Martins
2.19K subscribers
Release Date: August 25, 1965 (Worldwide)
Directed by: Bernhard Wicki
Cast: Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner, Janet Margolin, Trevor Howard.
Box office: USD 3 million
Music composed by: Jerry Goldsmith
DVD Release: May 25, 2004

Japan, 1942. Mueller (Yul Brynner), a captain of the Nazi navy, is annoyed at being forced to accept a crew composed partly of criminals. Meanwhile the mission is urgent, as part of the shipment is seven thousand tons of pure rubber, which will fit German troops in Europe. Robert Crain (Marlon Brando), a German deserter living in India, is blackmailed by Statter (Trevor Howard), a Colonel of the English Intelligence Service, who wants Crain to board this same ship by posing as a Gestapo SS, for this shipment is also important to the Allies. Crain's function is to deactivate all explosives, which will cause the ship to sink when the captain senses that his cargo will be captured by the enemy.

This movie was bombed at the box office after the initial release. It is believed that the title of the film has not been understood by the public. As such, when reissued, the film was renamed as "Saboteur: Code Name Morituri".

The role of Brando was originally offered to Charlton Heston.
Auggie Giuseppe
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5 days ago
When movies were about acting and stories, not explosions and gunfire...


JimiJop Woodstock
JimiJop Woodstock
4 days ago (edited)
Jerry Goldsmith composing is winning, especially hovering over ship foreboding atmosphere, great movie


ziggy matuszewski
ziggy matuszewski
5 days ago
And now days movies? .... nothing but crap full of poor acting, tons of shitty editing and a lot of swearing.... those are the reasons I enjoy old movies.


Jim 762
Jim 762
2 days ago
Great movie.
All the movies today are talent less CGI garbage.
A must see!


Vicente Pineda
Vicente Pineda
2 days ago
Trying to make sense of the senselessness of war is almost impossible. This movie, with its great actors, makes a very laudable attempt. Thanks for uploading.


David Lax
David Lax
5 days ago
Ignore any bad comments if you like war films watch it !!! Its good


Micheal Dean
Micheal Dean
2 days ago
Outstanding movie that I wasn't aware of. Brando not mumbling as much as he usually did, and Brynner expressing some his quiet rage. Top notch deep focus camera work in B & W even!


Bob Jones
Bob Jones
1 month ago
What a surprise! This movie is not predictable and worth watching.


Pouty MacPotatohead
Pouty MacPotatohead
5 days ago
So... this is how movies were before they were written to focus groups. How exquisite!


G Nyx
G Nyx
2 days ago
Just a quickie. I've done helicopter shots they are bloody difficult. Now we have drones. Look at some of those shots in this film and they are amazing, with dialogue as well.. Hats off to operator and pilot.


Robin Jacobs
Robin Jacobs
5 days ago
I saw this movie on the "telly" many years ago. It seems to have a very limited availability.


Rebecca Dittman
Rebecca Dittman
5 days ago
Has taken me 74 years to get to see this great movie. OK a bit dated and melodramatic in parts, but still wonderful performances by Brando and Brynner. Thank you.


5 days ago
This is a movie not to be missed. So many fine actors. Never expected Wally Cox.


Eric the Red
Eric the Red
5 days ago
Brando and Trevor Howard together again two years after they did Mutiny on the Bounty !!


Mikhail Garchenko
Mikhail Garchenko
4 days ago
...just another GOOD movie, made when Hollywood wasn´t the present "entertainment industry"...
Thanks for remember it and share..!


sylvia koziarski
sylvia koziarski
3 days ago
Just cruising You Tube watching a minute or two here and there. Then suddenly there it was! My entertainment for the evening. Morituri I've never seen this movie but recognize many faces that have disappeared from the silver screen over the years. I'm glad that I stopped here.


Uh Oh
Uh Oh
1 day ago (edited)
CGI wasn't available then , so they had to have a actual story to make a movie. ...... LMAO dialog is dope !!

I Em Hoo I Iz
I Em Hoo I Iz
2 days ago
My father, who was in Japan, just after the war had a friend, who came to visit him in America around 2010, and she dated Marlon Brando.


David-Joe Klotz
David-Joe Klotz
6 days ago
Movies like this can't be made anymore


XMale WolfX
XMale WolfX
2 days ago
a movie from my youth ,, a day when people were honest ,, and respected each other ,, and we knew the real history !


4 days ago
Brando speaks clearly in this movie.
In Godfather we can hardly hear his dialogues!
Great actor Brando!


Tom Zeman
Tom Zeman
2 days ago
The only difference between men is those with & those without compassion!


Klaus K
Klaus K
4 days ago
I was not expecting to see Yul Brynner's character to be such a decent man... remarkably refreshing, given the frame of the captain's position and his loyalty to the Reich. It is a good thing, seeing that humanity can be applied, even in the darkest of days.


Mark Cannon
Mark Cannon
2 days ago
The dark haired girl in the movie is very attractive


Michael Manning
Michael Manning
1 day ago
Brando reprises the accent he used in "The Young Lions". He and Brenner play off each other well.

3 days ago
OMG- I'm 60 and never even heard of this picture- it's brilliant! Photographed by the immortal Conrad Hall... who shot Butch Cassidy, Slap Shot, Road to Perdition... so many more cinematic gems. look him up on the iMDB


2 days ago
I almost dismissed this flick as something Brando and the King did for the fast cash but boy everyone TURNS it ON in this flick.


Pat Aherne
Pat Aherne
2 days ago
Brando.. Still talking mutiny.


Ray West
Ray West
1 day ago
Great movie, amazing actors. Gold compared to today's crap.


Keith Donovan
Keith Donovan
2 days ago
Brilliant on many fronts; acting, photography, writing and production. Not to be missed...thank you Hildebrando!


Chris Collier
Chris Collier
2 days ago (edited)
Pleasantly surprised to find this on YouTube. Amazon would be selling or renting it. This movie could have been made today. Is the good news. The bad news? Seems the human race will never learn. Give us a way to feel superior to somebody, anybody, and we’ll take it - no matter who we have to shoot.


C. James Hansis
C. James Hansis
2 days ago
No CG and in black and refreshing.


Splaticus Blah
Splaticus Blah
1 day ago
I don't see the why Brando was considered great. His accent in this movie wanders all over the place lol.

Liége Saboya
Liége Saboya
2 days ago
Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant é uma conhecida sentença em língua latina citada em Suetónio :
" Salve Cezar , os que vão morrer te saúdam "


2 days ago
It WAS a "rat" chewing on a wire..


I Em Hoo I Iz
I Em Hoo I Iz
2 days ago
the engine room guy in the wife beater has a cell phone.

Rumple Stiltskin
Rumple Stiltskin
2 days ago
Nice seeing women without cell phones epoxied to their hands


3 days ago
I looked up Janet Margolin (Esther) to see what other films she starred in only to discover she died of cancer in 1993.


Juan Vera
Juan Vera
1 day ago
Hay muchas buenas películas de Hollywood con actores clásico de de los 40;50;60..pero la mayoría está en inglé del Perú pudieran subirlo en español.. gracias.


3 days ago
no CGI, no drones but real helicopter shots, real story line, superb acting, story with morals, nail biting twists...a movie to remember!! thanks for the quality upload.

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