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classical guitar bach - chaconne


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1:13 / 33:11
Partita BWV 1004 - Johann Sebastian Bach played by Sanel Redzic
586,928 views•Sep 16, 2016





Sanel Redzic
7.14K subscribers

Johann Sebastian Bach - Partita II, BWV 1004 in d minor
guitar by Otto Vowinkel, 2004
Produced by Sanel Redzic
Video directed by Augustin Pesnon
Mastering by Joachim Müller
Recorded in Schottenkirche Erfurt in July 2016
Auggie Giuseppe
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3 months ago
I’m so glad that there are people with skill and dedication who share them through such wonderful playing as this. It takes any aspiration of playing so well completely out of my reach that I don’t need to practice so much but can just smile and enjoy your playing. Thank you.


Galou le Bougalou
Galou le Bougalou
2 years ago (edited)
Here are the five movements :
0:54  : Allemande
6:18  : Courante
8:45  : Sarabande
13:04 : Gigue
17:50 : Chaconne

Amazing work Sanel, I hope hear more from you.


Sanel Redzic

john shaw
john shaw
2 years ago
Only an amateur who has struggled with his guitar for 55 years knows the effort need to reach this level. Rich sound from the instrument..and don't forget Bach who was the voice of god....


Barry Khor
Barry Khor
3 years ago
Congratulations to Mr. Redzic, and the director and producer of this wonderful recording. Bravo is all I can say. I won't even be curious about the 16 thumbs pointing down - even when Bach was around his music was thumbed down by his employer at the church for being inharmonious or strange sounding.  A polished performance beautifully captured.  How can one not be moved by this composition , the depth of the human mind which created it?

Makes me wish for the umpteen million times that  this kind of technology and recording technique had existed before the old master left this world.  Just one Sunday recording at the old Thomaskirche in Leipzig is enough, just one. Video would be nice too, but I'll settle for audio alone :). Toccata & Fugue by....well, Bach.

It might interest the audience that the 14-minute Chaconne was written in memory of Bach's first wife who passed away while Bach was travelling on foot to pay tribute to another composer.  We should be thankful that he actually outlived half of his own children. Perhaps music has something to do with the auto-immune system? Sorry I digressed.


Sanel Redzic

Rick Lord
Rick Lord
3 years ago
What an achievement - gorgeous playing and video production.


Martin Schramke
Martin Schramke
2 years ago
Ich bade in Tränen vor Freude, wenn die Chaconne erklingt - Spitzenperformance, die mir aus dem Herzen spricht


Sanel Redzic

Zach Fogarty
Zach Fogarty
3 years ago
Those hand stretches in Chaconne, holy moly.


Daniele Gatti
Daniele Gatti
3 weeks ago
All my appreciation for this incredible performance and musical achievement. You need a very special state of mind to play and fell Bach like that, that goes beyond the technique and it puts you in front of yourself and the life's challenges.

Roberto Alexandre
Roberto Alexandre
1 year ago (edited)
One of the "traps" of listening to classical guitar is the focus on a player's digital facility with scales and arpeggios (believe me, pianists and violonists take all that for granted). And also with "clean" playing and gorgeous tone (this latter is the basis for the even greater musical expression since music is organized sound that conveys something...just what...who knows or cares...the experience is esthetic...and spiritual...without necessarily implying any religious is a feeling.) This Bach suite has many performances, but is rarely heard at the level here. Bach is often lost in transcription, but here the music unfolds in its original grandeur (which surely Bach had in mind and heart when he wrote it...and that Bach was a devout Christian does not circumscribe his music or limit it within only the Christian sensibility). This is the really difference between a great musician like Mr. Redzic and just great guitarrists. It seems as if Bach wrote this with Mr. Redzic in mind and dedicated it to him as the perfect candidate to interpret his (Bach's) intentions and sense of arquitecture. Yes, the magnificent chords, the cascading scales and arpeggios...the gorgeous full-bodied tone that guitarrists contemplate in awe. But the music here goes beyond all those provincial concerns: you want fast scales, listen to Angel or Pepe Romero...they'll blow you away. But you want music: listen to Mr.'ll feel the transcendence...that certain, undefinable or spiritual quality of music. Like a religious feeling...without any religion.

Great visual production as well. The tilted camera angle as if the music were soaring upwards. But this music is so much more than the beliefs or credo of its composer.


Sanel Redzic

Klaas de Jong
Klaas de Jong
1 month ago
As far as I 'm concerned you really seem to understand the emotional content of Bach's notes. Superb!


Roberto Alexandre
Roberto Alexandre
1 year ago (edited)
One of the outstanding features of Mr. Redzic's artistry is his shaping of every note into an equally shaped phrase - dynamically and colorwise - in a kind of "narrative" which is the wonderful music we experience. His right hand produces different colors and dynamics effortlessly and without any radical shifts. Like a writer who starts with the meaningful sentence, and then creates a meaningful paragraph and then another, and another and says something meaningful in a superbly well-crafted text that represents language at its most concentrated. Mr. Radzic is the instrument who seemingly dissappears so that we only experience the musical statement. This is another level of guitar playing that transcends the mere digital facility or technique of just very talented players. This is the kind of musicianship one experiences among the world class performers of other instruments. The guitar is indeed doing well with musicians (not just mere players or guitarrists) like Mr. Redzic who I would number among the top 10, 5 or 3  currently active such as Paul Galbraight, Marcyn Dilla et al. Even among the créme de la créme, Mr. Redzic is in a class of his own.

This whole Bach Suite congels into a single organically-structured musical narrative from the Allemand to the Chaconne. And it is thus that his first-rate musical mind conveys the beauty, essence and profound transcendental feelings and emotions. What a rare moving experience!

With deep appreciation for your artistry, intelligence and musical soul which bring much joy and pathos.


Sanel Redzic

1 month ago
Unbelievable control, mastery at every level. Bravo, this is an amazing performance!


Mehmet Ali OZCAN
Mehmet Ali OZCAN
1 day ago
It is not possible to express how I feel every time I listen to this performance.  Such an unbelievable interpretation in every aspect. Thank you very much for giving us the chance of having this video.

1 year ago
Very very good! He plays even fast parts meaningfully, expressing fine details and emotions. He plays both strongly and sensitively. Sound quality is excellent. He understands counterpoint, he doesn't rush, his articulation is clear, he has much more dynamics in his play than most... One of the best for sure!


Jae Yong Suh
Jae Yong Suh
2 years ago
Impeccable techniques and clarity. Thank Sanel for playing wonderful Bach.


Rolando Lillo
Rolando Lillo
1 month ago
Que magnifica interpretación!!!


Derly Pintos Tapia
Derly Pintos Tapia
2 weeks ago
Uno de los guitarristas actuales sino es el mejor, con interpretaciones complejas y no solo en velocidad, buenos aportes en general, de esto se trata no de asiáticos con un metrónomo o gente rebotica con la guitarra.


Scott Payne
Scott Payne
1 year ago
Did someone say, "He knocked it out of the park?
The Chaconne was simply AMAZING!__GOD bless you Sanel!


Luis H Lopez
Luis H Lopez
3 months ago
May the golden era of the guitar last forever, may virtuosos and masters like this gentleman live long for our enjoyment, and may the grandiosity of Bach, the immortal, continue to be the musical highway to heaven, not there somewhere, but here in our intimacy.🙏👍🙏


Andrea Galletto classical guitar
Andrea Galletto classical guitar
3 years ago
Perfect performance!! Amazing place 😉


frank aird
frank aird
6 months ago
I feel it in my heart and my blood 🙏


Sanel Redzic

Brian Morris
Brian Morris
2 months ago
Beautiful playing and I love the arrangement. Congratulations!

Rafael Mar MUSIC
Rafael Mar MUSIC
4 weeks ago
The first half of the piece sounds like an introduction the the Chaconne...

Danilo DiPrizio
Danilo DiPrizio
3 years ago
awesome... your Bach playing is pure poetry.


Chris C
Chris C
2 months ago
I left the earth while listening to this! Grazie!


tlv music
tlv music
2 months ago
Brilliant. I have the entire 1st symphony of Beethoven arranged for guitar duet! Im not very good so im trying to get it in the hands of better players. hope you are well and healthy.

Alexander Bennett
Alexander Bennett
1 month ago
I've watched this video dozens of times. I'm blown away every time. Thank you!


Sanel Redzic

Antti Tepponen
Antti Tepponen
3 years ago
Listening moved to tears.


1 month ago
This is such a calm rendition of this wonderful piece... thank you so much for playing it and pleasing our souls and ears with it!

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