Monday, December 17, 2018

Bashar Al Assad Has Exposed Emannuel Macron - End Zionist Globalist Now!

  Bashar Al Assad Has Exposed Emannuel Macron - End Zionist Globalist Now!





Published on Dec 15, 2018

The data came from closely-watched surveys published by research group IHS Markit, which tracks business activity across Europe in its Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI).
In France, private sector business activity contracted for the first time in two and a half years as the "yellow vest" protests took their toll.
In Germany, private sector activity slowed to a four-year low. The surveys pointed to weak fourth-quarter growth in the two biggest eurozone economies.
After the figures were published, the euro fell 0.6% to below the $1.13 mark. And it seems like it's just going to keep falling! a tail risk is forming that eurozone economies will slip into a recession
Macron is hopelessly out of touch with his people, he puts his own interests first, with no regard to others. France has been funding terrorism globally with their Saudi allies, creating a refugee crisis. When refugees come to Europe, ask yourself, who's fault is it? When these globalist leaders are constantly bombing the middle east. When they get into Europe the state has to provide for them, because it is the state which is stealing their resources back home. And who loses? It's the people. The people of France, the people of Germany.
Some pricks are starting to say George Sorrow's is funding the Yellow Vest movement.That's absolute B.S, The yellow vests are very much normal people pissed off with endless tax rises levied by the leaders that Soros funds. Macron is a Rothschild plant & George Soros is from the same clique.
The people who fund wars are behind Emmanuel Macron, this was the main objective of the European Union and Macron wanted to go further with this war plan by uniting Europe and forming a European army, solely just for that. The European Union is a con, it shows that it's working towards greater economic and social wellbeing, but in reality, it's just a bloody shopping centre of the global elite and it must be dismantled!
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