Friday, August 3, 2018

United States President "INVITES" IRAN! Breaking News

United States President "INVITES" IRAN! Breaking News




Published on Jul 30, 2018
US President Donald Trump said Monday he was willing to meet with Iran’s leaders at anytime and without any preconditions, just one week after the country.

The president — who has American foreign policy  by meeting with North Korean Kim Jong-Un — indicated he was prepared to do the same with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, should his counterpart want such

“I would certainly meet with Iran if they’re ready to meet,” Trump said during a White House press conference, adding that he was willing to do so with “no preconditions.”

In May, Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran deal forged under the and with five other world , a move that sets in motion a renewal of Iran that were removed once the landmark accord was implemented in January 2016.
Those are now set to be in November, causing more than 50 international firms to exit the Iranian market, according to State and planning director Brian Hook.

He vowed to try to another deal with Tehran to replace the he often called “the ever .”

On Monday, Trump said he would meet with Iranian leaders to reach another deal.

United States President "INVITES" IRAN! Breaking News

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News & Politics

john smith
john smith
4 days ago
It's like talking with other world leaders leads to a better understanding between the countries. Less war, more talks.



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 Mary Ledbetter
Mary Ledbetter
3 days ago
Talking is much better than spitting arrows across the lake.



muriel pua
muriel pua
2 days ago
When you armed and use terrorist ISIS, Al qaeda and others aren't you the terrorist coz its clear you are the mastermind.



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 Natural American XR7
Natural American XR7
3 days ago
They can't afford a War


Jericho Jericho
Jericho Jericho
2 days ago
Stupid man Obama was not the only signatory to the deal.


Arshid Khan
Arshid Khan
2 days ago
Just sign the JCPOA to gain the trust.


waqar hasan
waqar hasan
3 days ago
Amircan Administration and the news analists themselves are the murders of billions of innocent people but they are calling Iran murderer of their own people. What a big lie they are speaking  knowingly. This shows the Amarican Administration including President of America have lost their cridibility throughout the world.


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 Teresa Ward
Teresa Ward
2 days ago
Russia is Not the enemy of the American people. Russia is the enemy of American politions.


Lawerance Bourland
Lawerance Bourland
2 days ago
All this dude wants is to make people suffer


simon payne
simon payne
3 days ago
Yea talking it out is better than nuclear war


ivy kkb
ivy kkb
14 minutes ago (edited)
Closed door ? AGAIN?  - if Rouhini agreed with Trump deals ( $$$ goes to his personal pocket)  than is good - Trump will come out praising Iran and meeting is good and have closed relationship 😂😂😂 - NO DEAL

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