Monday, July 9, 2018

Trade wars are easy to start but hard to stop, says Kevin Rudd

Trade wars are easy to start but hard to stop, says Kevin Rudd




CNBC Television
Published on Jul 6, 2018
Kevin Rudd, Asia Society Policy Institute president and former Australia prime minister, discusses thes state of the trade dispute between the U.S. and China.
 Auggie Giuseppe
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Deff Pluto
Deff Pluto
3 days ago
exactly. What he said about the "Ultimate Payback" since Opium Wars. Im an Asian with Chinese heritage, and i felt that the effect of health from Opium since my grand parents suffered, also genetically influenced me. All those flakka and big pharma and heroin abuses in US is just... Karma.


Nick L
Nick L
1 day ago
There is nothing forcing American companies to do business in China.  if they were so terrified of IP theft,  they could pack up and leave.

The rules is this, if you want to exploit the cheap labor and zero environmental protection (aka pollute in a manner that no nation in the west would accept) in china, you have to share your technology.

A smart company would just use technology that was several generations old. Share nothing new. Pay the natives with a few glass beads, so to speak.

Then use cheap non-union workers, use cheap methods that pollute the environment like a leaking nuclear reactor and make massive profit.  For 30 year western companies were happy with the arrangement. In fact this is the same arrangement that you find in other nations in Asia. The only real difference here is that China managed to use all that outdated rubbish technology that it was give and emerge as a super power. Most nations can't even use that old tech base that they obtain to do more but continue the cycle of being exploited. Hence nobody cares, until now.


Chuang Li
Chuang Li
2 days ago
Maybe it is time for the west to know the other mind set, and treat different values equally. Ignorance and arrogance might be the problem without history. At least, unlike the west, the Chinese has not robbed the west by invasion and war yet.


cleverinsane trump
cleverinsane trump
2 days ago
China is always in the defensive and calm when provoked.
How did China steal if so many USA multinational more 60,000+ still want to go to China and still demand more market access. USA good in spinning stories and lies and break agreement. Anecdotes without evidence. How the G7 did to China during the Manchurian reign, recorded in history. You knew white man are known as the foreign devil. Go spend more time in Church pray for your repentance.


Song Zhang
Song Zhang
1 day ago
There is another popular theory: IP Theft is the outcome of capitalization, UK did it, US did it, Japan did it. it is just the process of being country economic progress.


Chiam Yaw Yung
Chiam Yaw Yung
2 days ago
Ya, how about the History of white people stealing and grabbing the land of Australian aborigines, I bet you are too proud of it.


Franciso L
Franciso L
1 day ago
Whatever stealing, forceful transfer blah blah, China will be happy to buy at a good piece, but the West give us the finger. Thus, Chinese do what is need to be done. End of story.


Mr Ed
Mr Ed
14 hours ago
Oh pleeeze.....the west have been invading and plundering other countries for centuries.


Hu Jiaming
Hu Jiaming
1 day ago
No offence men, but, you gonna think this through: If your so called Intellectual property could only lead your business to ruin with mountains of debts, and not be able to generate a single dollar of profit, then what is good about it?

Is there any reason to keep this so called "IP" if it cannot generate any profit for you??? Clearly the answer is none. That is why US companies do sell their intellectual properties abroad and so they can get at least 50% of the profit into their own pocket, unlike what they could only get in USA, which is bankruptcy......


Raymond Payette
Raymond Payette
2 days ago (edited)
Dump claims the world has been exploiting the US for 50 years. China believes the wold had been exploiting it for 150 years.
This is the Palestinian-Israeli mindset that leads to a deadend.


9 hours ago
I don't agree with Rudd on quite a few things but he is spot on in this interview.


Yun Fu
Yun Fu
15 hours ago
There is no way China will back down , if they do they will lose legitimacy , if trailer trash wants a fight bring it on


Joe ExtraKnow
Joe ExtraKnow
11 hours ago
this guy knows truth!


sunchi cheng
sunchi cheng
1 day ago (edited)
You can’t do any better but don’t want any1 do better than you 😂 did you do any better after kill Japanese economy after 1980s? 😂 no! Not yourself not to the world!every1 bow down to your knee to USA cus USA has biggest military force and most advance killing weapon in whole world combine! 😂 you don’t do as they preferred they will destroy you! 😂


sunchi cheng
sunchi cheng
1 day ago (edited)
It just start,what if next time hit same spot again with 25%-50%?can you feel it?i can! It doesn’t matter u win or lose.for sure USA will gain some job but definitely will lost all market around the 🌍!no 1 like todo business with dictators or a liar!by the way over 50%+import from China own by USA company! We all still remember what USA did to Japan in 1980s,we all learn that lesson! Best way to solved this problem  is to move all USA company out of China by then we truly see who making the profit 😂.


Li Liu
Li Liu
17 hours ago
Yeah right, why don’t you guys talk about exploiting Chinese cheap labor and market access? Talk about moral high ground.


Luc Préfontaine
Luc Préfontaine
16 hours ago
Chinese have a long term vision of the future and the past is like yesterday. Western people are like flies, they have the same horizon, 3 feet wide. Anything above this horizon falls in oblivion.
Similar to the flat Earth of flatearthers 🤣


Luming Byan
Luming Byan
5 hours ago (edited)
If the western companies think their IPs are stolen by the Chinese, they can leave China, but they don't. Why? Because they want the market of China. So it's pretty fair. You want the market, but you need to pay something for it. Nothing is free. It's just like what Donald Trump said and what Your President is forcing foreign companies to do.


Chuang Li
Chuang Li
2 days ago
The woman is so ignorant. It is relief that Americans are still living in their dream bubbles.


Lee Lee
Lee Lee
9 hours ago
I agree with the "payback" theory, the karma runs the course

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