Friday, June 8, 2018

Full video: Putin’s exclusive interview with China Media Group

Full video: Putin’s exclusive interview with China Media Group

Published on Jun 6, 2018
Shen Haixiong, president of the China Media Group, had an exclusive interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin who talked about Russia-China relations, his personal relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and many other issues. China Media Group is now the largest broadcasting platform in China, after merging China's largest state-owned television station China Central Television (CCTV), its international subdivision China Global Television Network (CGTN), and the state-owned radio stations China Radio International (CRI) and China National Radio (CNR). Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android): Follow us on: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: Tumblr: Weibo:
Cjango Freeman
Putin is a smart man. His number one objective is to build Russia's economy and infrastructure. Other than natural resources, that include engineers and scientists, Russia needs China to help them in this area especially in the high tech field. Together they will stand, divided, they will fall (to Zion).
krishna kumar
great interview...India , China & Russia must work together no matter what to create a new future for world SCO is a step towards that...
Cencen Hoetomo
Here's wishing SCO summit SUCCESS and GOODLUCK in everything they do, wishing SCO become the only top, greatest and most effective organization in the world forever and foremost. While the west at the same time on G7 discussion about preparing job, climate change, unacceptable us sanction etc i even scared to think about the meeting will like 🤣. On the others hand SCO will discuss about fighting terrorism, drug trafficking and promoting their mega project belt and road for improving their eco and create closer relationship eachother. Good job SCO members! 👍
Chongyee Yap
Russia and China partnership is the only power that will stop USA's permanent war and the end of the world. This alliance must never split if the world is to survive; nothing else matters.
Cencen Hoetomo
john bolton
Russia is lucky to have this leader who cultivate and improve the human resources of Russia. The country that is constantly invading and interfering with others while neglecting its own citizens will decay away....
Chongyee Yap
Like China Russian people need to make Putin President for life.
Mohammed Mannan
RUSSIA and China please don't let Evil America destroy the beautiful world.

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