Friday, June 1, 2018

Banker's Coup in Italy Won't Stop Rebellion Against Bankrupt Empire

Banker's Coup in Italy Won't Stop Rebellion Against Bankrupt Empire




Schiller Institute
Streamed live on May 31, 2018

The rejection of the new government of Italy by its President, Sergio Mattarella, is a coup, ordered by the same bankers of the City of London and the European Central Bank (ECB) whose policies have nearly destroyed the Italian economy, as well as the economies of most of the member nations of the European Union. Mattarella would not accept Paolo Savona as Finance Minister, even though he was selected by the leaders of the two parties which had the most votes in the March 4, 2018 Italian election, the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League (Lega). Savona, a respected former government minister, had the audacity to challenge the failed policies of the European Union and the ECB. In place of the coalition led by the two parties, Mattarella named an austerity advocate, Carlo Cottarelli, a former official of the International Monetary Fund, as Prime Minister designate.

Last week, on her webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the Italian crisis as a moment of truth. Would the failed bankers running the ECB overturn the results of the recent election, in which the former governing parties were smashed by a revolt of the voters, who are sick and tired of austerity and lies from their government, and bailouts and bail-ins for the banks? She said the rejection by voters of the former major parties all across Europe, combined with the Trump victory in the U.S. and Brexit, have sent an unmistakable signal, one likely to again be rebuffed by the arrogant would-be Masters of the Universe, who preach "democracy" to Russia and China while running coups against democratic choices in the U.S. (Russiagate) and in Italy.

There is no guarantee that these elites will again succeed in crushing the popular will, especially as the New Silk Road policy of China continues to gain support, not just in Asia and Africa, but also in Europe. And while British-led geopolitical networks have launched one provocation after another, to bring down Trump, and isolate Presidents Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China, while risking the launch of World War III in the process, these have not succeeded in slowing down the momentum for a New Paradigm coming from Asia and Eurasia. The stakes for humanity could not be higher! Join Mrs. LaRouche and our host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, as she reports on latest developments, and presents the pathway to insure the success of the New Paradigm.
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Peter Rumsby
And still idiots in the uk support and want to remain in the eu. Utter madness the sooner the eu is dismantled the better for all of europe.
Liliana Gorini
I can only confirm, debt and unemployment in Italy increased as a result of the Euro
Peter Rumsby
The zionists banksters Rothschilds, Rockefellers cartel will do whatevers neccessary to crash the new silk road and start a war in the region by assassinations and destabilisation of the countries, after all war is their preferred method of regime change.
rob ruly
Isn't co2 phobia we have to worldwide tax and control it the biggest threat from globalists today , technocracy is easy with the technology we have today
Jane Whitington
The NWO really almost destroyed our country; we'll get it back, God willing!
Eunice Mathu
Our economies need to crush so we can start a fresh and be compatible with the east and the whole world. Its difficult and painful but it's worthy
Virginie Longeville
I would like to precise that Emmanuel Macron won the french election because a lot of people didn't bother to vote. They didn't want to have to choose between Marine Le Pen and Macron. His most serious opponents had been eliminated at the first round. All the mainstream media were on his side, as the EU and even Barack Obama. All was rigged; I have never seen such a bizarre election than this one. The proof that he wasn't a popular choice for the french people is that only one year after his election, he is very low in the poll.
BC Stud
Banksters and George Soros can destroy a country at will by controlling the money supply !
black Thai
Great analysis as usual thank you.
may slager
I say no to EU corperation. Yes to European co.opartion.
Jeanette Howard
New government in Italy. Mattarella accepted the list of minister proposed by Lega and M5S parties. Thanks everybody.
Wayne Mickel
Hang the Bankers the people should rise up and remove the Bankers and send people to England to deal with those bankers Assassinate them.
Purple Carnations
Helga what's happening in Europe is not a mistake its deliberate. How many European countries throughout history expelled the Jews? Well..... you are now being punished for it. The Jews concocted the fake Holocaust to become a persecuted people when they were nothing of the sort. Who would expell a persecuted people from your land especially when the narrative is all European nations were complicit in the genocide of 6 million. Oh when will Europe wake up to the tyranny of the Jew? 😢
Paul van Dijck
The global elite/mafia feels cornered and they will create chaos to make people afraid and subdued!
Jane Whitington
Do you think there is a change of system of government for China in the future?
Eunice Mathu
This a shift from west to east. Its a new paradigm. Its happening naturally but with a lot of pain and struggle and blood have been shed to birth out this new system.
Foster Caldaroni
We need to get rid of the petrodollar that the Rothschilds pushed in 1913, and get back to a gold or silver backed currency.
Thierry Picot
Italexit, Frexit. ... !
Liz F Lambeth
What other EU elections are this year? Denmark election will be interesting as they've already had a vote on something reversed. Ireland had a vote reversed too.

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