Sunday, May 13, 2018

'Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism' With Ian Bremmer

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'Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism' With Ian Bremmer




Asia Society
Published on May 10, 2018

NEW YORK, May 10, 2018 — Eurasia Group founder and CEO Ian Bremmer, author of the new book Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism, discusses key trends in geopolitics with Asia Society Policy Institute President Kevin Rudd. (1 hr., 18 min.)
News & Politics
Standard YouTube License

Asia Society
Published on May 10, 2018

NEW YORK, May 10, 2018 — Eurasia Group founder and CEO Ian Bremmer, author of the new book Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism, discusses key trends in geopolitics with Asia Society Policy Institute President Kevin Rudd. (1 hr., 18 min.)
News & Politics
Standard YouTube License
 Auggie Giuseppe
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Y Liu
Y Liu
3 days ago (edited)
Yes, very simple, if the whole society or public media only has the one-side stories they are not living under a democratic system. USA has been indeed such a country since long.


Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto
Guilherme Albuquerque Pinto
2 days ago
Elite globalists throwing the Nazi card on Trump and praising Bin Salman... really?


2 days ago
Liberal democracy IS a good system. The problem is that it's been practiced as a hands-off approach for too long and is not responsive enough to challenges like globalization. That is the root cause of us-vs-them in liberal democracies. The debate shouldn't be a dichotomy between liberal democracy and authoritarianism. Those who keep presenting this debate, like Ian, are often putting up their own walls of moral judgements and exacerbating us-vs-them mentality. Liberal democracy has to display some features of authoriTATIVE government in order to survive and ensure its people still work for the system . Authoritarianism has to display some features of liberal democracy in order to ensure its system still works for the people. The former is what India is doing, the latter is what China is doing, and despite mistrust, there is deep mutual respect. American political scientists like Ian should realize that it's no longer in their interests to talk about a dichotomy of extremes if a middle ground is what is needed to fix the American system.


Vic toews
Vic toews
3 days ago
Hypocrisy, all decision are based on greed no matter who is voted in. The world needs to do a regime change in America


Y Liu
Y Liu
3 days ago (edited)
India has been receiving no help from western, except the western garbage weapons. So, India has no choice, but seeking effective way and resources for its real development from the east - China.


2 days ago
The solution is obvious and yet politically impractical: population control. Why is automation and AI not adversely affecting countries like Japan where the population is projected to decline? Perhaps the proposal is ahead of our time, but eventually people will realize that a sensible population control policy will have to be implemented to nations where not enough meaningful employment opportunities can be created for its populace. At some point, I think people should be given tax incentives to not have children rather than have children. Society as a whole is just easier to manage and function with a smaller population.

Matter AntiMatter
Matter AntiMatter
1 day ago
Globalism hasn't failed the US, the way wealth is distributed has. The money isn't trickling down as promised, unions are practically non-existent in the US. People don't want to be rich necessarily, but for sure they don't want to feel like they're being pissed on either.

George Lloyd
George Lloyd
10 hours ago
great conversation

srd xxx
srd xxx
2 days ago
I honestly cannot tell if Ian Bremmer is at all self-aware.  He spends a lot of time talking about dehumanizing people, that the only way that Israelis can live decent lives while knowing the Palestinians are not is by dehumanizing them, the only way Americans can not care about Venezuelans is by dehumanizing them, the same way the Nazis and communists dehumanized their victims.  Israelis dehumanizing Palestinians, populists dehumanizing immigrants...and then he talks about the inherent good of globalism, connecting the world, how well the American economy is doing, and the only problem is that the discontents weren't taken care of.  Does he honestly not see the parallel of the globalists thinking the world is great, that everything is great, while the "discontents" are sinking?

Shift -Z
Shift -Z
19 hours ago
The Iran Treaty was NEVER passed by Congress and Senate...It Defines Executive over reach. To circumvent the Congress and Senate and effectively ratify the Paris and Iran treaties  defines tyranny.

Phil 54
Phil 54
2 days ago
buy my book....$$$

21 hours ago
US is bind by its own bureaucratic system which does not adapt and change for the better. What is the use of having so many brilliant think tanks when the govt does not make use of them well? US and other western nations cannot remain strong for long because their democratic system do not allow them to have a strong govt because it goes against their decentralized principles. Rigid thinking!

Zhang Xiaoyu
Zhang Xiaoyu
2 days ago
The anti Globalists keep arguing the technology advancement costs casualty of more people gets jobless, this is essentially a zero sum mindset - the technology improvements lead to the improving productivity - then benefit everyone. While people like Trump takes advantage of such protectionism mood and create a false illusion of the US can keep winning the battles, but no one would believe these battle victories actually cost them lose the war, not to China or everyone else, but themselves.

Y Liu
Y Liu
3 days ago
As Ian said long time ago USA has no more money ball to play, now USA goes back its original isolationism as it did before WWII.

1 day ago
Ian Bremmer is always high on drugs

Brendon Maartens
Brendon Maartens
2 hours ago (edited)
Bremmer is incorrect, Israel is not a democracy... apartheid is practically it's history.

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