Saturday, May 26, 2018

Revisited: MH17 was really MH370


[Editor’s note: This article was originally published July 17th, 2017 but it is now more relevant and important than ever, given the recent re-igniting of the MH17 narrative with the continued attempts to blame Russia.
I can quickly summarise the whole fiasco – there was no Buk missile, there was no Russian foreknowledge, the entire official narrative is false. 
What really happened was that the aircraft that disappeared a year earlier during Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 was brought out of hiding, still containing it’s Asian passengers and crew, then flown by remote over the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine to be shot down by a fighter aircraft – probably an Israeli F-15 operating out of Azerbaijan. 
From the moment the first bodies hit the ground, Russia was blamed, tales of Buk missile launchers being seen nearby were concocted, the whole thing was leveraged as par of the ongoing demonisation of Russia. Ian]
WARNING: The video above contains many horrifically graphic images of decomposing and smashed corpses, do not watch if you are at all squeamish.
It is three years since a plane crashed into a field in Ukraine, a plane that the world’s co-opted and controlled media claimed was Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.
I am now confident in stating that there never was a flight MH17 from Schiphol, that the whole story is a great stinking pile of bovine fecal matter and the truth is so shocking and disturbing that few outside the online conspiracy folks have dared to even consider it could be true.
The plane that crashed in Ukraine was, in fact, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 that had disappeared months earlier. The plane was full of corpses – the passengers of MH370, murdered and their bodies preserved with chemicals.
Forget any of the media coverage, it is all lies and distractions, instead, go directly to the primary source – the Ukrainian people who were there on the ground and witnessed exactly what fell from the sky and ended up spread across the landscape.
The video at the top of this article reveals the truth in graphic detail, after viewing it, you will be left in no doubt that this was indeed MH370, complete with it’s cargo of decomposing Asian corpses. In case anything happens to the youtube version, you can also find this video at Liveleak.
Here is the accompanying text:
Narrator in possession of over 5000 pictures from Mh17 crash site point out numerous strange anomalies associated with the victims from MH-17.
1) Glowing fluorescent dye near 1st body
2) Strong smell of formaldehyde in air
3) Absence of blood on and around corpses
4) Bloated damp corpses
5) Victims not European looking- she states that most looked Asian
6) Strange dead birds, including a blue and yellow Macaw that is, ironically, the same color as the Ukrainian flag at the 3:10 mark. This is a tropical bird which makes one wonder why it was flying on a plane from Amsterdam to Southeast Asia. Normally, one would expect that such an occurrence may take place the other way round.
7) She states that the cell phone data had no 2014 photos, only photos from 2013.
8) Bluish/black lips on victims
9) She states the passports were all brand new and unused
The British tabloid rag The Daily Star, owned by Zionist Jewish pornographer Richard Desmond has labelled any notion that the official story is not true and that the corpses were stale as ‘outlandish conspiracy theories’, which should be taken as another confirmation that the Zionist criminals are keen to cover up their atrocious mass murder.
As we can see from the Sputnik article below, the US is deeply involved in the cover-up and along with Israel, is no doubt behind the whole MH370-MH17 saga.
What I wonder is why have the Russians and Malaysians not exposed this entire farce for the sick and disgusting fairytale it really is. The Russians must have all of the evidence needed to do so as they had days to examine the crash site and they must know at least as much as the locals in Donbass, which is plenty to be able to expose the whole thing.
On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 was shot down by a missile in eastern Ukraine while flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 passengers and crew aboard the aircraft died in the incident.
“The United States will continue to support the efforts of the Joint Investigation Team and urges other states to cooperate fully in order to ensure those responsible are brought to justice,” Nauert stated. “As we and the Joint Investigation Team have said, Russian-led forces in eastern Ukraine fired the surface-to-air BUK missile — brought into sovereign Ukrainian territory from Russia — that took down flight MH17.”
Earlier in July, Amsterdam said the trial in the case of the MH17 crash would be held in the Netherlands. Ukraine and the Netherlands are planning on July 7 to sign an agreement on international legal cooperation that will entitle the Dutch side to hold trial, according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.
“We welcome the team’s recent decision to grant jurisdiction to the Dutch courts for the prosecution of those responsible for this tragedy,” Nauert added. “We have full confidence in the ability of the Dutch criminal justice system to conduct a prosecution that is comprehensive, objective and just.”
The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) tasked with probing the crash announced in September that the MH17 airliner was allegedly downed by a Buk missile system, which was brought from Russia and after the crash returned there. However, Russia’s Almaz-Antey concern rejected findings in the probe, saying that three simulations showed that the missile was launched from the Zaroshchens’ke area, controlled by Ukraine’s army at the time of the downing.

17  Highly Graphic: Rarely Seen Video Of MH-17 Victims And Unexplained Anomalies
Click CC for English captions

Narrator in possession of over 5000 pictures from Mh17 crash site point out numerous strange anomalies associated with the victims from MH-17.

1) Glowing fluorescent dye near 1st body
2) Strong smell of formaldehyde in air
3) Absence of blood on and around corpses
4) Bloated damp corpses
5) Victims not European looking- she states that most looked Asian
6) Strange dead birds, including a blue and yellow Macaw that is, ironically, the same color as the Ukrainian flag at the 3:10 mark. This is a tropical bird which makes one wonder why it was flying on a plane from Amsterdam to Southeast Asia. Normally, one would expect that such an occurrence may take place the other way round.
7) She states that the cell phone data had no 2014 photos, only photos from 2013.
8) Bluish/black lips on victims
9) She states the passports were all brand new and undamaged
10) Most victims were completely naked with only 20 or so wearing clothes
11) She states that all the suitcases were packed with winter clothes
12) She only saw 6 or 7 children bodies

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