Tuesday, May 22, 2018

EU Gives Trump The Middle Finger, Will Stay In Iran Deal And Protect EU ...

EU Gives Trump The Middle Finger, Will Stay In Iran Deal And Protect EU Companies From US Sanctions

Published on May 17, 2018
EU Gives Trump The Middle Finger, Will Stay In Iran Deal And Protect EU Companies From US Sanctions. Today the EU voted to stay in the Iran nuclear deal regardless of threats from Donald trump to impose vicious sanctions on any country or company who breeches the US sanctions on Iran... This has massively called trump's bluff, because if the US attempts to sanction any EU companies or member states, the EU will reciprocate 100% which would be an economic disaster for the USA. Russia and china are also staying in the deal and will be ignoring the USA which under trump's rule is being increasingly isolated from the rest of the world, hardly making America great again.

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