Saturday, May 12, 2018

Alternative Futures for U.S.-China Relations with Kevin Rudd

Alternative Futures for U.S.-China Relations with Kevin Rudd




Foreign Policy Association
Published on Apr 15, 2015
The Hon. Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia and President of the Asia Society Policy Institute, delivers the FPA’s C.V. Starr Distinguished Lecture on U.S.-China Relations. Presented in conjunction with the Asia Society Policy Institute.
News & Politics
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Steven Monash 62
Steven Monash 62
2 years ago (edited)
Bring your mind back Kevin... Abbott has lost his... along with the mindless voters who voted him in under the auspices of lies for which we all now have to endure.... and because of an irresponsible media.. a greedy elite and an undemocratic ramming in of one of the most extreme right wing govts of our times.. Tony Abbot .. Sloppy Joe Hocking and many of the ex Howard ministers. Never in our history has the poor, young, elderly, sick and disabled been so oppressed by a Thatcherite treasurer who laments insipidly that the age of entitlement is over. We now have in Australia a clash of classes.. and have set our development back decades with this useless govt who have made us a laughing stock around the world. So.. don't forget us Kevin even though we to our eternal shame did not allow you your democratic right.. to finish your term in office and  the people of Australia to decide who they wanted as leader. The cost of living is out of control under the Abbott and several neo-conservative govts at the state level. There is now a working poor in Australia that is leading to a debtors prison.. unbridled sanctioning of any dissent - wafer thin policies cloaked in secrecy and cuts to services and high absolute disaster.

Lawrence Drew
Lawrence Drew
1 year ago
57:30 to 101:13 Kevin you legend.

Andrew Chin
Andrew Chin
2 years ago
After the Republican Presidential debate, there is the sense that the U.S. would likely go to war again if the Republican enters the White House. Should that be the case, the U.S., on the other hand, would have limited option but to seek peace and co-operation from China.

Frank Li
Frank Li
2 years ago
A good talk. the world has its trend and the best way to understand the trend and make use of it.

mick harvey
mick harvey
3 years ago
rudd useless has-been

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